We will never despair my brothers, and the reason is that we are the only ones to be right about the reality and the state of the world when jews are on top, the time comes again where we have to teach the people of this world of the true enemy of humanity and that is the jew, if you are feeling hopeless and that your life has no meaning because you've been pushed around by this jew system and have no one to turn to, we will welcome you with open arms we will tech you to better yourself we will be your family and we will prevail, do not give in and do your part in society, be a good parent, be a good husband, help your community, teach your kids to be good citizens, and live a happy and successful life as a NatSoc.
We never die, everyonea corpses dies but their spirit and vision for world justice lives on, Hitlers mission ia inherited in all of us.
Long after all who persecute us perish the TRUTH, will prevail.
Bentley Morgan
they all live in every single one of us brother, by not doing our part to better yourself and help others find the true meaning to be happy we are failing our fallen brothers. we will always remember them in our hearts.
Isaac Butler
National Socialism is shit.
Levi Watson
we hope to see you in our ranks when you are ready.
Noah Ramirez
National Socialist America, can you imagine what that would be like? the things such a country could accomplish?
Tyler Foster
Holy shit how do you even reconcile with how incompetent the nazi party was? Pls no stupid wehraboo responses
Jackson Barnes
Far less than democratic America?
Dominic White
How was Nazi Germany, in any way, good?
Aaron Diaz
National socialism deserves to die
oh wait
It's already dead! Some neckbeards still think that their beloved aryan race will come back get a load of these goyims, sad!
Carter Thomas
Part and parcel Neil
John Lewis
Yes because a tiny, poor, beaten, and broken country didn't nearly take over the world under National Socialism...
Hunter Hill
not good but excelent, imagine a society where money is not the main concenr for a parent, where everything you do in your daily life is to better the society around you and not to screw the guy next to you, where everyone one of us work and dedicate ourselfs for a better world, watch the vid that i linked on top, he said that over 70 years ago and yet it feels so accurate to the world today, after that try to investigate the motives for a natsoc , we are not racist we don't discriminate we only fight the evil in this world and that is the jew.
Nicholas Diaz
Xavier Jackson
Germany, the largest European economy with the largest population in the Europe was tiny and poor? It produced five times as much steel and coal as the Soviet union for fuck s sake. Are you actually braindead or just pretending?
Charles Fisher
I hear your brother
Samuel Johnson
Nearly took over the world? Please, at least imperial Germany managed to beat the Russians without breaking non aggression pacts and surprise attacking.
Xavier Moore
>managed "without breaking non aggression pacts and surprise attacking." fuck off if they didn't attacked first then the (((russians))) would and would have conquered Europe just like Stalin planed
Brody Rogers
This is WE WUZ KANGZ tier cringe. This isn't 1933 Germany.
try this link, the video from impartial truth has been banned in your country brother.
Grayson Thompson
They were on food rations even prior to the war.
Robert Gray
Holy shit that's the most debunked myth in history. I'm 1941 zhukov proposed a plan for a pre emptive invasion of nazi poland. It never went forward because the Russians realised that it wasn't a feasible military idea and because they didn't want to break a non aggression pacts like the autistic nazis
Daniel Butler
>mfw a fucking murdoch murdoch cartoon managed to explain to me natsoc problems with capitalism while you all failed to do so you guys are really bad at explaining this, you should rework on that part of your message
They are not just grooming children in Western Civilization. They are grooming children in Africa and South America youtu.be/hIv-KOQ5F4A
From marxism.org, the sexual "revolution" is part of Marxism archive.fo/O9Hlc
If we all work to expose their agenda, they can be defeated.
Work to expose what they are doing in your local area. For example in Washington State, they are teaching kids about their genitalia in school from the age of 6 ( page 28) and about "gender expression" from age 5 ( page 29) www.k12.wa.us/HealthFitness/Standards/HPE-Standards.pdf
People need to know. Many liberals won't care, but there are still enough people who have not been corrupted to be sickened by their agenda. We need to fight now before they indoctrinate the next generation.
Andrew Roberts
>I don't have an argument in favor of my shit tier ideology so I'll just call you a leaf
Seems about right
Eli Butler
National Socialism will only die when the last Aryan man on Earth dies.....
Luke Wilson
Why do you guys have to so cringe tier about this? Can't you just say you like natsoc ideas like normal people instead of this weird cultish behaviour?
Sebastian Diaz
Jaxson Morales
i hear you, and its not about race, i didn't emphasize in race but in ideals, as to the other side, the jews is a mayor concern because they have ideals that are a problem for every society, and the hard part for most people nowadays is identifying this kind of behaviour because a jew wont tell you directly what he is going to do, he tells you he is your friend and that he likes you, but as soon as you turn around he will poison your water, if you confront the jew and try to open a dialog with him on why he poisoned your water, he will call you names and make you feel that you are the guilty one, (not too far apart from the society we live today, where you yell and call someone else names because he said something mean, makes you win the argument)