Kraut and Tea BTFO
long story short for you unawarefags
>be German youtuber with fake accent
>dox alt right qt off of youtube
>deny the existence of heritability
>3 videos in a row of the same exact thing
Its a meltdown of major proportions

Other urls found in this thread:

kraut is just a smug retard and all the sceptics are fucking embarrassing

I was just going to make this thread.


im anxiously waiting for JF's video now, kek.

I thought he did a good job of debunking race realism. Plus it had the added bonus of illustrating the hypocrisy of the alt-right.
>holocaust denial- “The truth should not fear investigation.
>race realism denial- “oy gevalt! Shut it down!”
Honestly alt-right faggots are no better than commies.

It's OK to have a discussion, but god damn he deserves it after pulling that shit with rage after storm and pretending he did nothing wrong. And then sargon wades in to troll instead of help. It's really surprising that they can be fairly accurately portrayed by Murdoch Murdoch is all things.
What faggot is saying don't talk about race realism?

have you even watched JF response videos?
DO you realize how humiliated Kraut is being?

The ones that false flagged kraut’s videos.

I have. I wasn’t impressed.


I really dont think you have understood why Kraut is wrong.

Kraut's arguments are filled with strawmen and the occasional continuum fallacy

MM actually predicted what would happen to rage. I don't think Kraut pulled his bullshit until after the kekistan video came out. They were only just starting to turn on her but after the video is when she disappeared

Plus I think the kekistan video got mouthy buddha to do the JQ series, he didn't appreciate being portrayed as a huge faggot. Of course he couldn't handle the redpills and patreon drying up

it's honestly embarrassing, but he just keeps doing and then keeps getting slaughtered, over and over again.

Is that actually him? If so, any evidence on this?

yeah its him

he got doxxed apparently


why do the septics keep going?

dude, so you believe two population with different background over several generations in different envirements, could have the same genetic material that deals with anything also the brain?
so if we treat apes like humans they get as intelligents as we are?

I guess we have to assume that you're trolling at this point. Not only has that never been an issue, but turned out that the flagging was from some fag who thinks the alt right is a bunch of pussies with a history. Watch this video and read the description:

*some fag with a history

its over
kraut eternally btfo
might as well kill him self

but serious tho, why does kraut act like a 15 year old girl and only talk about althype and JF when in his clique? He refuses to discuss with them, when they repeatidly open the floor for dialogue. Kraut would rather just gossip behind the corners, and become enlightened by his own intelligence.
every once and a while some of kraut's sychophants will talk to JF, and they grill him like a CIA handler. Absolutely no good faith argument, and make many character assumptions.

because they need their shekels

i don´t know if Kraut makes a living doing youtube but i presume he doesn´t have a real education or a job

All Kraut is arguing about really is that Race realism isn't 100% proven by genes. there is no debunking done there, he is just claiming that there isn't enough evidence to go either way, when there is.

also he once held a 16 year old anglo girl in his house against her will for multiple months. She was a fan that loved him, but after a while realized he was a sick fuck with extreme personality and dominance issues

>he doesn´t have a real education
he is a high school drop out i believe


Why would you go on the internet and just tell lies?

>dat random reveal that alt-hype is gay
well, it's okay with me. I have more against the normalization of homosexuality than aginst homos themself. You can keep getting sodomized as much ass you want as long as your videos stay hq!

he's been on youtube for 8+ years, and was well known he was gay. He made a video in like 2012 talking about it

I don't know, ask Kraut

Humans haven’t diverged that much. The most distantly related person to you is your 50th cousin. Not to mention modern human races have existed for only about 20,000 years, which is pretty recent considering it takes millions of years for a species to diverge. Human beings aren’t that different.

too bad though.

really doesnt help the image when people like nick griffin claim the alt-right is full of fags.

I think Greg Johnson is too,



Er ist eine schande für deutschland

>"human race have existed for only about 20,000 years"

You weren't lying, I misread your post because I'm retarded.

>"it takes millions of years for a species to diverge"

>"Human beings aren't that different"

Nice bait faggot.modern humans have existed for 300 000 years dumfuck.

>we cant proof chemically that sun is hot on a molecular level in a controlled environment that fits into my arbitrary made up standards I keep claiming to be "the" scientific method altough they are not, theres literally no conclusive proof at all the sun is hot :^)
Literally fuck off shilling this literally nobody.



yikes. what in the fuck

I said modern races, as in what we think of as European, African, Asian etc. Anatomically modern humans have existed for much longer, but looked unlike anything we see today.

Hey it's millenial woes retarded kraut cousin.

>scientists have found what the average european will look like in 2050 and its beautiful

Who did he dox?

someone should hit up the $keptic™ community ab the krautnapping shit desu
get the coptic mongrel on the case or smth

what did braving ruin do to deserve that merchant meme?
did i miss anything?

>Use nigger skull combined with some fragments
When will they stop?

There is no good reason to think that Europeans descended from Grimaldi like people instead of Cro-magnons

Then I suppose you think the first Europeans just magically became white the second they stepped onto the continent.

idk i just had it saved, he's close enough to kraut to maybe have info on it though

didn't they find shit in ukraine that was older than the african fossils tho

rage after storm
he also contacted her employers and got her fired

nah, it was in the balkans.

Did you mean the really old jaw 72. million years i think?


yeah thats it, caused a smalll ruckus but got rug-swept bc we wuz da yuropeens n sheeit

You're free to deny and question race and heredity all you want, but there's a little matter of facts that get in the way. The only way to deny race and heredity is to deny the entirety of the field of biology.
The Holocaust has no solid facts backing it up, only emotionalism and narratives.

No, earliest modern humans in Ukraine are dated at 34,000 years ago. Earliest African fossils date back to 300,000 years ago.


interesting talk on red ice

well ik what im gonna be listening to for the next hour and a half

so we wuz kangz n shiieet now?

also you cannot forget the massive influence of neanderthal admixutre, of which the africans have none.


For fucks sake


The divergence of European-Asians from Negroids occurred, at the latest, 40,000 years ago. For comparison, the divergence of the domestic dog from the wolf occurred about 20,000 years ago.

nigguh we wuz always kangz
we wuz in caves while darkie wuz in hutz?

Yeah my view on it is basically
>"I'm okay with gay people and them having rights, I'm not okay with the massive normalization of it making children confused and I'm massively against the 'culture' around homosexuality like the pride parade, it's horrible. Do this shit in private.

that fucking picture


Yes, user. And if we treat cats like humans too.

Because pes and cats are no different species at all. You retard.

Consider this: If it can breed with each other, it is the same species.

Different races of humans can breed. Do the math.

Besides: No matter what your fancy stats say, you can still not determine, if the asian you meet is actually smarter or dumber than you, only based on his skincolour, can you?

So tell me, what is all your butthurt "but muh geeenz" talk worth at all?

Dude, the meme got old. Live with it or salt on...

I feel betrayed and violated
this sodomites words have slipped undetected into my ears for long enough. I’m going over to Krauts side now...
the alt right is STUPiD


Is that kid a JonTron?

wow you should make videos debunking race realism on youtube.
I'm sure everyone will be blown away by your unique perspective

A rare pic of Jon "Going on a Nigger Safari" Jafari's initiation into the Alt-Right, where he was tasked with butchering a trans woman of colour in cold blood.

>caring about literally who youtube faggots
Nu-Sup Forums fuck off