Is Bryan Singer The Next Domino To Fall In The Hollywood Sex Abuse Scandal?

It's time for this fucking creep to go down permanently. People have been trying to out him for years.

i really hope so. we've known for so long what a faggot pedo he is and everytime you say it the left says "CONSPIRACY THEORIST! YOU JUST HATE GAYS!"
not to mention the fact that he admits he explicitly made all of those xmen movies as a metaphor for homosexuality, which ruined them, and in the movies he basically portrayed a war in which gays were superior and fought against straights because straights were so evil and malignant and oppressive to them and eventually they were destroyed by the last one.......and frankly speaking all things considered i think that was a really negative thing for our society because cultural shit like that seeps in on an unconscious level

I think it's gonna be an entire pedo ring.

singers a guy they'd want to protect because if it becomes confirmed that he's been openly practicing pedophilia in the industry for so long, after all of the allegations that were covered up, it's a real embarrassment to them because there's essentially no way that they can deny they're just totally cool with organized pedophilia and the exploitation of children

I think weinstein had all the connections. I think that weiners laptop exposed those connctions.

those dead eyes
I'm not even religious but is that what a demon looks like?

the "gay mafia" of Hollywood will protect disgusting queers like Singer, and continue to direct this recent movement against straight white males. They want his behavior to be the norm.

I think their "power" is waning. They couldn't protect Spacey. They couldn't protect Gary Goddard. I have a feeling that ALL of this stuff is coming out, and they KNOW it. They're probably more worried about covering their own asses than saving anyone else's.

Demons look more angry. That's just a person with no soul.

I think he will with hi being fired from the Queen movie he was supposed to be directing for being absent the entirety of them filming the movie. Think the Weinstein scandal and his homeboy spacey being outed is getting to him

lust and misanthropie. looks like exploitative person, basically a psychopath


He needs to be taken down. They got that one kid nailed with investment fraud for speaking out about them. That kid is in jail now.

What other secrets are hidden?

how long until the normies start putting 2 and 2 together?

he deleted his twiter the other day


He deleted all of his social media accounts. He knows something is coming.

>be autistic incel
>no drive or ambition
>suffer from depression
>play video games all day
>glued to computer chair
>browse Sup Forums one day
>see a bullshit pizzagate thread
>((((autism intensifies))))
>thinks he's gonna be a hero
>starts believing in photo shopped pictures and minor coincidences
>((((confirmation bias intensifies))))
>joins a discord dedicated to "pizzagate investigation"
>instantly put on a watch list

When will you naive little boys learn? There is no salvation in this life. You spend your free time aimlessly wandering in the dark, well let me help guide through this rabbit hole. This pizzagate phenomenon is nothing more than the incoherent ramblings and fixations of a mentally unstable person. When you feed into this mental illness it will consume you..

t. James Alefantis

Get a new COPY PASTA shill.
Enough James, we know you're pushing this narrative. You're going down pedo.

How many times can 1 domino fall?