Sup Forums will defend this

>Sup Forums will defend this

That fiend!

I guess I'm still #MentallyHill!

>Ordering custom burger at McD's

Bitch this ain't Fuddruckers.

oh shit........

Jesus Christ.

The news is such a piece of shit these days. This is shit I would expect from the National Inquirer.

Two scoops of ice cream!
Two slices of cherry pie!
He didn't wait on a peon whose order was taking too long!

Fucking dipshits.

If I was a member of the staff for the *President of the United States*, I wouldn't expect the **PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES** to wait for my fucking McDonald's order. Because he's the fucking ***PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES***.


>this is considered journalism

>leave him

>fast food
>not actually fast

understandable, the only thing going for mcdonalds is their swift service and when you can't get that why even show up?



>leave the aide, take the bigmac

>nigga got left behind
top kek

'Mr President, Mattis here. Kim Jong Un has ordered a full scale nuclear attack on Seoul, all we need are the nuclear codes'
'Bit busy right now, Jim. I'll call back when my staffer finishes his 6 piece McNuggets'.

Trump doesn't fuck around. If that faggot wanted it his way, he should have gone to BK.


Leftist don't understand that this kind of thing makes Trump looks Alpha af, fucking crying beta bitches.

Lol. No. Trump is a fucking dickless fucking dweeb. Fuck off with all that alpha fucking garbage. Nobody's buying it. Trump is a cowardly cunt, period.

can we stop with the snowflake fap material , pretty lame .

Impeach the fucking dickless bitch.

I got fired from Burger King because when someone asked for an Angry Whopper I threw it at them and said 'here's your Whopper you fucking cunt REEEE!!'

The menu is fucking tiny get your shit together staffer

This is worse than the 2 scoops bs

Not only is this article real, which amazed me, there's about 30 other articles repeating it at different outlets. This isn't news, you dumb kikes.

>getting worked about this issue at all
you both are bad and you should feel bad

>not using the Kenda method

Wow. I was totally on the Trump Train until this hard-hitting story. We can't let this man get the nuclear codes.

Should only take 60 seconds, 120 TOPS for a standard McDonalds order, especially when it's for the President of the United States. I hope the aide and the McDonalds staff got fired that day.

Imagine getting to abig mac with DJT and asking to borrow a fry from him. Not liking his choice of beverage here though. Should we start a campaign to get trump off the diet coke?

I miss the Angry Whopper :(

>goes to McDonald's
>doesnt already know what they want
That man was obviously a Nork sleeper agent. hopefully being deprogramed via thumbscrews at the moment

Muh $15

>Better get just a small diet coke, lucky theres next to nothing in these fries too

From the Hill:
>Although the aide in question was last in line; his order was a bit unusual, which is perhaps why it took so long, resulting in his abandonment by President Trump. Apparently the aide has a strict diet and was visibly upset by the President's choice to stop at the fast food restaurant. After arguing with the worker over their lack of soy and gluten free options, he threw a 'tantrum' causing a scene so massive that everyone in the McDonald's had noticed. The aide had shit his pants in defiance, removed his undergarments - velvet pink lingerie - and flung it behind the counter before pissing on a nearby table. By the time police had restrained the aide, Trump and his entourage were already well on their way. Despite the obvious concerns we have about the aides behavior, was Trump right to leave him behind? There are certainly two sides to this story and it appears no one involved is innocent.

Alpha af but not as alpha as pic related.