Prove me wrong.
PROTIP: You can't.
Prove me wrong.
PROTIP: You can't.
You made a claim, it's you're job to prove your claim.
so you have no argument, then? Why can't you easily debunk me? Can you prove nazis and alt-righters aren't just leftists who hate shitdickers and non-whites?
looks like OP wins this one
So how exactly does Sup Forums feel about Ethan, anyway?
That's like comparing meant to tofu because the texture can be similar.
nope, you made the claim you retard
And you're a filthy kike that needs to be gassed.
They're quite centrist to be quite honest, just authoritarian and with dislike of the other.
>hurr durr i dont know what far right means
No, go away, you smell.
Up is down if you're standing on your head. Prove me stoopid.
Yes, but in the end we win by putting leftists in gas chambers and a generation later you poison our children's minds. The eternal struggle.
This site used to be so good.. threads like this kill me a little bit inside..
I don't know what's more pathetic- the idiots taking the bait or the extremely low quality of the bait..
No. We just want to be left alone and not being replaced and bred out by non-whites in our homelands.
Sup Forums is mixed about him
For he he's a two faced kike who gets popular over other's talent's and drama
it was never good, you're just maturing and starting to see the useless void this place is
>Leftist is too loose of a term to describe ideologies like National Socialism
>Socialism and National Socialism differentiate in world views, in how Society should function, and in military spending.
>Alt-Right is too vague of a description, it originated as a description of right-wingers who are disillusioned with the GOP. It included centrists, Libertarians, Nationalists, but many dont consider themselves Socialist.
You can make a case that nazis and leftists share a few political goals, regarding government programs especially. You can also argue SJWs, leftists, and Antifa are the Modern Day brownshirts. But most modern day Nazis tend to allign with conservative ideas, especially in the US.
>/leftypol/ really trying hard on this
>makes an empty statement devoid of substance
>claims victory
You think anyone is going to waste the time to debate somebody that cannot even reasonably provide a viewpoint based on any form of reality but rather some empty formulated concept?
>You can also argue SJWs, leftists, and Antifa are the Modern Day brownshirts.
SA men typically had jobs and if they didn't were typically fired from their job for their political views. Many SA members were also ex-WW1 veterans. I don't see any comparison between the SA and Antifa. Antifa existed back then too, they were the armed wing of the KPD.