Breaking news on Fox just now. Mueller team has confirmed story is fake to Fox news.

The fucking media is literally making shit up now.

Other urls found in this thread:

The requests for banking records were made months ago. The articles you're reading today are the result of them having now looked at Trump's Deutsche Bank records and found no anomalies or exploitable transactions

Here's an article from July that describes Mueller's interest in the records back then

It's more noteworthy that during the first full quarter of expensing, Mueller's team sucked up 7 million taxpayer dollars - just reported today by DOJ

Sorry Sweetie, but it's happening.

Mueller has literally sent a statement to Fox saying the story is false, so idk what that entails.

I'm watching for this to go up on Fox website to see the exact wording the statement.

Bump for fake news


Oh sweetie

Shoo, Bess.

Of considerable size if bona fide

OP, if what you're saying is true, it's also big.

Can't Trump sue the media and ask for like 500 millions in image damage?

Mueller is not investigating Trump. Of course that bank story is fake news.

>Of considerable size if bona fide

it's real

The guy Fox WH correspondent (who always asks the questions in the briefings) broke the storyabout 15mins ago while waiting for Sanders to come out.

It'll probably come up during the briefing.

Celebrities and people who put their selves out there like Trump really have a hard time with cases like that. I'm not saying he couldn't sue, but those cases are dismissed often. However, people probably could sue people publishing fake news stories that cause harm to them like the stocks crashing with that fake Flynn / Trump story.

fake news






You got us.

No, really, babydick. Nice detective work.

Of course the media lies. Guilty.

And it won't stop every single sane organization from continuing to do the same.

You do realize we've been slinging mud at this cunt of a President since the second he stole it from Her, and we will continue to work with anything that sticks, right?

You do realize there's ONE truth alone that matters anymore? This sick, delusional, fucked up orange ape is a threat to the entire planet, and each second he remains in office we're facing an extinction level crisis.

We will say anything to get him out.

We will do anything to get him out.

We will make you believe anything we want to get him the fuck OUT.

He was caught on tape admitting fucking rape and it still wasn't enough!

Fuck white American men. If they won't accept the truth, they'll get lies. They brought it on themselves.

So, YES, Donald Dumbcunt really is coming to hike your taxes 90%.

YES, he's gutting your healthcare.

YES, he will start WWIII.

YES, YES, YES he wants to take your guns.

Good news is, it's working.

Asshole is limping along at a 30% approval rate. Record disapprovals. His own racist base is turning on him with each twist of the knife. It's becoming a public embarrassment to say the slightest thing positive about him.

Impeachment will begin once he dips into the twenties. Republican voter turnout will be so fucking low next year, the Big Blue Wave is absolutely certain.

Democrats will enter Congress on a mission to eject this grotesque, evil, monstrously unpopular freak of a President by any means imaginable.

OP is a fag until posts proofs of a saucy disposition.

c'mon user links or kys


The real question then is, is it true? There are a lot of things that would be significant, but which remain unverified. So much so that it is not helpful to speak of big things without any prior verification.

The media is so predictable with their hysteria over anything Trump related. It's quite possible the WH is "leaking" some of these Fake News stories just to further damage the credibility of the MSM.

Drumpftardkins grasping at straws. You cheeto is toast.



Just watched it again and it's def legit. Fox was contacted to correct the reporting on it.

The cry of the loser

Even if you win, we get Pence. Stupid Jewnigger thought there was no deadman switch for the Trump regime.

Mark my words. This is only just starting. What we will do to you traitor communist scum will make you beg for the gentle times of Trump. We are going to take your world apart in detail and in general.

user above is right. Blue wave in 2018. Majority dems in house and senate. At mimimum, nothing gets done. No more appointments to judiciary etc. Likely outcome, impeachment by House, trial by senate results in removal. Hillary rolls in 2020.


fake and gay.

lelelel you will even blame the upcoming recession on muh ebbil media, you absolute submongrels.
If the market it healthy it needs to correct, that's what even your bipolar mongrellus in chief doesn't seem to understand.

You're a pathetic, delusional faggot.

Aw, little drumpkin got his diapers knotted up. You gonna shoot us with your video light saber, or launch photon torpedos at us. Maybe the knights of gondor will join you.

A source with knowledge of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into alleged Russian election meddling pushed back Tuesday on a new report claiming Mueller called on Deutsche Bank to submit data pertaining to its client relationship with President Trump.

Bloomberg, citing an unnamed source, reported that Mueller is seeking information on the German lender and its relationship with Trump and his family. Trump reportedly owes the bank $300 million.

But the source tells Fox News there has been no subpoena from Mueller’s office to Deutsche Bank about the president’s finances.

Sure kid


>Mueller's team has NOT subpoenaed Deutsche Bank on Trump's finances, source says

shoo shoo dirty jew

Bullshit I have been watching Fox news and haven’t seen anything about it

Also, it’s still on the front page of garage so you are the liar

it's right here cunt

Lol, u mad

>intentional reddit spacing shitting up the thread

>FOX Sources

Some dumb bitch in the copy room?

all i read was:
>blah blah blah
>we're losing
keep it up, cupcake; maybe you push yourselves further into a corner.

You are a fucking liar you piece of shit. I’m still watching FOXNews in Shepard Smith while promoting his upcoming new show just mentioned how they were looking into those bank records so you were a fucking liar. No mention whatsoever of Mueller giving a statement

Nobody believe this piece of shit


Don't get mad space cowboy. Go play your whittle games on your computer. In a couple of months the adults will be back in charge

fuck off to back to r/politics cockgoblin

you do realize your efforts to demoralize in defense of a pathetic failure like Clinton is completely in vain...aside from whatever sheckles you stuff up your ass to post here.

at the end of the day ALL of your narratives are ineffective and only boomerang back o haunt you.

you might as well hang yourself now before reality catches up with you. Better yet, go find a fastfood job before all your Shareblue/Soros money runs dryer than a whore's tounge in the middle of a Saudi Arabian summer.


Except you refuse to post the link. You are completely full of shit

>Nobody believe this piece of shit

right here bitch

do you ever tire of losing??

> We will make you believe anything we want

ahahahahaha, YEA LOL.


>Except you refuse to post the link. You are completely full of shit

can you read cunt??

you guys really are disappointed, huh. well, keep trying...

awww...widdle trumpkin gonna cry?

The election was stolen, and you fuckers know it, and that's why the Don and his crew are going to prison. Hillary will win in a landslide in 2020.

Unfortunately, the mechanics of "getting him out" are far to slippery for your sausage fingers.

Trump 2020:Insuring America's greatness..

John RobertsVerified account
26m26 minutes ago
A source with knowledge of the investigation tells @FoxNews that there has been no subpoena from Robert Mueller's office sent to Deutsche Bank asking for information on @realDonaldTrump finances

7 million dollars to charge someone with old, obscure FARA violations and someone with lying about something that was perfectly legal and normal to do. Good job fbi

You antifa and r/democrats niggers must work at mcdonalds, because you're salty as fuck. Where's that faggot that keeps posting "from a trumpkin blog amirite" all the time when you need him, we almost have a full house.

says the german dealing with a crumbing EU. how's it going to feel as soon as all these countries owing you a debt decide to switch to their own currency, leaving you in a lurch with the wave of migrants you're dealing with so well?

you sound so disappointed. why so mad?

>the election was stolen
yeah, Hillary tried to steal it and failed.


> called this 8hours ago this morning.
bg2ez shills.

>>Former FBI Director James Comey defended the Clinton aides’ inconsistent statements in a House Judiciary Committee hearing held on Sept. 28, 2016.
>“Having done many investigations myself, there’s always conflicting recollections of facts, some of which are central [to the investigation], some of which are peripheral,” Comey told Jason Chaffetz, a former Utah congressman who served on the committee last year.


sure you will. isn't that what you said last year before the election...
then during the election...
then after the election...
the next 3 to 7 years are really going to hurt for you.

>story is fake to Fox news

uhh are you retarded

next time try running a non-collectivist candidate who isn't a fucking criminal and serial liar.

What's cute is that they think they can stop this now. You niggers said it yourself.

Right and what y’all also need to remember is that it’s not “Mueller vs. Comey” as some are trying to spin this on here... it’s more like “Mueller backed into such a legal shitstorm he has no choice (as they hoped this day would never come) but to now revoke immunity on Comey because there’s no way to stop or hide it all anymore”. There, that’s a better. ;o)

Mueller’s will probably be revoked, too and considering McCabe and his cronies are high and dry... shouldn’t be too much longer, either! It’s times like this I wish “user meet-ups” were a literal “thing” so we could hang out after work and celebrate via happy hour(s)!!!!!!!


oh sweeties...

the bait is out of this world.

apparently ginormous.

You owe me a fucking beer.

>I have no proof other than a xenophobic Anti-russian conspiracy hyreria that keep parroting like a fucking moron, but BELIEVE ME Trump stole the election!!!!! REEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! need to lay off the crack pipe you fucking delusional parasite. Your queen is dead.

>We will say anything to get him out.
>We will do anything to get him out.

Might as well admit you’ll destroy democracy and free speech because you want to save democracy and free speech from Darrrrummppffpfpfpffpfpfppf. Are you prepared for civil war because you hate Trump? Are you willing to let your rulers literally rape you and your children because you hate Trump?

*breathes in*

We will we see about that 4chins. House of cards is coming down next year. In 10 years, you white faggots will be a minority and you will never win another election again. Get ready for mandatory diversity training, and we're taking away your guns and play stations.

tick-tock, hillumpfsharts.

I’d buy y’all LOTS of fucking beers... and Michelle-banned chocolate milks for the under 21’s here, too! Haha!

>152130325 (You)

the absolute state of Sup Forums bait in 2017. you're gonna need to try harder than that

It's cute you think these faggots have children, and the ones that do have kids bought them from their drug dealers.

>The media is literally making shit up now


Rather Fail News

>A source with knowledge
bad sauce???
who's got the gud sauce?

>our unnamed and totally real sources say this thing, you can believe us

Not seeing it on foxnews website

the story never made any sense because the fbi is allowed to just look at the bank records without a subpeona
thanks patriot act you pile of shit


Except obongos birth certificate is fake.

>journalists using the same tactics as controversial shitposting citizens is a good defense of their behavior

It's not there. Fake news. All of this "mueller team are anti trump partisans" shit being spouted on Faux News, is b.s. rhetoric because the right knows Trumps little con is about to be blown wide open.

Learn to read the thread you autist

>Trump supporters grasping at straws
LOL...blaming Clinton's pathetic loss on Russia is like the Westboro Babtist Church blaming a hurricane on homosexuality.

you faggot ass virtue signaling liberals are as delusional as religious extremists and its fucking hilarious.

Lay out his con then, because we've displayed everything out. It isn't true just because you say so, you have to prove and explain it.

Your entire base's theory is litterally
1)fuck trump
2) fuck russia
3) It was HER TURN
4) ...
5) Proffit!

I bet you've never even been to AK or experienced the shithole that the clintons made.


Cheers, Lady M! A busy day today?

I bet you would look at a diamond and say its a piece of shit too right?

>making shit up now