This thread is for discussion of property rights, self-determination, natural order, right-libertarianism and the PHYSICAL REMOVAL of COMMUNIST FAGS from our board of peace. Reminder that this is the Libertarian RIGHT General. Left-Libertarians, Cosmopolitan freaks, Open borders cucks and other assorted libertine degenerates need to fuck off.


Questions are welcome, however many are repeated often. We advise you research the basics before asking.

>Pastebin: pastebin.com/7K1EJYb8
>Discord & Book Club: sXwfD5K

>Anatomy of the State (Murray Rothbard)
>For a New Liberty (Murray Rothbard)
>Democracy: The God that Failed (Hans Hermann-Hoppe) - riosmauricio.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Hoppe_Democracy_The_God_That_Failed.pdf

>Bump for Life, Liberty, and Private Death Squads

Other urls found in this thread:




Greetings, NatBol who can't process ideas on his own.

>Bolshevik calling other people Jews
How do you get to this level of retard?



Sup Forums has forgotten Ron Paul. It time he is remembered



Should rename this cringe general


show us your flag, leaf



Bump for Hoppe!


bump for /lrg/

Daily reminder that monopolies are virtually impossible to maintain on the free market and are almost invariably a product of state interference.

>b-but muh robber barons
How do you explain the fact that Andrew Carnegie brought the price of steel beams down by almost 90% over the span of about a decade? Checkmate, anclap - this is why we need anti-trust!

Bump, wheres all the ignorant fascists and trolling /leftypols/?

The solution for america, would be an autocratic confederacy focused on propertarianism, and the rights of the states. monarchy is the wrong solution. debate me faggots

I am right here

Welcome, watch where you tread

only on socialist human garbage my friend

I'll build them with my private slave army and make you pay to use it

Tell me about Minarchism

right here

We need to redpill people on the late 1800s

Massive increases in living standards for the working class thanks to economic production and deflation


Aye. Too bad most people need to be de-educated first, since they're fed demonstrably false, propagandistic lies in the government schools 90+% of people attend.

>physically remove the left

also the John Rockefeller monopoly

>(((bracket framing)))
Works on normies Rabbi, not autists.

It was never a monopoly

its like the government, but it really do anything

Tell that to the public.

Owned huge part of Cleveland oil industry. Bought pipelines to bar competitors. Standard Oil was one of the main resources for anti-trust laws, my friend.
>near monopoly, at least

>55% market share by the time they were broken up is a monopoly

They should have never been broken up

i wanna believe that image is real

>physical removal

Not to mention that they were the most charitable people of all time
Carnegie donated over $350,000,000 before he died in 1919
To put that in perspective the federal budget was around $18,000,000 (including all that shit they were paying because of what happened in WWI)

Imagine a guy giving away almost 2% of the federal budget to charity

What utilitarian arguments do you guys have against Modern Monetary Theory? Does it btfo commodity based currency?

>he doesn't read the OP

It's to the benefit of the currency issuer and parties near the currency issuer at the expense of all other currency holders to inflate the currency.
The incentive structure is horrible, and why things like bitcoin are so groundbreaking.


>no nigger at the end
what are you doing man?

how is libertarianism compatible with removing people merely for their ideology? sounds like modern sjw (punch a nazi) bullshit to me

>how is libertarianism compatible with removing people merely for their ideology
It's not. Nothing is libertarian about thought-policing. Some of them realize this and just participate in a meme, many of them are actual retards who don't even know what libertarianism IS.

What's the libertarian argument against Belgian, German or Nordic economic model etc. including the healthcare? Citizens of those countries seem to be fine with it. Sure they're market economy but also heavily taxed and with a huge public sector.

If you reject the NAP, you reject other people's property rights and cannot be trusted to behave peacefully.

like i said, that's the punch a nazi mentality. you justify violence against people merely for wrongthink

How is libertarianism society going to last when you let the communists, democrats, socialists, and other assorted parasites use and abuse society till it degrades into an unrecognizable form, like right now?

I would say it is indeed wrong to think that others have no right to their life, liberty, and property.

i don't care about your reasoning of whether it's right or wrong, i'm merely saying that's not libertarian

How is communism going to last when you let libertarians, conservatives, and other assorted bourgeois parasites use and abuse society till it degrades into an unrecognizable form, like right now?

Don't use arguments that can easily just be flipped by someone else to justify their own violence. They're bad arguments and obviously so.

punch a nazi mentality is not inherently wrong, as opposing ideologies will naturally conflict with each other. what is unnatural is state interference. as one like you who advocate freedom you would already be at odds with the marxist, or the nazi, the islamist, or the fascist, and they are at odd with you, as each of those ideologies name you either either as their victim or their cause of oppression.
those people upon gaining power will kill you in a state sponsored way, because they're ideology call for it.
and if you consider each human a cell in the body of their group, then you consider the fight to natural as the fight between the mongoose and the snake. and every bit as just, and the only side that doesn't fight(mainstream lolberts)will be eaten, and considered to be the oddity, and destroyed.

no, its not libertine

How is not libertarian to defend one's own liberty?

what do you mean, you drive my argument home, they will not allow you to survive, and we only a part of nature, nature is survival of the fittest, if we allow it to happen we are not the fittest. there is nothing wrong wiht suppression of marxist thought

Physical removal is a colorful expression that actually means social exclusion for those who refuse to acknowledge and respect other people's property rights. Everyone, by exercising their right to freedom of association, would exclude from society those people who attack their property rights.

In order to live you need lots of things provided by others like shelter, a job so you can have currency, and a place where you are allowed by its owners to buy everything you need with such currency. The thing is those people must firstly agree to provide you with such things.

Physical removal actually means that such people as apologists of communism and democracy would and/or should suffer a reverse-boycott. Stores would refuse to sell them goods, landlords would refuse to rent them a place and everyone would organize that nobody is providing goods to the likes of those people. Considering that in a private law society even the streets are privately owned those people wouldn't even allowed to step anywhere near such communities of private property based societies and would be either considered a minor nuisance or expelled by force. And they'd be in their right because they'd be trespassing private property.

Read this to get a general idea how it'd work: fee.org/articles/how-policing-works-in-a-privatized-city/
Link above is an approximate blueprint how such a society could function. Notice the part where they say that "no gang tattoos are allowed". They are effectively applying a policy of segregation this way. (And it's beautiful!)

Then some memelords here converted the whole physical removal thing it into an apology of violence. Brainlets, the lot of them.

Daily reminder that there is no Libertarian right, just European Libertarianism and far-right minarchism.

You should respond to reality and not paranoid conjecture about unrealized states of affairs.
If someone is saying words - WHATEVER those words are - it is not ever justifiable to violently assault them based on their speaking.
Thought policing is the absolute antithesis of libertarianism, and if you support thought policing you're simply not a libertarian.

In short: You don't even NEED to kill commies at all. You just let them starve with their retarded ideology.

Their ideology is practically unable to produce pretty much anything to support decent modern standards of living. If they were properly segregated they'd suffer the consequences of their ideas instead of mooching off a free society all the while working actively to bring it down.

how is it paranoid conjecture to see that marxist committed the greatest atrocities of human history, and that they openly promise it upon their 'oppressors' TODAY. and that their plan is literally mass killings

I completely agree with freedom of association, and that explanation makes a lot more sense. Not exactly helpful to the movement when people subvert the message to make it thought policing though.
Also, don't have the patience for articles written like a novel. I wish everyone would just get to the point, Jesus Christ.

>to see
If you see it it's not paranoid conjecture. If you don't see it and attack people because your feels tell you they're gonna do something you're a fucking moronic tool.

This is true but killing people for wrong think is authoritarianism.

I have no issue with shooting communists but you have to wait until they attempt to steal your shit.

oh look, a commie who doesn't like people having their liberty and freedom.


I agree too with the point that the whole removal misinterpretation has done a lot of damage to the idea of libertarianism.
Even many spokespeople that pretended to be know it alls of libertarianism fell for this misunderstanding.

I am in doubt whether such a thing was fortuitous or intentional though.

Removal is not ostracization.
You trying to peddle that absolutely dissimilar words are magically synonymous only in this case is pathetic.

So you actually believe that libertarianism is an apology to violence?

>you have to wait until they attempt to steal your shit.
Is announcing their intentions to steal not good enough? Threats of violence are just as worthy of self-defense.

Daily reminder (and this should be in the fucking OP by now) that Libertarianism =/= Egoism.

Libertarians accept and appreciate society and peaceful cooperation. Stop conflating the two, plz.

That's not any more pathetic than labeling libertarians as compatible with violence for wrongthink.

>"You're an anarchist? Zomg, why you don't want people to associate with each other???? LOL"

I believe the "le physical removal xD" people try to justify violence. They are not libertarians.

They're both pathetic.

senpaitachi, why not plan to phisical remove yourselves and migrate to new hampshire or some shit instead

the helicopters shall came later

If they can be shown to plan such actions;
- "Brothers, join the preparations for a communist revolution!"
- "All non-believers must convert, pay and submit or die for Allah"
- "I'm going to kill you"
Are examples of justifying violence in self defense. Simply saying that you'd like a socialist state is not enough. Neither is voting for it.

What's up kikes.

That's exactly my point.

libertarianism is all about legit violence

it's not pacifism

implying the end-game of ancap society isn't policing the whole world to raise the moral standards by force and protect the children from their abusive fathers

but we already established this, its not feeling, its knowing what the preacher preaches

Average work week went from 70hrs to 36hrs from 1830 to 1930 (I think over a 70 year period though).

1800s are demonized and the robber baron myth is peddled because it was a century of Classical Liberalism and economic prosperity, which the world used and abused in the 1900s.

The socialists and the neocons had to band together to demonize us (yes we are the true Liberalis, we carry the fucking torch) so they could implement their left/right wing of the same collectivist bird bullshit.

Before that it was us vs the monarchists and then the Socialists tried to go us and we fucking whooped them in Economics, but we were betrayed.

This is a phenominal talk every Libertarian should know the facts of: (whoever this cunt is he's a good lad)

You're trying to pretend "physical removal" is equivalent to ostracization.

>libertarianism is all about legit violence
"Legit violence" is not pre-emptive violence and thought-policing.


It is feeling. Reality isn't reality until it happens. Pre-emptive violence is not justifiable in libertarianism.

Inciting violence is not protected by the first amendment. Discussing communist ideas is not the same thing though, and it is necessary that people be able to think out and discuss these ideas in public discourse to understand on their own why they're terrible.

Also daily reminder, you own yourself, your actions and the effects of those actions. Anyone who tries to distort that is being immoral and illogical. That goes for all collectivists that try to justify their backwards Aztec tier sacrificial beliefs.

Individualist soyboys are the biggest blight to humanity
Use your fucking head, have some discipline


It actually is. That is exactly what Hoppe meant for it.
Another different thing is what short attention span shitposters in Sup Forums think it means. They should've read the books instead of meming so much.

you actually require over 70iq to visualize the differences between an objective spoken threat and and just talking shit

suck more state cock

talking about theft and planning theft are different things, your iq will get higher with age so don't panic, you'll get there

> use your head
> individualism is the biggest blight
All of human history, every collectivist war, collectivist caused famine, collectivst denial of human rights would like to take you out back and kick your dumb fucking teeth in bubble'o'bill. You're obsolete cunt, just like this icecream.


I respect nazbols more than libertarians desu.