Wisdom >

Drawing all your wisdom, what is the FUNDAMENTAL reason for white genocide, and the current state of western civilization? Don't just say "jews".

>>pic for positive energy

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White women genocide niggers in africa and the carribean by going on sex tourism trips over there.

So first stop genociding blacks using racemixing. Then you'll have the right to complain.

jews... and women's rights

Post-modernism and communism.

>Literally the pic attached

White people have too much empathy

Humans are mindless animals.

Control, and enslavement.

The desire to extinguish the propagation of highly intellectual and bloodlines that will form groups and are extremely hard to control, as opposed to an entire continent of africans who are literal cattle and can't organize against tyranny or oppressive control.


want a world where every goy is their slave. Whites have been the most productive in the past, but we are also the biggest threat to them. Jews know they would be slaughtered if enough people found them out, so they're desperately scrambling to do whatever they can to weaken and distract us.

"white" is a fabrication
it is not a racial identity, it is an amalgamation of all ethnic groups that hold traditional, largely christian values

"white genocide" is just the combination of the minority/underdog narrative reaching a fast peak through the benefit of mass connectivity (internet)

the traditional beliefs are there for a reason: the hold true to logical principles. this "white egnocide" will start to fade away as it becomes clear to its proponents that it is just another iteration of failed reactionary ideologies of times past. honestly its porbably a good thing this is all happening now

Feminism (White women not listening to men anymore)

power and control. aryans can and will stop the slide. I can't wait for the next age

Fuck off, shill

Cyclical nature of humanity and the onward momentum of evolution. We have ingrained behaviors that destroy our own societies whenever they grow too large so that they cannot smother whatever possibility might come next.

Tower of babel.

Also massive decadence

Everything about modern society makes having children a burden. Whites suffer the most right now but not exclusively. For example the advanced Asian nations are facing a demographic decline worse than many white nations at the moment.


checked. praise kek

You idiots that think positive vibes make up for turning your backs on God. Judgement is unfolding upon formerly Christian nations.

It will end in either repentance or destruction. Your opinion is irrelevant to God. Choose your path and deal with the consequences.



>what is the FUNDAMENTAL reason for white genocide

Hollywood obviously.
Kids gobble up whatever Hollywood shits out and then grow up to be degenerate like most of California.

read more, God wants you to find the truth and ascend up to him. Your false equivalencies are blinders friend

Ffs moishe im gonna holocaust you 6million fucking times


to create an international gentile slave race of mulatto goyim just smart enough to work, but docile enough to not question their master who are the zionist overlords in israel

It's very difficult for children to understand how they are being propagandized so they dont see anything until after years of indoctrination. it's up to parents to raise their children and most dont do a good job

Unequivocally this

globalism and the internet

Pathetic behaviour such as putting people we don't know before our countrymen.

Mostly caused by left-leaning childless women voting for clueless feminised agendas and dragging their orbiting cuck-brigade of soy-saturated """""men""""" with them to the booths.

Naive idealism

Mix it up goy genetics doesnt real.
We totally don't have an unbelievably sinister plan for the future of the world cloaked in victimhood and benevolence

people like
are the poison we are living with

>what is the FUNDAMENTAL reason for white genocide
the same reasons behind everything: wealth and power.
A massive underpaid shitskin population with few rights for bigger profits and that won't rebel as long as you feed it bread an entertainment so that you can retarin your power to make more money

The fact that birthing children is no longer a way to get free agricultural labor.

Create a world where all the nations (in the traditional sense of the word) are united and under the control of Israel. The short term gain is flooding cheap labor and debt balloons/security risks into rich countries and getting massive kickbacks and child sex slaves from refugee services and security. Different players have different incentives but all of them benefit from the same thing.

The desire of globalist, muslim, jews and minorities to claim a position of power in the racial, ideological and economic sense, all thanks to the comming of third wave feminism, mass inmigration, political correctness and movements like BLM, western societies will fall, the only salvation of humanity relies on eastern and asian countries, the usa with trump it's also triying to make the change happen.

The Enlightenment.

Since the "Enlightment" reason has been pushed as the only way to solve problems. Sadly, human reason is a tool of limited utility. It is only effective at solving problems with few variables, all of which are known to the problem solver. Reality is complex and frequently presents people with multivariate problems in which many variables are opaque. Human reason fails in confrontation with reality, which is why every successful civilization uses experience, passed down as tradition, to solve complex problems. The ideologues of the "Enlightenment" demanded that we cast aside tradition for their reasoning in order to build a better world, and they've been giving us havok ever since.

Simply because we worked faster, smarter and harder than other races to build beautiful civilizations, and now they're jealous so they'd rather see everything we worked towards destroyed.

For OP and mendatory Sup Forums reading, just 20 pages that will enlighten you, fucking newfag cancer:

>The Fate of Empire


>Human reason fails in confrontation with reality, which is why every successful civilization uses experience, passed down as tradition, to solve complex problems.
Okay, you're about to leave for work and you start to turnover the engine and...nothing. What solution does "tradition" guide you to? If keeping tradition were the key to human happiness, African "Kangz" wouldn't be just a meme.

Best post. The ultimate end-game will happend around after 2050, when transhumanism technology has developed enough. The final enslavement of humanity will be achieved when they get to directly get hold of everyone's brains. Once they don't even need humans as slaves, they will probably just execute their human slaves and live for all eternity on Earth with their in-group.

They try to get people utterly demoralized so that everyone will accept it easier. What they are most afraid of can be summarized in ''what about my people, what about my children''.


Corporate/globalist interests, which has power over both parties, and guaranteed votes for the left. We are in late stage capitalism, capitalism has become our culture and they are just sucking it dry. Offshore any operation you can and import workers when possible to drain the native population of whatever they have left. Eventually the entire thing will crash.

>an entire continent of africans who are literal cattle and can't organize against tyranny or oppressive control.
Wow this is so right, as any Rhodesian can attest.

Drawing all your wisdom? What is 2+2=?

Don't just say "four"!

global communism, which ultimately means... jews.

Okay fore point five.