Hey Sup Forums. Muslims are enslaving niggers again

Hey Sup Forums. Muslims are enslaving niggers again.


They never stoped doing it.

I guess niggers will always be someone's nigger.

Didn't take place during Gaddafi's regime. That's for sure.

I'm sure they will figure out some way to blame Trump for this.

Remember that muslims are the first victims you bigot !

Anyone know if they accept bitcoin?

>grab a nigger for free
>sell for 400
Sounds like extremely lucrative business to me


Bought 9

No one cares except the nigger slaves and Westetn right wingers because we can laugh at the left and Obama over it

BLM niggers don’t care because this can’t be used to advance globohomo leftism (removing Gaddafi was the only goal, improving conditions in the country was just the excuse), liberals wont pay attention to it because “muh scandal free”, and normies will probably never hear of it

Those niggers will be nigger slaves from now on and basically no one cares

It will be difficult. It was Clinton who got rid of Gaddafi. The enslavers are the people her state department funded and armed.

and good for them
enslaving niggers is a moral good

This. Makes one wonder how we got here. I guess we'll never know.

Better than Bitcoin.

what about monero?

FPBP as it usually happens to be

>That's for sure.
It is, but niggers have been enslaving each other since the dawn of man. Unless a strong leader forced them not to.

>be Libya slave owner
>get rich from slave labor
>send kids to US to education
>kids become americanized liberals
>"We're just IMMIGRANTS like all americans!"

Good thing a travel ban will block them from bringing slaves here. Travel ban is a stance against slavery.

Based favelanon


Africa is so messed up dude

In Libya perhaps. They didn't stop doing aorund Africa. Has some American user have that ad of Arabs selling his slave?


Why would I want to pay $400 to be robbed and raped? What a scam.

>did they actually ever stop?
>wtf you think islam is if not a slave to GOD

>tricked me into clicking CNN

>tfw Isis offered you four 20 year old qts for the same prize

>CNN Journalists can just waltz on into illegal slave markets in Libya
>No one even questions this story, even after the very poor history of truth telling that comes from CNN
>Left wingers and even Trump supporters fall for this story on mass.
>Watching the footage of the slave markets show it isint organised at all, just a bunch of black guys laughing and sniggering to themselves because CNN are paying them.
>"Better open those borders again Europe, would hate for these poor, poooooor African invaders to be enslaved in Libya, no they can live on benefits in Europe instead !"


Miss me yet?

>fake news

Who wants some cooked niggers ?

Anybody want to go in with me for a pair?

>Muslims are beating their women!
>Muslims are throwing fags off rooftops!
>Muslims are enslaving niggers!
Come on, dune coons do enough shit wrong
We don't need to get worked up about the few things they do right

kfc and watermelons are not cheap in that part of the world.
it must be kinda expensive keeping it fed
