Trumps America

This is what you voted for

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how the fuck is that what we voted for? if you guys didn't turn every issue of police brutality into a racial one then the right would still be the side desperately trying to curb police brutality, as it was a couple years ago up until 2014 when the ferguson chimpout happened. pic related is the proof

if you CARED about the issue you wouldn't be saying "muh trumps america", you'd be saying "lets fix this shit". the fact that you aren't is the proof that you're just a partisan hack, just like every liberal who pretends to care about police brutality, and that's why we hear you and say "nope, fuck you. we're gonna keep the police and everything they do"

looks like a pitbull

>the right would still be the side desperately trying to curb police brutality, as it was a couple years ago
you are fake news, the right in america has always been pro slavery and pro authoritarianism you fags passed the patriot act for fucks sake you guys suck cop dick every chance you get.

long story short, you guys managed, via your insidious political and racial rhetoric, to turn what should have been a bipartisan issue about civil rights and police brutality into a left-right dynamic issue. thanks for that. i don't know how you could have possible been so stupid as to not understand what you were doing so im going to assume it was intentional

and now this issue that was gaining so much traction 5 or 6 or 7 years ago is dead and nothing will ever come of it. thanks to your BLM that tried to turn it into "muh racist america" bullshit and people like you who try to turn it into "muh trump" bullshit

My god you lazy faggots. When will you learn how to meme?

one of you two faggots didn't sage this shit cuz now its bumped. shame on you assholes

>unironically saying that the side of the political spectrum that wants to shrink the government and take all of its power away is "pro-slavery and pro-oppression" yeah ok bud, sure. "muh patriot act" you are digging 200 years and 16 years back for two single examples of oppressive policies and only one of them came from "the right" cuz slavery was a democrat institution and as far as patriot act goes GWB was a globalist, not a "right-winger" and dems only opposed patriot act because it gave them an excuse for outrage.

funny how you're not whining about PRISM under obama since that was literally 100000000000 times worse than patriot act huh? you really think your big government globalist democrats care about your rights? for fucks sake i wish you niggers would wake up

i would have killed those cops just for shooting my dog but to cut his head off too thats fucked up

>forgets to sage this thread like an asshole
you suck

sage cant let people see the horrible reality of voting republican


Well said user. I feel like this is the case with alot of issues. The partisan divide muddies it so much that the actual argument is lost, while we have say the left using an issue to further their overzealous agenda, and in turn even liberals turn on them for it. The worst we get is called nazis, then you go back and look at the people theyre calling nazis and its laughable.

i love how you have no response to you literally whine about the patriot act but then when PRISM under obama gets brought up it's ZIPPED UP RADIO SILENCE huh?

democrats want to grow the government. right-wingers want to shrink it. i'm not mischaracterizing. you know that's true. even if politicians, both right and left, are corrupt you know that im right at the end of the day

Wasnt this confirmed fake?

I have no response because its just shill vomit.

America really is the worst place to own a dog.

that policeman was probably a nigger judging by its behavior

This article made me happy. Fuck that dog. That owner should have shut the hell up and cut off the dog head and smiled.

Lazy bastard needs to get used to work, and to get a job.

If he had better work ethic, that bitch ass dogs head woulda been off before he started tweeting and livestreaming.

>check the photo
>a fucking pit bull

Couldn't care less

>le 56%

what's shill vomit? PRISM? PRISM is shill vomit? are just new to politics? never heard of a guy named edward snowden who risked his life and his freedom to bring the details of project PRISM to the american people? it was sort of a big fucking deal throughout all of 2013 and 2014. only difference between obama and bush was that obama was doing it off the books and trying to hide it from the american people and doing it to an extent 1000000 times greater than anything the patriot act ever could have encompassed
dude maybe you should stop just reading left-wing blogs and shit and actually learn some real shit about the world. anyone who thinks democrats are "high and mighty moral saviors" is out of their tits. republicans are no "high and mighty moral saviors" either, they're corrupt like all politicians are, but the democrats are even worse by virtue of their open and avowed stance on expanding government and its authority in all realms.
there is really no such thing as a "left-wing libertarian" you know, even if people try to claim there is. just think about that. it literally can't exist because libertarianism and big government are incompatible


>pitbull does pitbull thing and attacks bystanders
>attacks cops
>shot by cops
>needs standard rabies testing
>cop says we can call county coroner or you can do it
>retard refuses to let coroner near dog
>retards REE about it
What are we supposed to be upset about exactly?

i feel bad for you. i dunno. i'm trying to really talk to you. i feel like maybe you aren't just a shill and are really genuinely just a confused kid who is new to politics for some reason :(
democrats are not your saviors or your friends. they're marxists and they want to expand government to control every facet of your life. i won't tell you "republicans are your friend" either because the overwhelming majority of them are massively corrupt (just as dems are).
but if you're going to blindly throw your support behind the democratic party with this idea of "they're hyper moral and good people" then holy fuck man you are on another planet or just haven't been paying attention to politics long enough to realize how shit really is

bye bye nigger dog

Where's the story for this besides the shitty video posted by the dog owner?

>degenerates with degenerate breed pitbull
>pitbull gets shot
>cop doesn't want to risk rabies
>being degenerate scum has consequences.
>cops no longer cucked.

Yeah. This is exactly what I voted for. And what I'll vote for again in 2020.

Republicans increase government authority over the people. Democrats increase safteynets... every single threat to the constitution over the last 30 years was created by republicans. eat shit shill.

>On Monday, Goodwin told The Telegraph that the officers offered him the option to call a veterinarian and pay to have the head removed. However, with three young children around Christmas time, money is tight.

Gottt daaaamn

oh wait I forgot the best part

>The initial incident report was not available, but according to past reports, police have been called to the address on at least five occasions since 2015. All of the calls were in reference to dogs and dog bites.

you say this but then you totally deny stuff like PRISM and BTW obama was also criticized for militarizing the police, acting unilatterally, and passing a ton of unnecessary laws.

i mean what you're saying is just not true. it's just not.

how about bill clinton and all of the black people he put in prison? how about all of the laws he passed that aided big business and basically turned our world into a corporate monopoly? ex the telecommunications act of 1996, which is the reason why today we have 95% of our media owned by just 5 corporations.
not to mention NAFTA.
you really think "democrats are the good guys" huh? and you think they're looking out for your interests? hahahhaha. picture related. all of the "wealth inequality" the left loves to bitch about actually BEGAN under clinton and during the bush years there were mostly democrat congresses.

im not a "shill" kid im just talking to you. you've been indoctrinated. that's the reality. you gotta cool it, there's no need for you to remain ignorant

Wow you sure are putting in a lot of effort into your propaganda, you even have a picture of a graph! Combine that with a lot of different false points and lies and its impressive. It really is a tried and true technique I have to admit.

Both parties have been increasing the size and scope of federal authority for the entire past century. Get your head out of your ass. At least Republican rhetoric somewhat flirts with constitutional republicanism and limited government even if they're lying about it, dems are commie collectivist rats through and through.

wow well you know what? i tried to talk to you. i cited real facts, real programs, real bills, real things. tried to give you some links and stuff. you just aren't interested. you just call me a "shill" and basically you're just here trying to literally shill against "muh evil trump" who really isn't that bad. he's the first non-globalist president we've had in so many decades and he at the very least isn't a part of the estblishment political cabal that's been screwing us over for 50 years.

not ot mention all of the people who have been complicit in running us into the ground (media, establishment politicians, "deep state" and fortune 500 CEO's) are all viciously attacking him, opening fake investigations into fake things over him. that should tell you a lot.

but whatever, you just want to call me a shill and live in your totally fake fantasy world so whatever bro. take it easy, good luck with stuff. not for nothing and i don't even mean this in a mean way but you sound like you're dealing with some issues to me

>Nigbulls rounded up for the doggocaust
TRUMP 2020

No you are a retard who is too young to know better. Your parents were probably republican so I dont blame you. But I hope you wake up eventually.

The democrats are not great, but they never opened up a torture prison outside of the law and tortured people to death there. They never wrote a law saying that US citizens could be abducted in the middle of the night and locked away without trial in a secret prison. They never wrote laws like the patriot act that erased the 4th amendment. Face it, every major erosion of our freedom happend under republicans.

you know does it mean anything to you if i tell you that right-wingers almost all believe in shrinking the government? in taking its authority away? we're talking about the voters, not the politicians. the roots of conservatism in this country have to do with libertarianism and fighting government power. like doesn't that mean anything at all to you? the roots of the conservatives in this country are that they want to abolish taxes and the IRS. some of that might be lost now in the ultra-authoritarian world we live in but it was big government and democrats that were most responsible for pushing us down this road so i dunno why you refuse to face this

You are an absolute RETARD if you actually believe the right is for shrinking government.