I always get mixed signals on Sup Forums about this, what rights do women actually deserve?

I always get mixed signals on Sup Forums about this, what rights do women actually deserve?
In your ideal society

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fuck off



Women shouldn't deserve any rights because they shown they can't handle them. The day women were given the right to vote was the beginning of the end. Now we live in a society where the family structure is destroyed, degeneracy reigns supreme roasty and we're teetering on collapse/civil war.


>what rights do women actually deserve?
The same rights we give children.

in my ideal society women would have the right to kill the british foot fetish fag making inane shit threads as an excuse to post his fetish pics

Same rights as men.

Including the same burdens...

... and the same responsibilities.

If they can't accept that, then they're implicitly accepting their rights are negotiable.
Which i'm fine with.

I would give up everything I own if I could rub their feet

Ugly feet desu

>nazgul and an inbred

Absolute equality. No quotas and no positive discrimination. Most of our problems with women would disappear immediately if we got rid of socialism. It'd be a hell of an incentive to stay faithful, if you'd end up in the streets instead of to the arms of the society.

paterfamilias or nothing

You get mixed signal from Sup Forums because this board is filled with retards without any consistency or real world experience to backup their claim.

Only once in a blue moon a good discussion occurs here.

>You get mixed signal from Sup Forums because this board is filled with retards without any consistency or real world experience to backup their claim.
Or.... maybe... just maybe... could it be that you get mixed people, because.... because Sup Forums is not one person?!

The real question is what have women done to earn rights?

Men of history understand that rights are earned through bloodshed and sacrifice. Women just sit around waiting for things to get better. When power is finally given to the "fairer sex," they squander it, open up the borders, hold hands with blacks and muslims, and ironically use their new found freedoms to reduce their freedoms.

In short, the purpose of a woman is to maintain the house and make it a home for family, to feed her family, and to not marry deadbeat men who will leave them and then write articles on Buzzfeed how it's so liberating to be a single mother.


Become a masuse you dumb cunt


Women and men should have not have equal rights. It's not because one gender has less right than the other but each has differing rights.

Rights are for people not property...I'm not sure what your asking

Basic rights : right to live, not to be raped and, yes that's all. Women should be considered property.

all of em

do you spill oj on happy couples?