Confess your political sins, my son. All will be forgiven

Confess your political sins, my son. All will be forgiven.

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I voted for Obama.


repent heathen leaf

In 2008 or 2012?

I don’t know if I can confess, father.

2012, it was my first election and I liked the idea of universal healthcare. Still do, actually, but only for white people.

Go to the gym fat-ass cancuck.
We are coming to your country to rape your women, faggot.

The lord and I are listening

I have been member of leftist alliance for the past 4 years and its youth organization for 6.
I have run for municipal city council elections last year, and this year I was appointed into city`s presidential election committee.

Very jew of my comrades know that I`m actually Marxist hiding in the clothes of radical social democrat.


I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 because I support the idea of other Us political parties becoming stronger, and because I hate the D/R dichotomy.
But After Election Day I saw the light and I’ve been a Trump supporter ever since.

Me being a mongrel, I thought identity politics didn’t matter. My actions, compared to actions of others, have proven to me the opposite as of late. I am preparing myself now for extermination in hope that a white America can be preserved. I seek no forgiveness, nor validation, only a swifter death.

I voted for Obama twice and Bernie in the primaries. I think I redeemed myself by voting trump though.

when i was a kid i thought communism sounded pretty ok

does not killing muslims count as a political sin ?

Oh and I used to be a feminist sjw. Oops.

>used to watch TYT unironically
>voted for Obama in a poll (2008)
>unironically advocated for diversity
>defended communism in ninth grade
>thought the crusades were bad
>defended Islamic Jihad as revenge for the crusades
Father, I have sinned gravely. I am a changed man, I cast off my childhood fantasies.
Please, father, forgive me.
Is there any hope?

I am a ancap

Was a huge commiefag in high school. How do I repent father?

Weren't we all?

I watch blacked


So was I, father. I humbly ask for your mercy and forgiveness.

>defended Islamic Jihad as revenge for the crusades

You are forgiven, my sons

Thank you, father.

Voted for Obama in 2012 when I was a generic libshit :'(

gratias tibi, pater

I believe there is no future, no liberties, no nothing, only eternal tyranny of bankers and mindless shitskin slaves, and the worst part - they wouldn't even need slaves to work, only to have someone below, to be miserable.

>be me, 17
>friends and i drive around town putting pellets through Conservative yard signs
>talked my dad into voting for Trudope
>Trump wins
>Go down rabbit hole
>never look back

I stopped being commie at seven.

Looks like you found salvation all by yourself.

used to be a sjw and black lives matter sympathizer also was fat

Essentially, I just did what was viewed as the right thing (under Left Wing rule).

I regret absolutely nothing father... my hands are kleen

You misunderstood the question.

I used to be quasi-lolbertarian cuckservative :(

I don't think I hate niggers nearly enough father. Is there any hope?

the only whites I saw were cucks, Muslims where the only non-cucks.
I was indoctrinated from an early age.
But hey, I had inexplicable sympathies for Hitler and National Socialism.

I've only ever voted for UKIP. I honestly don't know what other party to vote for.

I got a worthwhile degree and a career but I went 80k in private loan debt to get there. I later went on to buy a home with a tiny down payment. I have turned over tens of thousands of dollars to bankers and will yet turn over hundreds of thousands.

I have a weakness for big Khazar milkers

I thought liberalism would help my mental disorder

Have him live in exile in South-Africa for a month, father.

I still enjoy Ayn Rand novels.

>used to be a satanist at age 13
>unironically called myself a cosmopolitan for a few months back at age 14
that's basically it

>Confessing your sins to another man just because he underwent a special ceremony

I would have voted clinton during the election if i could have. Agter trump won i finally started looking in to what the big deal was, became hardcore pro trump, no longer are an atheist, and have been redpilling friends and family ever since


I voted for Obama in 08. I repent.


>he missed the chance to vote for the God Emperor
>voted for a faggot meme third party nobody instead

(red)neck yourself

I want to fuck a beaner before we kick them all out

I lost a debate about gay marriage.

>Blond hair
>Blue eyes
>But there's this cute girl who's kinda tan

Don't do it user

I support black lives matter

i'm insane sometimes, and have nothing going for anything
>defended Islamic Jihad as revenge for the crusades
if you pulled up on a map of the christian crusades against the muslim crusades you could see that you can fit literally over a dozen christian crusades in the space of how big the muslim crusades are
at least your learned

I support genocide father. Will God ever forgive me?

Luther accepted Penance as sacrament at some point of his life.

I voted for Obama in 2008 when I was a degenerate pleb. Forgive me or kill me whatever must be done to atone.

my first few years at university, I was involved in sds and promoted communism. i was cucked and mind fucked.
Then I woke up - it hurt, Father, but I awoke slowly and have come to embrace 1488. What must I do to wash away my former sins of politically smoking jewish cock?

I was happy when Obama won in 2008, I was also 9 years old, now I realize the error of my ways.

I once was a democratic socialist who gave long winded responses to those who used the word faggot about how that word was wrong and immature.

Also I used to claim how Trump’s wall was racist and how the Republicans are against progress.

I was joined the BLM movement at my college to get laid.

Didn't work.

I'm still a le meme left-centrist who's anti-racist but i browse pol because it's amusing

back to plebbit.

Politics is retarded shitflinging and always will be
There are far, far too many extreme ideologies floating around anymore (Marxism, Nazism, Anarcho-anything, obscure-flavor-of-the-day-archy)
Religious activities are necessary and we cannot escape them as they serve many purposes
Moderation and balance, while extremely boring, is extremely important in pretty much everything you do, even in your thoughts
Jordan Peterson's heart is in the right place even if he's a broken record and unfortunately for Sup Forums not literally a Nazi (oh nooooo)

what woke you, brother?

I do really perverted stuff with prostitutes. It started with normal sex but it went pretty wild after a while and now i cant go back.

i regret nothing. Thanks for forgiven me tough. Can we make this a monthly thing? Feels good.



Based cofessposter, forgiving many sins across the boards.

If a nigga being a Minarchist is woke, then I woke as fuck.

I unironically voted for "die linke", our far left crypto Marxist parties when I was younger.
School made me into a far left, egalitarian and diversity loving retard.

There are a few Syrian girls I know who look like Germanic goddesses but they're all taken. Why, has God forsaken me?

I've given up

Until about four years ago I was a Communist and a Red Army-boo. I even signed my name with a hammer and sickle at the end.

Oh God, how fucking retarded I was.

I prefer Asuka over Rei.

It's never too late son, it is merely anew beginning

indeed. I was a card-carrying member of the democratic socialist party. I look back with such cringe. So glad I had a based professor that scattered redpills throughout the years, beginning with Plato

I voted labour in the 2015 general election

I lie to my friends and tell them I voted for Jill Stein, when I actually voted for Trump.

I argued with someone who very well may have browsed /pol and was the ideal Sup Forumsack: white supremacy and all the other redpills. I debated him until I managed to convert him to a far left progressive faggot, only to later become a Sup Forumsack myself. He’s too far gone, and he now uses the points I made in my debate to sway others away from the truth.

I was a cuckservative most of my life.

I hope you are right leaf.

Don't have many. I voted for Ron Paul in 2008. Don't think I voted for Obama in 2012, was probably too depressed to go to the polling station. I voted for Hillary in 2016, not because I thought she was a worthy candidate, but because I assumed she was gonna win, and I thought it'd be neat to have the president for the next 4 years be someone I voted for. I think Trump's a dipshit, but I love love looooooove how much his presidency pisses off some of the shittiest people in America, thus I'm tempted to vote for him in 2020.

I hate niggers, jews and non-catholics.

I also used to enjoy the content of that nigger loving kike faggot Milo

How do you feel about the Pope?

>i voted for some faggot to display my individualism and how special and different I am from everyone else
>but then when Trump won, I wanted to hop onto the winners bandwagon so here I am

Damn user.... that's a pretty big sin... I won't forgive you, but God *might*.

I fucked my second cousin yesterday. We were both kind of drunk and it just kind of happened. Won't post her pic but she looks kind of like pic related
She didn't seem to mind afterwards but I'll prolly kill myself to avoid the embarrassment of word gets out

Yes, but all that remains is a collective confession rather than an individual one. Priest does invoke the testament of Jesus that he bestowed upon his apostles in that they may absolve sins in his name or deny doing so, but he doesn't have a one-on-one chit-chat with his parish.

That's not a sin. It's a virtue.

He's a heresiarch and a necromancer.


>I fucked my second cousin yesterday.

greentext the story or it's bullshit