Reminder that a united Europe or Europe as one country, as envisaged by the likes of Oswald Mosley, Alain de Benoist...

Reminder that a united Europe or Europe as one country, as envisaged by the likes of Oswald Mosley, Alain de Benoist, and Francis Parker Yockey is the only possible solution if your goal is to preserve the European man. If you still cling to the idea of old European states, based on kosher granddad nationalism as personified by UKIP, you're delusional. The world is becoming globalised, whether you like it or not, the struggle of the next century and beyond will be between civilisations and not petty nation states. Only a truly unfed Europe can face the scourge of Islam, the rise of Asia, and the decline of America. Anything less than will send us back to petty rivalries and wars between each other, just like we did in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. Clinging to outdated ideas of nationalism limited by petty borders in Europe will end in our destruction. Only with a pan-European language, culture, and identity can we survive. Face the reality.

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If that means proper and equal management, so be it.
Not, cultural replacements though.
Politically only.
With those in mind, I could agree.

We will never unite without cultural unity to some level. It's not cultural replacement, it's the creation of a new culture by European people's.

I'm sorry but you have to include Russia

Find me a better map jpeg then.

Too many different languages.

Almost everyone speaks English already.

You left out Russia and Turkey

Yeah ok, though, that seems quite utopian to speak realistically, no?
Even though, Europeans share so much, culturally.

I got to say though, the US which consists of States, would be fine example for this theory

>Yeah ok, though, that seems quite utopian to speak realistically, no?
>Even though, Europeans share so much, culturally.
>I got to say though, the US which consists of States, would be fine example for this theory
It's obviously not a simple idea to implement, but there's no reason to believe it's Utopian. It will take generations to create, but it's not unrealistic. Mosley wasn't a day dreamer. Something similar to America would probably be the first step.

>Russia and Turkey

Not European

Russia yes, not intentionally. Turkey shouldn't be part of it.

I'd need to see the whole house written and proposed to read and have an opinion.

What are you talking about? the only way Islam even got in in the first place was through those "petty borders" you speak of. We could deport them now if it weren't for some centralised government in brussels governing in their ivory tower, with no fucking clue about the real state of Europe.

Islam is a threat because we're allowing it to be a threat. They get in here on rubber dinghies and wheel-wells. Being too large means you can't stand as one, as a united movement, which results in factionalism. It also means you can get away without taking responsibility for anything - just look at the largest countries and corporations and how they turn out.

In short, smaller works better, if you respect your neighbours this doesn't turn out a problem, but is in everyone's mutual interest. For example switzerland isn't having problems like we are, and they understand at least a little what's in their national interest.

Western Russia is certainly European, but I agree that incorporating Russia into such an idea would be difficult since Russia has been multiracial for centuries with lots of non-Europeans on their land. I think out all of the countries, Russia would probably the most resistant to such an idea too.


first all kikes and mudslims would have to be deported, then maybe

we need to have an ally with Russia , otherwise the white race will be dead by 2080

Just a question.
What about a fascist Europe (nazi like europe)?
Would that be good?
(imo a lot better than what we have now)

It would be possible if it would be semi imperialistic with giving the people a new level in their identity hierarchy going from family, people, nation to empire and the most important thing would be potent leaders who are in the game for the next 30 years, which we lack like a dessert water.


This. The nation is a degenerate feminine concept created by the french revolution.

yes , that would be great , we would have loads of anne frank schrankwand camps .

Europe will never defeat America silly bong.

True but Russia would be our only ticket for absolute independence of every other force on this planet.

>What are you talking about? the only way Islam even got in in the first place was through those "petty borders" you speak of. We could deport them now if it weren't for some centralised government in brussels governing in their ivory tower, with no fucking clue about the real state of Europe.
Not at all, this is a straw man. We were importing non-whites before the joining the organisation that later become the EU. Secondly, why are you conflating a liberal superstate like the EU with a united Europe envisaged by Mosley or Yockey? Of course the EU is going to let non-whites into Europe and make it difficult for member states to get rid of them, the EU isn't a pro-European organisation. It's a globalist, liberal organisation. Thirdly, Islam will be a potential threat even if it's behind European borders.

Sure as long as the Germanics don't try to rule over everyone

This is basically what Oswald Mosley wanted.

Bite me bitch, globalism has come with a package of cultural Marxism. Fuck you a nationalist iscolationist america is all I want.

I know i watched some of his old speeches on youtube just like some speeches of Hitler.

Here in the states we are unified under one common culture and identity as Americans. As a former Europoor, that will never happen in Europe and it shouldn't. Europe would be far better off only sharing an economic union. Not a political one, not a Federal or legal one. The flow of wealth is what will keep European states from ripping eachother apart. As long as you have centralized authorities like you do in Belgium deciding the fates of other peoples and cultures it will never work. The EU and and any European system that has or will exist can not succeed without providing the cultural and ethnic peoples of Europe the same inalienable rights that we as Americans value and enforce.
When people releasing crime statistics in Sweden are being threatened with Jail time. When your own UK government is protecting the rights of foreigners who share no values similar to your own, who scoff at your common law that the idea of this unified state is retarded.
You can't clean your own rooms and you want to control the entire house.

>iscolationist america is all I want.
this threat is about europe, i dont really see what america has to do with it

I cannot agree with it as is. If you are serious about it, then you need to write an actual proposal and not just throw the idea out there.

>Political, Economic, Military, Social, Cultural, Religious, Moral, Scientific, etc. ideals
>Short and long-term goals
>Advantages, disadvantages, ifs, buts, whens, whys, hows
>Government type

Will it be a federal state with a Constitution like the USA? A confederation? An alliance? Free circulation of goods? Of labour? One currency, one market? One Army?

>Europe as one country, as envisaged by the likes of Oswald Mosley.

Mosley never envisaged any such thing. He wanted a European union of sovereign nations that kept their unique national cultures and characteristics.


Is it realistic though?

Id rather have 3 unions. The nordic, the western and the eastern.

I don't want to live in a Europe, where I have to speak your faggot language in rl. If the main language is German and only whites are allowed, I am fine with it.

Read Mosley before talking shit.
>Mosley first presented his idea of Europe forming a single state in his book The Alternative in 1947.[5] He argued that the traditional vision of nationalism that had been followed by the various shades of pre-war fascism had been too narrow in scope and that the post-war era required a new paradigm in which Europe would come together as a single state.[6]
>He rejected any notion of a federal Europe, instead calling for full integration.[7] Indeed, Mosley insisted that a supranational European state was essential to the plan.[8] The policy was presented to the wider electorate in October 1948 when Mosley called for elections to a European Assembly as the first step towards his vision.[2]

Then let me emphasize even more. The European Union is a multicultural Jew reddened beaucracy and once more encourages cultural Marxism and condemnation of European heritage. Fuck the European Union and fuck the Belgians and Germans.

I don't care what language it is, English makes the most sense since everyone already speaks it.

i thing it would be something like unification of germany, every little germanic state had their own history, traditions, language (different dialects of german), etc. After unification, all of them became Germans. Same would happen imo with europe, everyone would be European and not German, Spaniard, Italian etc.

From the carribean and India, former empire colonies. That's kind of our fault for forming a global union in the past. The only reason we let the Indians in is because we needed doctors, and their medical system was compatible with ours owing to us having made it.

European countries have some shared interests, and some divergent ones. Culture is an important distinction, and if its valued people don't want to share it openly. This is why Capitalism, and thus liberalism prospered in bringing people together. Money is a third party that knows no culture. Any true union that isn't just in name thus will inevitably become liberal, because conservatives like their space untampered with. You can fight together when needed, but that's an alliance, not a union. It would still respect borders and the right to govern oneself.

Islam wouldn't be half the threat if we weren't allowing them to come in openly, they can't even avoid killing eachother. If we were closed off, I imagine they'd focus more on their own. It would give them incentive to develop their own lands. In the long term this could prove an issue but not for the forseeable future.

Nobody here is encouraging a European union based on liberalism, leftism, and so forth. So what are you crying about?

>we need to be one country and forget our national and ethnic identity because otherwise we can't secure the outher borders of Europe
Kill yourself Anglocuck, you're ancestors would be ashamed of you.

>muh ancestors
Fuck off Larper.
We are in this mess because of the stupidity and greed of our ancestors.

Include Russia or be a kike shill.
It really is the ultimate test.

Then you want what Moseley wants? A united sovereign collection of European nations who work together to protect European culture and tradition through economic and militaristic strength. Today that is near impossible the youth of mainland Central Europe are filled with communist degenerates. Though it would be a beautiful coalition of ever seen.

liberalism might even work eventually in homogeneous societies without kikes

So who decides on the laws? Language? Cultural landmarks? Religion?
Fact is Europe is far too old and divided to simply give up on their existence for one of their neighbors who they have at some point warred with. All you are proposing is the same shitty idea that is the EU.
As mentioned in my previous post, only an economic union would actually work where the authority is not centralized to decided laws. Only economic policy. Even then there needs to be more subdivision. You would need something similar to our Interstate commerce commission and then leave it at that.

It's impossible.

It would require the interests of one state to become the interests of the other. And yes, I said 'state' not 'people'. Because what all the peoples of Europe want is prosperity and stability for themselves. States are in the way of that because they are defined with borders and through the projection of power.


It should be divided as South/West/North/East at the least.

Easy to write, but how would you even implement that?

Go to the store tomorrow and buy some rope and hang yourself from a rooftop

Possibly if empires were formed again each European ethnic group while maintaining their borders would elect a representative to a council of overseers to represent their desires.

Don't be a sperg.

I do think that any single European nation is too small to compete with the rest of the world militarily.
Right now we're 100% dependant on the USA, that is not good.

If we're going by a State-by-State basis decisions have to be unanimous, we'll never get anything done at that scale.

Russia and Germany need to come to a settlement and lead europe together.

United yes, but not under a council of unelected cunts.

> being in one union with western degenerates, faggots, (((politicians))), shitskins, swedish fuckwits, cucks and LGBTFFhhfFUGG+++
Very appreciate you have included some Slavs, but I think we are way too different. Thanks, bro, I would rather drink some fucking poison like that fucking croatian retard than make the union together with (You).

Its true hans, you guys need to lead. But you need to rise again ideologically and shed the liberalism

Nothing is impossible.

Could you rephrase that. I'm not quite following. Which empires are formed? European ones? Outside? I don't get it.

Fool, you will doom us all.

Reminder that Brits are the enemy and they need to be destroyed.


part of what divided europe for so many centuries as ignorance brought about by a lack of education and technology.
100 years ago today white working class kids from all over the continent (when there was a real working class denied any form of social advancement) were sent out to charge down machine gun positions like insects. they honestly believed the people on the other side wanted to invade their homelands and kill everyone when the reality was everyone just wanted to go home.

we know better now and the current EU is actually proof that we dont need to fight each other anymore because we can talk to each other instantly from anywhere, wars are no longer waged because a couple of families disagreed with each other over who owns the slaves, they need an entire population to support it and it wouldnt happen without something extreme happening.

>Western Europe has always been degenerate and filled with shitskins
Don't be silly. This is the fault of the ideology imposed by our elite, nothing to do with Western Europeans being cucks inherently.

As in the old empires pre WW1. Britain, German, Austria Hungary, kingdom of Italy, kingdom of Spain, but that’s impossible by today’s standards but the ethnic group representatives is ideal for a mosely styled Unuted Europe.

Explain why it's foolish or I'll warm the oven.
Russia is ethnically and culturally European.

You know folks, I know this may sound fucking cringy, but the demographics of people browsing pol is not low-iq. Sure, we're not all Rick and Morty-level astrophysicists, but we definitely have some nuance to us which makes us interested in geo-politics and historical/cultural trends. Many of us also happen to be young, even though most are NEETs.

If we wanted to, we could really make a difference. We may not be able to build a Napoleonic empire, or an organised movement, but that is our greatest strength. We are all isolated individuals living individual lives, but inside we all hold the same conviction which is undetectable by the average plebs.

We have the brains to go into politics, science, business, etc., and to contribute to our desired goals using the wealth and social positions we gain.

I agree that the best future for us is to find a way for unifying Europe along meritocratic laws. I don't mind multiculturalism so long as it is a mixture of European cultures, which share certain characteristics and which have a common past. I would sacrifice some of our distinctness (which has become blurred anyway), for the sake of avoiding future brother wars. People will always find ground for disagreement, but at least our progeny can stand together united against adversity.

It can be possible to even use the framework of the EU, so long as it becomes infiltrated by a sufficient number of our people, to provide for the unification of Europe.

No, our ruling elite.

>We are in this mess because of the stupidity and greed of our ancestors.
Leftwing Eurocrats aren't my ancestors.
My Swiss ancestors didn't cause the mess in Europe. And you're basically proposing another brother war because most people wouldn't give up their national and ethnic identity and sovereignty of their country just like that.

All the the things you're so afraid of can be solved an union of sovereign nations. Also you're right, the world is already globalized and connected. That the world will decline if America declines.

Also reminded, most of the problems we have in Europe right now wouldn't exist if we wouldn't have thrown out those "outdated ideas of nationalism". Maybe it's time to bring them back.

It's not about Russia joining, he wants them and Germany to lead the rest of us unopposed.

Russians are bro-tier. You're welcome in Europe.

Let's remind those normie continents why Europe is the place where the relevant stuff happens. I'll push momma Merkel out of the way over these next elections.

Another portukike. Don't you have child sex slaves to procure?

Agreed, the Russians had monarchs related to the British and German monarchs. Slavs are not our enemies and only differentiate from us because of their orthodox Christian values. If anything a United east and west Europe would be the ultimate super power. Surpassing america economically and militaristically.

A united europe guarantees the destruction of european culture in ONE generation with the current immigration trends.

You literally said Asia is a threat when China and North Korea are the ones standing in the way of Amerimutts and their puppets. So you want to "unite" Europe to deal with this "threat" to Jews.

China overtaking America as a world power is only good for European nations and their peoples.

Except you have that very same problem happening today in Europe. Your beuracracy for the interest of a few has flooded your small towns and cities with migrants who share absolutely nothing with you other than "Duh we are all hoomans!"
These are realities and not fantasy. Once again I will reiterate the point. Who decides what. And why. Fact is humans have been and always will be tribal because it's how we evolved to be for the most optimal survival. We have over time learned to expand our tribal borders and boast larger populations but it remains the same. The only way you will pull off what you are trying to do is with total war and violence. Like the Hans. China has become a majority Han state not by talking and trading, but by massive rape and slaughter and destruction of others.

Lol as if the EU has brought good for the white race, let's take it a step further

Europe can NEVER have an alliance based on complete conformity of laws and culture.
I suggest that any federation should be focused strictly on defense and some limited free movement and trade.
We would need to write a constitution with some basic rules that every nation would have to adhere to:

- Maintain a reasonable military within the nation's economic capacity
- Maintain reasonable immigration policies that should actively seek to avoid letting non-europeans into any given country
- Communism or any doctrine of Marx is to be strictly prohibited
- Allow free trade, tourism and free movement as long as the sovereignty of the nation is not threatened
- Avoid unreasonable or cutthroat tariffs and taxations between the member nation's
- Actively avoid polluting or otherwise destroying fishing waters, soil and scenery.

It's not about imposing English. It just makes more sense. 90% of Europeans under 30 already speak the language. If the same were true for German, French, or Italian, I'd have no problem with making any of these the de facto language of our hypothetical new Europe.

Europe is now niggerville enjoy your aids

Look up: Confederation.
Contrary to 'popular' belief Germany isn't dominant within the EU even if its domestic decisions affect us all.
Yes we all got fucked by Mutti. But don't let that Stasi bitch undermine the European idea. We need to come together including Russia. It's the kikes' nightmare for a reason.

Even now, Jews marry the Chinese to further their goals. They are human chameleons and they will have their way. China will succumb to them before they realize it.

Based, anglo genocide when?

If you're referring to Zuckerburger then the Chinese president literally told him to fuck off.

I agree that the decline of America and therefore its values of liberalism, multiculturalism and (((democracy))) is good for Europe, but you'll also missing out the fact America will leave a power vacuum. Asia will most likely fill it.
When did the EU promote racialism? Nobody here is arguing for the EU as it is, read the thread.


Already time for round 3? Make sure to grab the French nukes before you start and this time lets keep it friendly with the Russians.

Europe has always had to include Russia, and its subverted anti-white elites have always prevented it.
It truly is the Rothschilds cs. worst nightmare that Russia would ever be included. Even Napoleon and Hitler had to fail - did they ever really try?

Under these rules nations like:
Sweden, Germany, UK, and France would be breaking the treaty for housing and importing so many non-european immigrants.
The current governments would be declared illegal and be forced to break up. In fact the union should by law state that any government is not allowed to debase or try to undermine it's nation's culture and people.

Have you met Chinese? They make Jewish scheming seem like child's play. 1.3 billion Han Chinese will not be controlled by 13 million Jews.
The Jews are a lost people. Ethnically, religiously, nationally. Part of the reason I support Israel is because with Israel you understand who they are. They are clearly defined. While Israel is certainly up to no good just as any other nation and they are filled with their own cunty agendas, a real in depth analysis will show you that they do not get along with the multi culti Jews of the west. The Marxist principles of Western Jews go against everything Israel stands for and there is an active battle going on between the two. It's why western Jews stay Western Jews. They would not be welcome in Israel and may even face serious legal or life threatening scenarios. Israel is scummy for still getting it's hands in Western Euro affairs, but for different reasons. Zionists and Marxists are totally different.

The Beast
Final resurrection of Rome
10 nations 10 kings

τι λεει ο μαλαkας ?

να μου τα πει στα ελληνιkα ή αλλιως να kλασει για να μου δωσει την kαποτα μου πισω .

αντε με τους μαλαkες που εχουμε μπλεξει



die now

Stop D&C

I agree on that, but take the kikes,muslims and niggers out and then we have a deal.

Know your enemy, boy.

>take the kikes,muslims and niggers out and then we have a deal.
That goes without saying.


Damn it.