So I'm a full time mtf tranny and latley all this feminism is making me feel weird...

So I'm a full time mtf tranny and latley all this feminism is making me feel weird. All my friends are normal girls and I'm terrified about them finding out i was once a guy. We have been increasingly talking about men and how they are perverts and potential rapists and I disagree a lot so I'm at a cross roads of defending my core beliefs vs getting outted to my group of friends.
This is political so I have a right to discuss this here.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why does that comic get me so hard

cuz ur teh ghey. :3

Not doing well defending against men thinking with their penis

you imagined a horse dick

post your dick, fag

Same. The kike brainwashing is strong with them.

they already know you autist

Don't have one anymore

I think you should kill yourself, Dilbert.

transitioning was a mistake, user

Pics or gtfo, you know the rules now show us that tight little boipussy you fucking faggot

Don't care, fucking post your gential area

Okay maybe my friends were right and guys are just horny monsters

>Full time

So dialating your crotch wound is a full time job!?! How is this NOT considered a mental illness!?

How the hell can you REALLY be friends with people who don't know your actually a dude?

i guess you really are a man with no balls

> I took estrogen to grow tits
If that is true, you will need to have your prostate checked regularly. Expect to need prostate reduction surgery around age 40.

If you didn't take estrogen, good for you. Never take it.

>tripfagging on a board with IDs
>not posting pics
>acting like Sup Forums is your personal blog
>posting an obvious bait thread
Maybe fuck off back to r/lgbt?

>i was once a guy


>mentally ill degenerate takes women seriously
checks out

>i was once a guy

>All my friends are normal girls and I'm terrified about them finding out i was once a guy
>muh passing may may
nobody gives a fuck you walking suicide
>in all fields

>He castrated himself for his own delusions
Really? l m a o

>I'm terrified about them finding out i was once a guy.
If you're going to LARP, at least come up with a believable scenario.

>associating with groups of normies
you asked for this to happen sweetie

>this whole thread

If you don't mind me waxing philosophical here: Part of being yourself is confronting and adjusting to your natural limitations. One such limitation every one has is that they didn't get to choose their sex, and it isn't safe to change it (yet). Getting surgery and taking hormones is, IMO, getting into dangerous LARPing territory. You are already experiencing an artifact of living as someone else, and it will never get better.

Maybe in the future the technology will exist to allow us to replace our bodies with whatever we want. Until then, surgical modification of one-self seldom creates the happiness sought through such means.

>terrified about them finding out i was once a guy

You still are and that is the real reason you are terrified. If you could ever actually transition, if you really believed it, this wouldn't be a fear of yours.

This is common with transsexuals and a common reason for the anxiety and depression. You're actively denying reality and that creates mental dissonance.

>talking about men and how they are perverts and potential rapists
>All my friends are normal girls
> feminism

First of all this sounds like a made up story. Secondly, if this is true - they are not normal girls. They are feminist zealots. Rabid man hate isn't common around normal average women, not even self-described feminists (who are usually lukewarm slacktivists anyway).

Get new friends. Rabid feminists are also very likely to be TERF so you're right to be worried about them figuring it out.

Kill yourself you stupid fucking shill and stop muddling this board with your kike bullshit.

If you're not a shill, asphyxiate yourself immediately you disgusting mongrel. You mentally ill pieces of shit kill yourself eventually after you come to the realization you mutilated your body and your life is a lie, might as well do it sooner. Your chromosomes are XY, you are a man pretending to be a women you fake deceptive piece of shit.



They already know you're a tranny. None of you are convincing in real life.

Give me picks of that horse dick, m'lady.

You do, it's just been buried in a man made hole.

So you dont tell people you are a dude?

Its your funeral. Most sane men would murder if you slept with them and they later find out; i would.

>Before you were a man hiding a secret; that your actually a faggot.
>Now your a women hiding a secret; that your actually a dude.
Your just changing the manner of your lies only furthering your mental rnslavment

>Most sane men would murder if you slept with them and they later find out; i would.
Imagine being this insecure. Lmao.


>once a guy

you are just a guy wound where your dick was before

Well, this is what you wanted, you stupid cunt. Enjoy your new female friends.

Protip: girls aren't nice. They will eat you alive when they find out.

Welcome to the first tranny red pill.
There are several like you.
First off: If your political ideology means you have to be ashamed of being born male or afraid that people will discover it, you should reevaluate your ideology.
Here's something for you to understand:
Sup Forums loves making fun of trannies, but unlike leftists, that's where it stops. The left uses violence to ensure order. Here, you are equally worthless.

you do, it's just been split apart

You tell me, guy. Are you a horny monster?

dick or GTFO

Have you considered killing yourself?

>Help I'm terrified about them finding out i was once a guy.

So you basically ruined your life with having to dilate for the rest of your life.

DILATION is what male to female trannies have to do post-op, to prevent their new pussy from closing up. Basically they gotta painfully fuck themselves with dildo-like things to keep their fuckhole that does not lubricate to keep it open.

Many trannies like the idea of cutting their dick off and making a pussy out of it, until they are stuck dilating for the rest of their life.

>trap discards only thing good about it
you used to be a chick with a dick now you're a dude with a gaping wound. bad play

>Asian Tranny with a horse dick
I'm very skeptical.

Also post your dilators for proof that you replaced your dick with an open wound that wants to close itself.

Think about why you are terrified about them finding out. Now realize they aren't actually your friends. You made a big mistake.

>Implying he won't kill himself way before 40

>Sup Forums loves making fun of trannies
Im not joking, I seriously want all transfreaks to kill themselfs.

Its an infecting mindset that poisons stupid and mentally ill people to make them ruin their to the point of no return.

Actually they should not only kill themselfs but all people should kill transfreaks.

>There are people unwell enough to believe this is their key to happiness
>People are called assholes for trying to stop them and give them the help they actually need

1. These friends are not your friends. They have no loyalty to you beyond virtue signaling
2. You permanently mutilated yourself because of a mental defect.
3. You are subverting what it means to be a woman because you're just larping
4. You in fact can never comprehend being a woman
5. You are an abomination and no straight man will love you
6. Kys

>discard the only thing that gives you value

I will never understand this

>So I'm a full-time MtF tranny
So you're implying there is such a thing as a "part-time" MtF tranny and that it's actually a choice and not natural at all. Thanks for admitting that the entire defense of all this sjw faggotry of "I was born this way" is total bullshit.

He only dates white guys and why do they all look the same??? Shes disgusting honesty.

That's not what it means at all. Not being full time just means they don't pass well enough or have the confidence to dress/act feminine every second of the day. It's usually people who are working or going to school in masculine clothes with a masculine name and will go full time later.

I'd encourage you to kill yourself but you probably will anyway you mentally destroyed faggot piece of shit

I think she got scared and ran away.

I would never stick my dick in that open wound.


I was gonna say it's not too late you can still save yourself, but...

Step daddy has the right idea.

Ever notice how trannys always use cartoons so they don't have to face the reality that they're fucking disgusting freaks?

All these monsters should be dragged from their homes and beaten to death in streets, whose with me?

Show cute feminine-boy pee hole.

kill yourself faggot

Jaysus Croist

Unironically kill yourself

Literally everything you just described is a choice, again proving my point. You think maybe the problem 99.9999% of trannies have with "passing" as the opposite sex (a woman) may have something to do with the fact that they're men and not, nor will they ever be, women?

>tfw no horse dick

Full and part time have to do with presentation and what you show the outside world which is definitely a choice. It has nothing to do with intrinsic characteristics of a person and how they feel which isn't a choice. It's the same as a gay dude being attracted to other men (not a choice) versus the same gay dude going out and getting their fart-box pounded (which is a choice.)

The fact that anyone on the site is actually supporting this individual just goes to show how Pol has gone to the dogs.

Rip Pol.

>they are not normal girls. They are feminist zealots. Rabid man hate isn't common around normal average women
Where the fuck have you been, north of the arctic circle?

>chicks with dicks but instead of dick they have a gaping wound
Not a big improvement there buddy.

So post your dilator inside your inverted penis


Look at all the virgins attacking the trans person

Quick question Rachel. Are you Jewish?

So does that mean anons will start doing shit in real life? Like, you know, building a white family?

>This is political so I have a right to discuss this here.

Just because Democrats force gender identity into politics, does not mean theyre politics.

Also you should have looked into the post-op suicide rate beforehand. The grass is never greener.

Is this how the mentally ill see it?

FYI, MtFs will never ever get to experience childbirth.

They know you're a guy, they're just being polite.

Even the most passable trannys aren't passable.

wow you weren't kidding





You can have feminists or you can have friends. You can't have both.

>cboyardee will never make another video
>Barkley 2 will never be released

>It has nothing to do with intrinsic characteristics of a person and how they feel which isn't a choice
If this bullshit you were spewing was actually true, the trannie population wouldn't have the astronomically high post-op suicide rate it does nor would there be hundreds upon hundreds of post-op trannies who regret having SRS and wish they could go back to having a dick and balls instead. Also
>intrinsic characteristics
Is it intrinsic and natural when libshit parents raise their kids from birth to be the opposite sex to virtue signal? Are you one of those braindead people who think a 6 year old has the mental capacity to understand the concepts of male/female and isn't just being pulled by the leash to be "hyper-feminine" for their parent's benefit? That's literally the opposite of the word intrinsic (implying it's internal and innate and not heavily influenced by non-stop environmental/parental guidance). In short, you sound like an idiot.

OP first of all never fuckin trip fag on a board with IDs
Never come to Sup Forums being yourself and expect it to go well.
>implying you're real

Also you know men aren't like your friends think they are. You know it, I know it. everyone inherently knows it. but they've bought the meme. just like everyone here with
>muh dilation
if you dont want to kill yourself anymore, or you do, thats all on you. I personally think sex reassignment is a mistake, but you can also disagree with me.
You cant truly be friends with people that don't know you're life. Thats why people become friends. Common Experience. Im not saying you have to be trans, but just wait until those radical fems find out about you and toss you aside like a bag of kittens in a rekt thread.

You'll ask yourself were they ever your friends in the first place?
No, they weren't because women act fake as fuck to each other. Which is what you're doing anyways. So maybe you fit in. But maybe you don't. But I bet they're the kind that think trans people are disgusting.
Because they don't seem to have any problem generalizing an entire demographic, just like racists, sexists and mongoloids.

Whoa dude, decide what you want to discuss already, you're all over the place. Presentation, transition, and SRS are all very different things. The difference between part-time and full-time has nothing to do with SRS or post-SRS suicide rates. SRS can be the result of either an intrinsic motivation (for yourself) or an extrinsic motivation (virtue-signalling or being told you need a fauxgina to actually transition)

Children being groomed from birth to be trannies is a pretty rare occurance in an already small demographic that is less than 1% of the population. Either way, parents directing a child is definitely an extrinsic motivation but can result in intrinsic attitudes (such as hating the LGBT community because of a messed up childhood or deciding to reject being a man because you've been brainwashed to thinking they're evil)

There is a big difference between intrinsic motivation to be more feminine and extrinsic motivation to be less masculine. People who transition or get SRS for extrinsic reasons and not out of a legitimate intrinsic desire are the ones most likely to suicide after making such a serious life change.

So yeah, I don't agree with kids being groomed to be trannies but it's also not a very common occurance.
