Ike Love / Abe Hate thread

Dwight D. Eisenhower was the greatest US President.

Abraham Lincoln was the worst US President.

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Well yeah that's not even up for debate

JFK was our best.
LBJ was our worst.

>permanent wartime economy for (((them)))
sure guy, keep telling yourself it was agood thing

I'm sorry for creating such an obtuse thread. The crux of my original post went without saying.

Average Christian worker owned his own home, bought a new car every two years, wife did not work.

>jewish control systems sure were comfy user
you don't deserve your birthright

>Dwight D. Eisenhower was the greatest US President.
>expanded Social Security
>signed the civil rights acts of '57 and '60
>sent federal troops into Little Rock
>fucked up the U2 incident
so he gave a speech about the military industrial complex all the while spending an assload on it
guy is a bigger hypocrite than John Lennon
what else did he do other than MUH ROADS?

Eisenhower is overrated as fuck

that speech was at the end of his political life when he realized what a colossal mess he made by cementing the deep state. dude wasnt even calling the shots at the end of his presidency

I don’t care what you’re saying, just give me the girl’s name fag

dude go search you horndog you. its been posted prolly dozens if not hundreds of times along with followup material. the state of lazy

I’m on phone genius I wouldn’t be asking, and don’t call me lazy I probably do more things than you fatty.

ah the ol' one-handed pound sesh. enjoy degenerate goy


>inb4 sauce
Nessa Devil

As expected, you’re a massive faggot.

Also nice meme flag leaf.

Muito obrigado, anão.

see , Giuseppe.


Ike created government organs that nobody ever heard of that prevented large scale wars and delivered record high quality of life for Americans.

Awww Sweetie, you like opportunites to use the DEEP State meme. So here is another YOU.

Did you think segregated schools were going to last forever?

Lockhead fucked up the U2 incident. Don't blame Ike or Powers - both veterans, unlike yourself, fatty.

Wrong, dick
I served in the Navy, unlike you

JFK wanted to do the exact same thing LBJ did with Immigration. JFK coined the term ‘Nation of Immigrants,’ even wrote a book with that title. JFK asked for liberal immigration law, JFKs brother is one of the key people of that bill. Stop making JFK sound like he was this great guy, he wasnt

>Abraham Lincoln was the worst US President.




Lincoln wanted to send slaves back to africa

wilson gave away power over US economy to rothshilds which directly made bolshevik revolution, both world wars, and final fall of our civilization possible

>DEFs you and starves more than the lolocaust

Nessa Devil for the inevitable (who)'s coming.

>Was stoic
>Didn't like talking to thots
>Ended immigration from non-white countries
>Literally saw his job as president as doing fucking nothing
>Declined a 2nd term because "10 years in Washington is enough" even though he was massively popular
Coolidge was the Sup Forums president

>Harding had already reduced the top income tax rate from 71 percent to 46 percent, but Coolidge’s three Revenue Acts (this is back in an era when names of bills didn’t need to be so flashy) in 1924, 1926 and 1928 would bring it down to 25 percent. The code was simplified and efficient. These supply-side policies unleashed what has become known now as the Roaring Twenties.
>The strategy of scientific taxation worked perfectly. In 1922, the share of total income taxes paid by those making more than $100,000 was 35.1 percent. In 1928, that share expanded to 61.3 percent. The share paid by those making less than $5,000 declined from 11.1 percent in 1922 to 1.1 percent in 1928.

Proof you can use against your commie friend that say lowering taxes on the rich doesn't help