Would you die for your country?

Would you fight and die for your country if it came to us vs them? Why?

The USA is not even a country at this point so no.


There is nothing to fight or die for

For France? A while ago sure, now France can burn, I don't care.
Came back to Bulgaria a few days ago, will fight to the death for it.


Not unless we get rid of all the non-whites. A white person should not sacrifice itself for filthy shitskins.

uh himself*

Sure is demoralized in here.

Is this not part of their plan?

Yes , Because Im an American . I'd probably die for your country too .

for Trump.

for the unites states? no, probably against them
for my people eys


I will fight and die for Estonia, Finland and Latvia only.

Fuck America.


>cuck myself to death for people I hate slightly less than other people.

Not ever.

Dying for the community is what the bottom half of the bell curve exists for.

Why should I die for Israel?

I'm already dead.

Not for country. For the nation, yes. For the race, which is my nation? As well.

my life sucks ass and dying for the greater good is honorable thing do
Why wouldn't you die for Lithuania?

> if it came to us vs them?
It IS us vs. them and I would fight against Merkel if there was an armed revolution.

I'd rather die for my state rather than my cunt.

For the Germany that exists in my mind? Yes.
For the abomination of a once proud nation that exists in reality? No.

I'd offer sexual relief to other men fighting for my country. Mouthful of cock

no but I'd sign up for a chance to blow up as many foreigners as possible. Ideally sneaking some friendly fire on the yanks would be the icingon the cake.

Most of the time it feels like I am 'them, the others, the despicables' in my own country. I would die for literally anything but this country.

I would fly in and help, and I'm Serbian lol

If I actually had a country, sure.

I highly appreciate that. So would I for yours.
In desperate times, we are one.

What is us and what is them

Dutch and German armies are already one. Plus, we're the same people anyway.

>Would you die for your country?
No. Why would I die for a better place to live if I'm not going to be living in it?


Yes, but i'd rather kill for it.

The Republic is an idea, and ideas never die.

I'd fight against mine.

yes, but propably as a weapon manufacturer

How do you define ''country''?
I'd die for my volk, but not this country.

Don't fall for the anti-nationalism meme everyone.

What's Lithuania ever done for me?

Not necessarily the government or the politicians but for the people? For the land? No hestitation. I served a year already in our armed forces.
When I stand overlooking the fjord I truly feel at peace, I see something worth preserving, something worth fighting for.

And if someone would want to take it from me they would have to water the ground with my blood.


I already have. Dead man walking.

You see a barren rock of a mountain as worth fighting for? Lol, pathetic.

I would, even considering that 50% of Belorussians are subhuman bio rubbish.
It's my motherland and land of my ancestors.