/DDCg/ Dotard Drumpf Cheetolini General

Imbeachment any day now. Mueller is gonna imbeach Dotard himself. Mueller knows Russia hacked his democracy, cause Crowdstrike told him so. Once imbeached, Mueller will then appoint Hillary Rodham Clinton president. Slayyyyyy Queen

>inb4 Reddit
>inb4 shareblue

Try refuting the facts you Drumpfkins?

(Protip you cant)

Sick post I voted for drumpf but i regret it

We can't let DRUMPF put his tiny hands on the nuke codes!


Drumpf is drumpf lol

I can't believe I voted for a child rapist lile drumpf

Hey dumbfuckstain you didnt post any facts to refute!

Are you one of those failed abortions i keep reading about?

Look at this nazi! We bash fash bra!

Best thread on Sup Forums right now

Still no facts dumbfuckstain??? Not even an unnamed source???? How did you survive the abortion???

Real patriots, not fascist drumpf voters.

Look a Russian bot

i.e. your shareblue coworkers

Way to resit! Keep up the great work.


Look a fake flag failed abortion

>inb4 shareblue

You lose DRUMPFkin

You lose fake flag failed abortion.

Stay mad, your boy drumpf is finished

Still no facts failed abortion???? You lose.

>being this butthurt

This is the gayest thread i've ever seen.


Does your ass hurt when you samefag this hard?
You need to relax and smoke some sage. Leave raiding to the adults.

Yeah fucking right op, Mueller has NOTHING

Hey dumbfuckstain do you have facts or are you a failed abortion also???

It's over.
Drumpf is finished.