

It's not gay.

Because the tranny is still a man, no matter how much Hippocratic oath violating surgery has been performed upon it.

Because one is a man and the other is a woman.

one has a dick
and the other doesnt

Because one has a y chromosome. If you're XY, you're a guy. If you are a guy who fuck a guy, you're gay.

>bitch on the right

exsacty like my italian ex


How can trannies still not understand this ?

I only go for natural XX girls.

One is a biological man and the other isn't

You forgot about the whole "born with a penis" thing

Don't conflate their degeneracy, ones gay and the others a roastie! And you're a faggot!


>I'll take things liberals don't understand for 200 alex

What is DNA?

this desu

Lmao tranny normalization is the most futile psyop the fags on this board have ever undergone. You're never going to make a creature with fake tits and a hormone wrecked dick more attractive than a woman.

I can't believe some faggot took the time to make this retarded infographic...

one has a vagina.

Source on that shemale pls

bro if you want to suck a dick just suck that dick, stop begging internet nazis for approval. Just suck the dick, cradle the balls, swallow the gravy, and continue in your delusion that you don't enjoy the scent of a man's cock.

Domino Presley

>because i dont want to eat oranges just because the oranges had plastic surgery and painted itself like an apple
>why can't i eat a fucking apple which tastes like a fucking apple and i can do apple things with

This. Next.

one has a dick

Ok once for all, the tranny thing is just an optical illusion, the true is that a heterosexual man feel arousal when watching not just a woman or woman genitals but also watching a sex act, that obviously involve a penis. By fitting female features with a penis your mind is tricked into evoking or involuntary asociating this with a sex act. The true is that tranny porn is consummed exclusively by heterosexual males, you can see the trend very easy the mainstream hetero porn sites are the only ones featuring trannies, not a single gay porn website features mtf transexuals.
Don't judge yourself if you have seen a tranny in Sup Forums and got a bonner, is a reflex of male sexuality. But searching and watching tranny porn on propurse is an other thing, this eventualy will distort your sexuality and in my book that is pretty gay.

>Wide shoulders
>High testosterone
None of those are traits of the typical female.

Also fags and trannies are the most promiscuous people on the planet.

But to answer your question, trannies are gay, ugly, and can't breed. So they're just completely useless to humankind.

the other has a dick

Transsexuals aren't horny all the time, they pump themselves full of estrogen destroying their sex drive. They usually aren't aggressive or dominating, but are batshit insane, more insane than the craziest bitch you've ever met in your life. "Chop my own balls off with a pair of scissors" insane. "Go to jail after shooting three other trannies because they bullied me outside the strip club where I work" insane. "Die from cheap plastic surgery and migrating silicone in my body" insane.

Also Domino Presley's new tits look like shit, he should have stayed flat.

Dude, it's gay. Ypou wanna suck the girly cock? THen go and suck it. Nobody will fucking care as long as you dont suck it in front of their house or something.

The attraction is not gay. Men are attracted to secondary sex chatacteristics such as ass, legs, and titties; not primary ones (i.e, vaginas look like shit and if that's what attracted men everyone would wanna fuck Buck Angel.

The act, however, is gay. You're fucking a dude in the ass.

Traps are males. Keep deluding yourself though, fag lover.

so you have a book on being gay? Thats kinda gay..

One has a womb and the ability to give birth, which is primary in finding a mate

If the oath was truly followed there would be no one working in that environment any longer.
>tfw the redpill begin to peak and retires from dis-ease care

The point is that the only difference between these two individuals is a penis. You don't know there is a penis until you get to have a one night stand with the tranny and a hole is a hole for most men. Most men, even people who post on Sup Forums, have sex with women and desire to have sex with women who behave and look like men.

both is gay
liking women and pussy worship is super gay

Reasonable post.

They are called "traps" for a reason. The secondary sex characteristics of at least those trannys that "pass" confuse the male sex drive. Like a deer caught in the headlights the inner conflict of logic vs hornyness rages. Hopefully the out come is the logical conclusion of "traps r gay".

>Blaire White
I still wouldn't go for it, "she" tried very hard to look as female as possible but it still gives me feeling of repulsion, first time I saw "her" I immediately understood that "she" is aman. My tranny radar is pretty efficient.

don't you have plenty of trannies in Pakistan? How do they manage to not get killed?

It's not gay to find a trans woman attractive.
If it looks female, it doesn't even have to be human to trigger that response. (eg. porn is not a real woman, it is a picture, but it still arouses you because it resembles a woman.)

It's gay to actively seek out a trans woman. Because what you're deliberately seeking out the male aspect. (eg. My ideal partner that I have in my head is someone with a dick.)

Gay/ straight is a less relevant distinction, than reproductive/ degenerate. All extramarital sex is degenerate, no matter who or what you have it with. Sex is about reproduction and marital intimacy, not dopamine and cummies

If you believe this you are incredibly delusional, tranny.

>Only difference between a biological woman who is a thot and a man pretending to be one is a dick