Did you know:

did you know:
in africa they have to put up billboards and engage in public awareness campaigns to try to convince black people that fucking babies doesn't cure them of AIDs?
>in africa, black people literally fuck babies because they believe it will cure them of AIDs. this has the effect of infecting more babies with AIDs

i fucked up my pasting in the green text and pasted redundant text. oh well. my bad. the truth is still the truth

I've watched a documentary on that. It's unbelievable how retarded some of those niggers are but, what do you expect out of

"Import these forward thinkers to europe en masse" - Angela Merkel 2015

They couldn't sell Gerber baby food in Africa until they took off the picture of the baby on the jar. Africans thought the contents were pureed babies.

That's kind of hot. You could make some good money filming that.

>One of the boys who was interviewed said that he raped like 6 girls just to be safe, kek.
why, oh lord, is it wrong to "hate" niggers?

Here is what I do not get...How the fuck are they even still alive with all of the disease, famine etc? You would think Africa would be empty considering like more than half of them have some sort of disease.

its cause they rape / fuck like animals and dont use any birth control. some countries have a life expectancy in the 40s but still their population numbers are increasing and increasing and they're getting tons of aid from us too

Just tell them that having sex with adult crocodiles will cure them.

Thank God niggers are so dumb. It keeps their numbers down. Could you imagine this world if they were just a tad smarter?

How are they even delivering babies? I have to imagine to mortality rate of babies is like 50%

Too bad niggers can't read..

They are adapting and becoming super niggers. Being generally shit at technology and living in general, African niggers have to rely on evolution to carry them through all these millenia, but it does make them hardier then most other races

>claims it makes them hardier
>they're still dying in their 40s
no offense, i think your heart is in the right place, but they aren't "heartier" they're just naturally selected to rape more and fuck more and not use birth control. their birth rate is through the roof. that's how this is happening.


A fatal flaw in the ministry of health's "the more you know". I'm as shocked as anyone that a society peopled by magic baby fuckers has leadership that thinks the printed word will guide them.

I wonder how many people who champion "helping the poor" in Africa and the like have actually seen how these people live.

Is rape the true redpill? Shiieeeet

HOLY FUCK. I learned something new!


Why bother with that sign when Africans can't read?

>How the fuck are they even still alive with all of the disease, famine etc?

Foreign aid

Essentially enabling niggers to outbreed western nations

Why not start up a charity that offers or pays for free vasectomies for men and Tubal Ligation for women?

Everything under 'History' is complete nonsense. Go check out Hanne Blank's wiki page for a laugh.

That's fucking racist you fuck. You better delete this post.

Came here to post this. Seems like a lost cause. Babyfuckers don’t read. Especially African babyfuckers reading English....