Saving canada

calling all canadian conservatives, if u want to save this country, then stop complaining on forum boards and join the party. make a difference by transforming the party into the vision u want to see

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no I refuse. I'll sit here and play vidya tell a job lands in my lap

>forum boards

For 200 years Canada was over 85% white. You need to make your politicians keep the country around 85% white for another 200 years. That would be the conservative thing to do. Conserve your demographics or face the day of the rake.

>he doesn't know Conservatives are controlled opposition run by globalists and kikes

You need to be 18 to post here.

looking for the vancouver discord invite. the one from last night is already expired. save me van/pol/ !

hongcouver is a lost cause

vancouver island can still be saved

Fuck you racist piece of shit, I'm voting for Trudeau

so, what? form our own party? LARP as libertarians? LARP as greens?

Technically that's a pic of North Hongcouver.
Still mostly white and a bunch of Persians, they're trying to dump some muzzies here but the Persians are PISSED. They had to leave home because of them in the first place.

alright leave Sup Forums cuck

i lived in N van for 3 years, it made me fall in love with Vancouver again.

Now I live in Burnaby near Metroown and I have very much fallen out of love again.

Someone drop discord link!

Speaking as a former member of the party I urge you to think carefully.

They call like once a week looking for shekels, but otherwise are totally uninterested in your thoughts or opinions.

Whereabouts? Lynn Valley seems like the most /comfy/

thanks for the advice Mohammad, will do !

Dude fuck this country, just leave its trash, its only 150 years old there's no history here anyway, just go back to Europe

idk what riding you're from, but in my riding we have an EDA which holds meetings on policy proposals

shut the fuck up you retarded defeatist faggot

LARP as liberals to infiltrate the party, then dismantle it from inside

Lynn Valley, and it IS my friend it IS!!!!!

no saving Canada
You guys are utterly fucked

Not enjoying the diversity guys?

anybody here in Ottawa?

If I was a white canuck I would flee south, to Canada. I know the USA is in a worst position than canada, but if the millions of whites were to leave, it would help the USA and while simultaneously destroying Canada and leaving it to the immigrants. Once Canada is destroyed, the USA can annex it. Problem solved.

They're not "controlled opposition" you buzzword memelord child.

>no history
That's what Trudeau and the crypto-commies wants you to think. There's tons of history here. Read a fucking book nigger.

Not in vancouver

>he doesn't know about the salmon canneries and the great Vancouver fire and the sea otter fur trade

Maybe if you're a nonwhite. White pioneers tamed these lands, retard.
Go take a day trip to fort langley or some shit.

Not gonna lie former Scheer supporter here. It's hilarious watching Scheer crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get his hands on the cuck codes.

Already a member pissed of about the vernier scandal and scheere is a fag but I will choose the lesser of 2 evils



Oh yeah, vote for one of the two sides of the same coin.

Rather just keep hiring fellow Canadians > Immigrants @ my bussiness. Way more effective than voting for that Ontario Kikery.

Tories are the literal definition of cuckservatives.
There is no actual right wing party here.

>No history

Aww man.. are you telling me the insane 5 way fuck fest for the control of the Fur Trade was nothing?

>There is no actual right wing party her-

They're just as fucking shit as the liberals and NDP or green you fucking stupid faggot. Clearly you're a larper. Trudeau will win again because fagboy scheer is his opposition. By the way americans, the conservative party in Canada is not like the republicans in the states. They talk shit about having conservative values but are actually more center leaning than they bloviate about. All Canadian parties are straight trash.

>"th-the c-cuckservatives won't save us! I-I'll start my own p-party and split the right wing vote! Th-that'll show those Jews!"
If you want the party to be less of a bunch of cucks, join it and start contacting your Conservative MP (if you have one) and contacting party leadership to express concerns about mass immigration and our impending cultural suicide.

Unless I continue to hire good lads who can handle the On-Worksite banter.

"Hey you stinky excuse for a fuck stick, pass the Wrench."
"Oh there goes the Kike nosed Native again. Wonder how that abomination came about."
"Fuck boys, we worked harder than a faggot with a handjob booth in Montreal today"

Just to name some of the bants.

This country ain't dead. Just come looking for work. We'll get ya some work lad.
Fuck the politics and fuck the crying limp wristed virtue signalling fuck holes. There is work to be done and we'll get it done.

>Worksite banter
good stuff, reminds me of when i worked in construction

>TFW you don’t need a discord in Winnipeg because everyone is racist and doesn’t care

Dats it mane

>Criticize a country that's headed the same direction as you

M8 when you pass that we will. Deport London's mayor while you're at it.

Forgot my flag.

>Most admired country in the world

It's hard to hate someone who lets people of your nation in freely. We're going to be America's biggest security risk in the future if it's not true now.

exactly what i'm trying to propose here, idk what's so hard about it, if we bombard the tories they'll pivot or lose their hardcore far right base

Ziocons are just as bad as ziolibs.
Voting can never fix the problems.


I’m still butthurt about Maxime desu. Scheer is a cuck. Seriously the party is basically the Liberal party but better at saving money. They are both shilling for the minority vote.

time for a new party then?

>(((Progressive """Conservative""" Party)))
>not a lost cause
Just support a party that actually gives a shit

We need a New Reform Party

Support smaller parties like the CNP and once they get big enough the bigger parties must capitulate

Alternative for Canada?

>AFD isn't that the neonazi party in Germany?
I can see it now

thats how we get the votes friendo. Isn't AfD rising like a rocket?

1. Vote of non-confidence in our current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
2. Return to sound money – under the lawful dominion of the Canadian people and Bank of Canada.
3. Temporary pause on immigration, saving an estimated $35 Billion annually, which we will then use to pay down our public debt. (Putting a temporary pause on immigration will save us $35 Billion annually)
3. Return citizenship requirements to founding criteria. All citizens must pass an examination to demonstrate basic understanding of our history, language, and government.
4. Lower small business tax to 7% (!) to encourage entrepreneurship and new job creation.
5. Abolish the income tax for individuals earning less than $100K and reintroduce income-splitting.
6. Introduce a nation-wide harmonized sales tax (HST) and harmonized estate tax (HET).
7. Withdraw from trans-national legal agreements, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which undermine the sovereign independence of Canada.
8. Eliminate anti-trust legislation for wholly state-owned conglomerates, while encouraging monopoly positions which provide universal basic income (UBI).

This is bullshit i might have had hope if they didnt railroad bernier, but since he's too scary for canadian politics even though he got way more votes than scheer we will get our usual ZOG pantload neocon immigrant lover, either scheer or turdeau. Wouldnt even be surprised to see the sihk win or come second due to old boomers love of shitskins and it would be too racist to vote against him.

9. Create a national transportation strategy, incorporating long-term demographic trends and sound environmental standards.
10. Introduce a federal education program, offering instruction on Canadian history and athletics.
11. End inter-provincial equalization payments.
12. Transition to a mixed healthcare system, reducing wait-times by introducing market competition.
13. Introduce a universal childcare program consisting of subsidized daycare and monthly tax credits.
14. Allow employees to opt out of the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) in favor of private pension funds under government regulation.
15. Newlywed couples be eligible for a marriage loan, 20% of which is dropped with each common child.
16. Reinstate capital punishment for acts of treason, terrorism, and espionage.
18. Abolish dual-citizenship and enforce single-citizenship nationality.
19. Formation of a national citizen militia, specifically for the purposes of self-defence.
20. In order to carry out this program, we demand the creation of a strong central State with the authority of parliament on the grounds they be willing to execute this program.

>Andrew Schill is going to fix healthcare
>Andrew Schill will stop 3rd world immigration
>Andrew Schill is going to protect free speech
>Andrew Schill is going to win the election

What makes you think that even one of the above things will happen?


That's totally him

Also no, fuck that faggot

I voted Jack last time (Quebec), this time I vote CONSERVATIVE 4 LIFE!! Bloc Quebecois is too weak now

I wish Bernie had won pic related but I'm still in for Scheer

There's no saving Canada. It's time for the west to declare independence

The east votes for this crap they can live with it


Nothing is lost. Vancouver could be saved if we did 2 things

1. Bring back pic related
2. Declare independence from Canada

I joined provincially in MB and volunteered relentlessly to rid us of an NDP disaster. In return we get carbon tax lite (useless and will be made full bore as soon as this govt leaves office), constant virtue signalling on illegal immigrants, needless TPP shilling, muh diversity autopilot bullshit, and companies are shedding jobs.

Worked really hard for what is essentially Trudeau lite. I may volunteer federally as Trudeau is obviously an agent for foreign interests but Sheer is an absolute cuck piece of shit who will continue to import masses of unneeded immigrants and pursue obscene sell out trade deals. Know that you are not going to change the cultural and economic genocide of this country by electing any mainstream party to power in the globalist crime base that is modern Canada.

No just declare independence from the east

That shit was so rigged it's not even funny. This country deserves what's coming for it.

BCs history is older than Canada you chink rat

Quebec would be better off with independence

Based. Too bad the fix was in for cuckservative Sheer.

Would but then I'm supporting Israel and ww3 sooooo. Wonder if we can get a conservative party that is not trying to appease (((global finance))) and cares about Canada

Vancouver is a literal chink city. I wen tthere last year to visit family and i heard and saw more people speakign chinese everywhere. ALso all your national parks and wilderness areas are overrun with chink tourists.

May i present to you, an alternative?

Who gives a fuck about Canada it's time for an independent west

was anyone else from here at the Ontario PC event where Brown announced his campaign? 22% tax reduction, etc. he's pushing for us to have families. Pretty awesome actually.
Only whites have children and require daycare because both parents work, doesn't benefit immigrants because the women stay home.

Can someone fill me in on Scheer though? i've heard mixed things from him, don't know much tho. I liked Bernier but he didn't get the nomination

It was 97% White when Trudeau's father ( the alleged one, not Castro) left the PM post - we had less than 100 000$ in national debt and left us with over 10 billions

USA and Canada were meant to bee White utopias

It's over johnny. Get ready for an authoritarian run shithole.

We would be richer than the rest of Canada in a few years, we have everything, gas, minerals, diamonds, gold and most importantly, water

Too little, too late.

Huge amount of the chinks aren't even citizens as chinks can't get dual citizenship theyre here to launder money

The reason it could be saved with a Declaration of Independence is that we could bring in actual anti Chinese laws like we used to have before the federal government made us ger rid of them

They were, that's why they were taken down. The beast system cannot bear freedom loving peoples. We are being flooded with foreigners to elect and enforce infantile political authoritarianism.

i'll try, but Canada has way more faggots and castreau is bringing in more goat fuckers than we can convert conservatives.

>the virgin party

Literally every province besides Ontario would be richer as an independent nation

Just like the US can easily get rid of their illegal mexicans?

Its over chang. Time to draw the line at the continental divide and not let any more chinks pass.

Those extra two letters were too difficult eh?

there is no saving canada. you do realize that the conservatives will govern the exact same way. they are two sides of the same coin: one side being neo-con, one side being neo-liberal. both want immigration, refugees and temporary foreign workers. both want to fuck over the middle class of canada. best bet is to just leave and go somewhere else.

I seriously consider to leave, Canada unlike USA and most of countries, isn't a real country. We are just a British backyard colony. I am considering getting my gun license next year and buy an AR-15

This is why Canada should just be broken up

There are more fucking chinks in Calgary than in the interior of BC I hope you know that.

As long Quebec gets annexed by the USA I'm fine with that. CONSTITUTION BABY!!

>Its over chang. Time to draw the line at the continental divide and not let any more chinks pass.
I vote to shoot them all

We're the Belgium of North America

>defeatist faggotry
Yeah well nothing will change with that attitude, obviously. You guys are too complacent. You don't really care. You just want to sit on Sup Forums and whine.
Half of the leafs on Sup Forums are chinks and shitskins anyway. I'm not surprised.

yea, it's time to get involved and transform the party, of course it'll be cuckservative if we're not even attempting to change the party

The east has been fucking over the west since confederation. The call for western independence isn't some defeatist shit it's us saying we're done caring about the problems the east fucking causes and want the hell out