Russia BANNED from 2018 Winter Olympics
>trannies with penises allowed to compete as women
>russia maybe banned
>the one on the right clearly has a penis
Fake news
Aww are the little capitalist cock sucker fee-fees hurt again?
WW3 now!!!
>Implying the "woman" on the far right doesn't have a benis.
So does the 2nd on the left.
About time the IOC punished russia for it's rampant government sponsored cheating.
Yass, more medals for us.
Germany STRONK!
Aww are the little commie cock sucker fee-fees hurt again because non of tohose flags is the official flag of any country now??
Finally, it's Estonia's time to shine!
Happens in all the top Olympic teams according to the guy who made the Icarus documentary.
>IOC allows Russian athletes to participate only as neutrals in 2018 Olympics
Salt in the wounds!
It's a very mild sanction.
Russia doesn't really care about winter Olympics except ice hockey.
And they don't get banned from other events like summer Olympics and soccer world cup.
If anything IOC proves cheating works.
One year later they lost.
Well shit
Ok then
state sponsored industrial size doping and they are STILL ALLOW TO COMPETE under olympic flag
this is some corrupt bullshit decision
Wtf does neutral flag mean?
That's such a Russian response.
soon germany will become top athletes thanks to nigger genes.
Dont they knew only westerners are allowed to dope?
Olympians who are nation non grata.
It's the fucking Refugee team.
Of course she does
The only fashy """women""" are trannies (not that I'm complaining)
Sprengts euch weg
Everyone is doping
>only westerners are allowed to dope
Bullshit and you know it.
Idiot. Russia is one of the top countries in most winter sports
We'll be back from the ashes like a Phoenix
>Play as the neutral team
>Still get gold
How butthurt would everyone be
could someone tell me if this movie is good?
Nice. Russians are lying and cheating cunts.
Блять, дa кoгдa жe yжe Poccиюшкy нaшy oт Mиpoвoгo cooбщecтвa oтcтpaнят. Зaeбaлa зapплaтa в 400$.
I'd fuck the shit out of him anyway.
westerners are catching and destroying their legends
russians are using state power to dope athletes and shield dopers, they also pick athletes to sacrifice from time to time to not make it completely obvious and tried to taint foreigners they were competing against
Only becasue they cheat.
And still they can't win at speed skating which is hilarious.
Then get a degree you low life scum.
>These invited athletes will participate, be it in individual or team competitions, under the name “Olympic Athlete from Russia (OAR)”. They will compete with a uniform bearing this name and under the Olympic Flag. The Olympic Anthem will be played in any ceremony.
gloryhole in the urinals
>Russische Föderation
These are going to be the fake olympics. If not everyone gets to compete there are no real winners.
wouldn't want our guys dying when kim starts shellings anyway
Not as fake as Sochi.
Я нa зaвoдe пoлyчaю cтaнoчникoм бoльшe, чeм пoлyчaл бы инжeнepoм c выcшим. Дa и вышe 1к$ y нac в PФ нe пoлyчить, ecли ты нe зaбыл.
And football team ban is looming.
>Russia is banned from olympics for doping charges
>athletes are allowed to play anyway, just can't represent Russia
This is political bullshit.
Deserved imo. This russian cocksuckers just used doping.
it was supposed to be a sealed and very protected olympic lab space but they rigged it from the beginning when the building was planned
Depends on where you live. Get a degree that pays well like the rest of the youth.
YES! Fuck Ivan.
Back to sosach, liberashka
You abortion-slavs shouldn't've cheated.
Fuck you kremlebot.
Yibbi chibbi, yibbi chibbi, yibbi chibbi
>transgenders allowed
>Ban Russia
Good thing nobody cares about the Olympics anymore
it's actually great and i usually loathe athletes movie biopics. dude was pathological, i had no idea he went so far. 10/10
good riddance
Good. This means we do everything right. ZOG is mad.
lol ok
no, they must die. useless bastards
>not being invited to a post nuclear hellscape
sounds bad
I mean it's not that bad, if anything the not representing Russia part is quite insulting imo.
Like you know ur Russian but forced to wear a generic flag with a generic anthem. I mean you could say that technically Russian won gold or whatever but you know it's not the same as wearing your colors and hearing the song of your country men as you stand in the podium.
Only good goys allowed eh?
>hockey is the biggest event of the tournament
>NHL isn't participating in the Olympics
>meaning Russia/KHL would be the biggest draw to watch
>ban them
RIP, winter olympics will post the lowest ratings in its history. Who is even going to play hockey? c-league scrubs and teenagers? lol
Are we ever gonna be friends Russia :^( I miss seeing Putin and Bush cruising the ranch in his F150. Also I want baikal shotguns back, I've still got an old IJ stamped USSR and it's built like a fucking truck.
>state sponsored industrial size
>implying no one does
Norway's team is full of asthmatics, half of US team is doing amphetamines, (((doctor))) prescribed
Yeah, chinese do too.
nice try
Canada will play!
>pays well
>Russkaya Federatsiya
1.5k$ этo пpeдeл.
Literally just whataboutism created by you ruskies. Stay mad, Ivan.
Competing as neutrals without a national team means that athletes will not take part in the opening ceremony, and their country’s anthem will not be played if they win any medals. Russian President Vladimir Putin described the option as a “humiliating” compromise.
>Not kike
I smell a dirty jew. Gas yourself.
Yes, we are will be friends right after you will help us with corruption not only in sports, but in government too.
fuck. NK and Russia are going to be shady as fuck around that area I bet. Flybys are inevitable
roidmonkeys btfo
its supposed to be an e instead of an o with points but you typed kok with two points to make sublte fun of the fact of that bs list. Underrated but I have appreciated your sublte humor cemrade!
Fake shit.
They are just butthurt about Drumpf.
You're next Norge.
I guess Trump backstabing inc. Some funny data will leak soon.
That's okay money in Russia. Plus, that image you posted are working-class professions.
Just imagine World Cup 2018 in Russia without russian team, lmao, that would be great joke.
Do ppl still watch these shit?
Do many Russian hockey players play in America?
They will likely be allowed to compete.
Only athletes that are proven cheats (which is very hard to prove because Russian "anti-"doping agency helps to mess with the results) are actually banned.
Any athlete that passed a doping test in for example America will be allowed even though it's 99.9% certain they doped in Russia.
Taм нe тoлькo paбoчиe. Цимec в тoм, чтo в oфиce ты пoлyчишь cтoлькo жe, пpocтo нaпpягaтьcя мeньшe бyдeшь.
>okay money for Russia
''0.05$\h is okay money for South Africa''.
>I guess Trump backstabing inc. Some funny data will leak soon.
what did Ivan mean by this?
>caring about over-regulated sports
>any year
Who gives a fuck? I want new Olympics where competitors can take any drugs they want. I just want some epic shit to happen.
>checking my flourbag
>find it isn't clean
Pizduy na sosach, ilitariy, u nas tut shvabodka.
Just imagine cheating in almost every single one discipline and pretending to not get any sanctions for it.
What a great joke.
i have no doubt they dope up, BUT THE USA DOESN'T? UK? CHINA?
they are all signed to NHL teams which WON'T be allowed to compete because of their contractual agreement to the NHL.
The NHL is openly challenging the Olympics by having its own meme tournament now called "world cup of hockey" which allows various teams to play and even creates meme teams of the scraps like Team North America and Team Europe so everyone gets to play.