
What’s the Sup Forums blackpill?

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"the Holocaust didn't happen but i wish it did"

Meme the end of human civilisation.


It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

Christianity was a mistake.
We must restore the Roman Tradition.

the eternal blackpill is the fact that we cant do anything to change the world and we only can wait until all goes to shit

Hell no.



The next holocaust will be 6 million.

That is 6 million Jewish Men, 6 Million Jewish Women, 6 Million Jewish Children.

They want to be victims.... let's give them the suffering that is required....

i wish i was dead. this knowledge is to much of a burden.

"This" posters are all from reddit and they are here to stay

Accepting that you can't change anything, and anyway it's not your job to do so. We play the hand we are dealt as best we can in the era we find ourselves. That is all that is expected of us.

It's not nihilism, although these days it's diffiicult to tell the difference sometimes. We got one shot at Brexit, and one shot at Trump, both succeeded against all the odds and money stacked against us. We did what we could, as expected of us. What happens now is for someone else to deal with.

There is no political action but to wait for things to get so bad that even the normies wake up. Attempting a more active approach gets you targeted and neutralized in one of an assortment of ways, legit and not. If you're already woken without being squeezed you have no choice but to watch each piece unfold and hope you can alter history by shitposting.

Many Americans are so brainwashed that they will never see anybody without a (D) next to their name as a decent human being, and that is going to get worse, not better.

Jewish Mossad killed Kennedy and did 9/11 and started the War on Terror. Hitler did and National-Socialist Germany did nothing wrong.

Jews have only been in power for 1-200 years. Before then, although we had ethnically and culturally homogeneous nations in Europe, we were still subject to tyrannies. That's why the United States was founded. Even if we remove the Jew, a worse system could take its place. Secondly, whether the tyrant is a Jew or one of us, the only reason we've been occupied to this extreme is because the masses, historically, are sheeplike and feel powerless. They cling to the strong, don't think or feel for themselves, and will never be able to prevent such atrocities from occurring again, so long as they remain this complacent. If so, a benevolent dictator would be the only real answer. Even that can go to shit quickly.

The feeling you get from chewing seven chum.

Only 1 million died. And it was typhus that killed them not a single gas chamber, they were all placed their by the Soviet Jews after the war to look like a genocide. Zyklon B was just disinfectant and used for delicing so typhus would not spread. Hollywood also expanded on this lie. Say a single thing like the holocaust did not happen in some European countries you will be imprisoned for like 4 or 6 years or called an anti-Semite and ridiculed by society as racist.

We will get beat by the fascists because they have the working class

They've grown old ass men and women in prison for questioning the holocaust in Germany. How is this not a giveaway? Why would it be illegal to question this and nothing else?

These bastards are clever plus frightening.

See pic

Activated charcoal, for when you drank too much because you are unable to relate to anyone anymore because you took too many red pills.

Manipulating history

A lot like this as well

These threads.

there are at least two NWOs fighting for dominance over the world and at least one of them is tied to the power of Satan and really no matter what you do we're trapped in an endless cycle of civilizational death and rebirth and even with all of our knowledge on these esoteric matters, none of us can so much as even piss in the ocean to futilely try changing the tides.

This man and his Jewish regime in Russia should be the one to be ridiculed in the history and media of anything to do with ww2 not Hitler, he was innocent.

i see a lot of people thinking that europe will turn into "eurabia" or "a caliphate"
that will never happen. not because there won't be tens of millions of arabs invading over the following decades, but because liberalism is an ideological acid bath that completely dissolves and atomizes any comprehensive worldview or religion
this is the way the world ends. not with a bang, but with a queer latinx muslim marriage

>tfw when you pray to Romulus and Remus every day

Jewish puppets in Eastern Europe.

The Soviet Jews genocides the Germans and raped a lot of their women.

No Antisemitism allowed in USSR

praise saturn

some extra thoughts
>there is no cure for liberalism. it has infected the entire world and nothing can halt it
>liberalism professes to make room for tolerance and acceptance of multiple orthodoxies, but in practice can accept none of them because it is totalitarian in nature
>an orthodoxy claims that there is a whole and uncompromising truth, thus liberalism must destroy anything orthodox
>in basic terms, this is because liberalism professes that the highest things must be bought at the lowest price possible, rather than some things simply not being for sale. not only is there no concept of the sacred for liberalism, it cannot tolerate a belief system that proposes anything sacred

That nothing will happen, that the west is already sealed it's fate. That whites will become a minority in western europe before 2100.

- Most mutations for "Jewish" genetic diseases are recessive, meaning that a child must inherit the mutation from both parents in order to show symptoms of the disease. Harboring one copy of the mutation means that the individual is a carrier of the disease. According to the Jewish Genetic Disease Consortium, it is estimated that nearly one in two Ashkenazi Jews in the United States—the descendants of European Jews—is a carrier of at least one of 38 genetic diseases, including Tay-Sachs Disease, Gaucher Disease, and Bloom Syndrome. A separate panel of 16 genetic disorders, including Familial Mediterranean Fever and the blood disorder alpha-thalassemia, are found among Jews of Sephardi/Mizrahi origin.

- Cancer genes: Jews of Ashkenazi descent also have a higher prevalence of mutations that increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer in women (which does not mean breast cancer is a "Jewish disease"). These genes, called BRCA1 and BRCA2, also increase a man’s risk of developing breast cancer and prostate cancer.

- Three-quarters of all Jews cannot digest this milk sugar

More info:


Trump was a psyop.

I really like these two pictures beside each other. If I hadn't studied history better I would have guessed that Stalin just had given Yezhov a pair of concrete boots in the second picture. Well the end result was just the same.

Civilization and then after life on this planet will die as we know it simply because a our elites decided to give in to the jewish plague centuries ago.

Realizing that (you) are a faggot no one loves you and you will die alone.

you're right, but let's go a step further: "love" is impossible in the modern world

In my views neo-liberalism or more extreme forms of Communism its like a jealously towards people who are honest and high achievers and it drags them down to their level. It does not want people to succeed, it want's the people in control to succeed and it tells you stay in the shit with everyone else because it's the good thing to do and not question it no matter how inhumane it is. It forces people to be the same because it hates reality and it has nothing to do with reality or nature. It's completely anti-nature, it's a selfish childish dream that never will benefit the people if its's implemented any way because they just starve to death while the crybaby who wanted the ideology implemented could not accept his own failures so he had to ruin achievers human rights and sanity then made that socially acceptable as he eats all the food and the poor people get non. So slightest bit of superior strength or I.Q or any success you will now suffer the wrath of the state and be tortured and imprisoned.

"The world was never any better and it will not be any better, only richer or poorer, sadder but not wiser until the very last day."