Marriage redpill - your wife will never love you unless you're Chad

>the bottom 80% of men (in terms of attractiveness) are competing for the bottom 22% of women and the top 78% of women are competing for the top 20% of men.
>a man of average attractiveness can only expect to be liked by slightly less than 1% of females (0.87%). This equates to 1 “like” for every 115 females.

Reminder that women only care about looks, and all of them seek out Chad and only Chad.
People who tell themselves feminism "ruined" women are delusional, women have always been like this, women have always been sluts.
A woman doesn't care how loyal you have been to her, how much you've given her, how much you've cared for her, otherwise nu-males would be slayers. Women respond sexually to looks and height ONLY. You wouldn't fuck a landwhale because she's nice would you? The same applies here.

Tradcucks WAKE UP. You "nice christian girl" still wants Chad. You cannot override her biological nature. Get a fucking clue.

>Be me. Divorced. Good shape. Used a significant amount of steroids when I was 24 (30's now), that made for a very good foundation. Now all I have to do is stay relatively fit and I am a god.

>Yesterday my GF decided she wanted me in her ass so bad, she took hold and started working me in, no warm up, no lube. She is a Doctor. Well to do, cute, fit. I was surprised, normally she is like that only when she see's other girls hitting on me.

This is why you need to get off your fat disgusting ass and hit the gym. Also ride a bike to and from work. You burn 50 calories a mile or so.

Is your gf more successful than you?
Also as a doctor she should know that's not good for you. Do you want to know what happens when you get shit stuck up your dick?

Women aren't worth the effort, and will steal your life's savings the second she decides she doesn't like you.

It's the opposite. Turns out that people tend to find spouses who are similar to themselves, so if you're a Chad who fucks around a lot, you're more likely to end up with a women who's a slut.
If you're a dependable but otherwise normal guy, you'll end up with a dependable, normal woman.

Stop being a faggot. Its easy as hell to get laid, and if you can't then you should consider an heroing to remove yourself from the genepool.

The real challenge is finding a non-degenerate woman who wants to raise kids with you.


You simply have to display the traits of the man who the girls you want, in turn want. In the case of wanting white American women, make efforts to gain height, money, and status; try venues like insoles/leg-lengthening surgery, nepotism into high-paying roles, and sabotaging your bosses to take their jobs and higher status.

Conversely, if you want an Asian girl in Asia, go full ottermode and never tan at all. Look into dyeing your hair blonde and blue colored contacts.

It's not too difficult to bullseye your target demographic of women--but most men fail to identify their target group of women and proceed with specialized self-improvement.

Women don’t love unconditionally you must provide value for them desire.

That’s the point of traditional gender roles

This is true for tinder but not so much for the real world.
Of course on tinder where physical attraction is the only draw will there be women swiping on better looking guys.
I'm a good looking dude and I kill it on tinder, but it isn't representative of the real thing as its mainly for hook ups.

Someone mentioned above that people often end up with someone of their physical attractiveness attractiveness that's generally true.
I once dated a girl who I was alot more attractive than and it was a huge issue in our relationship because she was so insecure being with me and it was doomed to fail even though she was definitely dating up big time

They don't care to share the Chad, have his babies and be single mothers as long as they can get the beta taxpayers to pay for it. Eliminate welfare for single mothers and you change this system.

Does she make more?


Does she come home and want the D?

>You tell me.

Am I dependent?

>Fuck no.

Also as a doctor she should know that's not good for you. Do you want to know what happens when you get shit stuck up your dick?

>You need to learn how to fuck. Also pee afterwards in case there is anything tiny in there.

Op is a kike
Don't get married and make babies goyim

What if it's not so tiny?

Richfags can afford to have children with foreign surrogates then rent a loving spouse for a premium and without any form of marriage. Poorfags will never know this security.

And take steroids. Lots and lots of steroids.
Because it's totally all you and not the HGH

Pareto distribution, buckos

Thats's DOCTOR Pareto distribution. Just don't talk about his homosexual relationship with his French lover and their cats!

For an ancap you seem to be against competition. Get gud and make yourself valuable then you whiny numale

Also do away with child support.

I mean if im reading the chart correctly, it says that the only women who are swiping right on men are below 8/10 and that most of the time its really ugly girls

then youre in deep shit

Back to back. Nicely done

Women want looks and to be provided for, the second you stop providing, she's gone.

>Its easy as hell to get laid
>if you can't then you should consider an heroing to remove yourself from the genepool.

Late 20's here. Women are not nearly as important as they used to be. I focus mostly on myself and I have become much more selective.