Mueller team sucking up millions per month in taxpayer money

Has it been worth it? The single-count charge against Flynn could have been filed in January and therefore had nothing to do with Mueller. Similar story with Papadopolous. The Manafort and Gates financial crimes related to their lobbying were uncovered and known about through public reporting. What exactly has he accomplished with all that taxpayer money?

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Worth every penny faggot.

You know you'll never win

thats still probably cheaper than other dumb investigations going on we dont know about

Can't wait for retardplicans to be up in arms about this while their President fleeces tens of millions in vacations and security

If Mueller can take Trump down for Treason it would be worth half a trillion. He is the most dangerous, rotten, evil thing that has ever happened to the United States.

Trump is literally Satan.


Billionaire here.

I'll play 100 million dollars so that Drumpf gets impeached.


Go to bed Tom. You're drunk and the leaf proxy is unbecoming.

Trump needs impeached i want my cheap immigrant laborers.


>Trump is literally Satan
At least he's not a nigger too.

Democrats love spending other people's money on frivolous bullshit.

ALL Republicans are faggot niggers, pal. ALL of them. Ask anyone in America.

The name game is one of the most reddit things ive seen lately


>Trump is literally Satan.
The Jewish identity is literally Satan.*

More evil and sick than Hitler.

>single-count charge

Has it occurred to your infant brain that federal prosecutors use the threat of greater charges to convince defendants to offer testimony in return for leniency i.e. only being charges with the lesser crimes (such as lying to investigators)?

Doesn't exactly take a legal mind to see how retarded it would be to judge the cost-vs-results value of an ongoing investigation by the on-its-face insignificance of the charges against these people when it is as plain as day just prosecutors using basic plays from the prosecutor's playbook.

The investigation could have cost 1/10th of that number and dumbshits like you would still embarrass yourselves with your dumbshit posts.

>Talking logic to drumpffers.
They need to be put down.

There will be no more charges against Flynn. If you cant get Flynn on anything more than lying to agents, you have nothing on Trump, Trump Jr, Kushner, etc. I'm sure what you described is what you all HOPED would happen. But it didn't, because you continued investigating something that was made up by Democrats inside and outside the FBI and Clinton campaign. I'm sorry it didnt work out, but you could have just come onto Sup Forums back when you started and we could have all told you this

>There will be no more charges against Flynn

Isn't that exactly what I said before I explained why that would be the case, shit for brains?

Idk what to tell you. Flynn had nothing to offer because nothing was coordinated between Russia and candidate Trump. They busted him for what they could, which is essentially nothing, and actually moved their investigation farther away from Trump himself as a result. It's over for the people who thought Mueller was going to bring charges against Trump or provide any pathway to impeachment

He's such a beautiful man
Strong jaw, powerful eyes, a stiff upper lip

I like Mr. Trump, but Mueller is not bad either
He'd make a good president

Sup Forumslacks grasping at straws again I see.

Where's all the bitching for the cost to investigate Hillary all the alt right loons want.

Whatever it costs that ends up with her in jail and penniless is worth it. Her and her husband have literally stolen hundreds of billions and perhaps even trillions of dollars from American workers. Trump, by comparison, has only ever helped get American workers MORE money, making any investigation into him pointless

>Flynn had nothing to offer because nothing was coordinated between Russia and candidate Trump. They busted him for what they could, which is essentially nothing

Who's the one describing what they "hoped would happen," pal? Do you know what a plea deal is and what it entails? Do you know why Flynn's legal team stopped communicating with Trump's legal team shortly before the indictment was announced?

I knew consuming only Breitbart and Russian state propaganda left you misinformed but things must be really dire if this thread is any indication.



>You never know about an ally, an ally can turn. You're gonna find that out.

Nice source you got here Vladimir. The epitome of fake news.

Breitbart is a zionist news outlet retard.

>Mueller team sucking up millions per month in taxpayer money
It's as much money as Trey Gowdy wasted on the endless Benghazi hearings that produced zero prosecutions, zero plea deals and zero prison time, so I'd say we're way ahead on this one.

Making TrumDumpsters sweat? Priceless.

freedom ain't free

you wanna get to the bottom of the russian interference and jail all the traitors