Why are we still drilling for oil when there are alternatives available?

Why are we still drilling for oil when there are alternatives available?

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I'd fuck her daily but I doubt it'd produce any usable oil product.

The other alternatives just tap the seam, whereas the oil drillers get deep in to the deposit and drain it of all it's got.

Agreed. We shouldnt be drilling oil. Asian yellow cake is more productive than African mud anyway
Nice digits. Happy Holidays to you too

I think OP is talking about alternative energy sources, like wind, solar, geothermal or nuclear

>Fake tits
>Fake ass
>Fake lips
>Nose surgery
>Chin surgery
>Eyebrow extensions

Is transhumanism already real?

The alternatives aren't dense enough unfortunately. The way westerners live theit lives have to be restructured


oil is cheaper to produce in large supplies than it is for most other resources. This is how it got big in the first place. If solar were cheap we would have it on everything

We need to stop using oil all together.

Instead, we should be focusing on solar energy. Solar panles are only getting cheaper. While we are at it, it should be mandated that everyone to own an electric car or hybrid.


The US has a vested interest in maintaining international oil sales since they're conducted in US dollars which is the basis for USD being the world's reserve currency.

That's where you're wrong, bucko. As much as MSM propaganda would like to make you believe alternatives are out there, this is an outright lie. Cheap fuel = fossil fuel.

We did that, now half our country gets blackouts through every summer.

Because oil hasn't just suddenly become utterly useless

Why are we still obeying the Jew when we could rule our own destiny instead?

>t. small-souled bugman

Oil is not only fuel, but also by-products.

I dont see that coming until oil is getting rare. Fossile fuels are just superior to solar energy. As long as oil is also much cheaper, there wont be any change

>because electricity is so much cheaper and cleaner
dumb fucking ass. the car doesnt work like your hair dryer, 1 per hour of running, or less, it will run who knows how much why dont yuo state that to your stupid drivel and the cleanliness
who fucking cares ive seen oil-coal factories

Sure let's drill your mom instead.

nuclear is very cheap energy

>Why are we still drilling for oil when there are alternatives available?
Because oil is the superior alternative.

Why should we give up drilling for oil when the alternatives are inferior?

Also, why are you a hit and run shill?

solar panel energy efficiency is terrible compared to oil.

modern energy demands couldn't be met with only solar.

you know even if we didn't use oil for gasoline we would still drill for it to supply the countless other products that are petroleum-based

at mankind's current technological level the minutiae of industry and infrastructure absolutely requires a steady flow of oil, and without industry and infrastructure many people will literally die

This. You won't convince the CEO's of major industry to give up on something that is undeniably profitable. Until solar energy is a better deal then oil, oil will prevail.

Because, the alternatives neither provide adequate energy or are too expensive and require massive government subsidization in order to attempt to be valid, and many times, they fail.

Remember Solyndra? I sure do.

those are real tits
t. real tit expert

The alternative is natural gas. We're drilling for that too. A century from now we'll be using thorium.


You do realize how much toxic run off is produced by making those batteries yes?

The "cleanliness" is a myth too, to produce one tesla car battery does as much damage to the planet as driving a car around for 8 years because of the cobalt mines and the refining process is coal powered anyway.
"Eco-friendly" is just a sales pitch.

Because oil is far more sustainable than the rare earth elements needed to manufacture solar panels.

>Why are we still drilling for oil when there are alternatives available?
Your alternatives' technology needs oil to function & set up (wind turbin generator brakes, solar panel mineral digging machinery, logistics to move them inland and intercontinentally).

>Every woman you see is wearing a mask of chemicals and pigments to conceal her face
Has been for a while, desu.

Replacing our infrastructure would be too costly and need s to happen over a large period of time. I don't care about what alternatives are adopted we need to stop giving our money to sand niggers.

>While we are at it, it should be mandated that everyone to own an electric car or hybrid
Exactly; why hasn't the federal government decreed what kind of energy we can use?

this as well. Companies will pander to the concerned left crying about toxic byproducts and sell them alternatives if it will get them some extra dough, but they don't tell them that those alternatives also produce the same toxic waste. Right now there is no alternative to oil, but 'alternatives' will be marketed nonetheless if it makes money off of people's concerns.

I so forvot to mention that used structural material such as insulators, covers and various circuit components are derived from plastic, so you need oil to produce those parts

Are there anyways for humans to remove CO2 and Methane from the atmosphere and oceans to levels before the industrial revolution?

Are you retarded?

>Also, why are you a hit and run shill?

Because I'm wage cucking

Because humans are mindless animals.

partially because its cool and edgy to say fuck the environment lets just burn heavy fuel oil everywhere we can. especially for old people

>posts using mudslime flag
kek, I like the way you think lad.


Because nuclear is a bit too expensive and volatile for your average joe.

Alsoalso, what alternatives have you got for medical field and societies to replace now existing plastic instruments and suppliers such as vein tubes, air tight containers and work clothing?

Underage newfag Z detected.

Because hippie lefties don't want us to use the best alternative because fee fees.

The funny thing about (((green energy))) is it doesn't generate any energy. It takes more energy to produce and maintain that rubbish than it will ever generate in its lifespan.
The only thing that it does generate is extremely expensive virtue signalling, paid for with other people's wealth.

Why are we still having children naturally when we can do it artificially

Bring better cars to the table. Your electric cars need longer range, lower upkeep, and cheaper fuel costs per mile. Until you can out compete the combustion engine in every category, keep your shitty cars to yourself.

Yeah that does describe pedophile worshiping shitskins pretty well. Still considering them human is a stretch.

What are the alternatives to rubber, plastics, circuit boards and all the other stuff? Am I wrong or are those things not also made from oil?

I mean, not him and he's retarded, but rubber.

Much, much more expensive and, more importantly, slow to produce though, but it IS renewable unlike crude.

>earliest powerplants ran on hydroelectric power
>le (((green energy)))
>le doesn't produce energy

Solyndra was a Democrat scam from the start! Nothing to do with viability of solar

Per megawatt nuclear is probably the most expensive, but I'd like to see the data that proves me wrong.

Why do you think we'll never be able to turn crude into recycable?
Also rubber won't do in medical field, too elastic for any real purposes.

The US is for all intents and purposes energy independent.

Mmmm she has a nice slappable face

I'm talking about wind turbines, solar panels, and other assorted unicorn fart schemes. Leftists hate hydro, they hate anything that works.

I'd drill her if you catch my drift.

Rubber can be treated to be less elastic. It's already treated to be more and less conductive.

And I never said we'll never be able to turn crude into recyclable. I mean, plastic is already largely recyclable, so yeah. It's not renewable though - there's a limited (if vast) quantity, while rubber is just your good old complex amalgam of carbons and hydrogens that you get from most trees.


Because its fun

Is Thorium a meme or the way of the future?

I'd drill my derrick into her oilhole anyday

damn kills river/lake life ... sadly

It's what'll save the future once the leftist establishment crumbles, as long as it's not used negligently.

yea its not a stable form of anyting about it at all

It's a meme until someone finds a way to make it work efficiently on an industrial scale. Put your money on the Chinese for this, they have invested quite a lot in research in the past 5-10 years, whereas to my knowledge the US has no current publicly funded research on this technology.

Literally kill niggers/brazilians/chinks/poos and use them for fertilizer in the forests we grow in their countries

We do use wind but they take up tons of space and what happens when there is no wind? Not very dependable.

Solar is great but requires tons of space compared to output, until there is technology that can make it more space efficient, it will now produce enough. Why did Solyndra fail when it got so much government money? I believe in solar but it has a long way to go. Unless you make the panels super cheap and make it reasonable for everyone to cover their roof in it as well as put it in all sky scrapers, it won't be enough. Nuclear is dangerous as we have seen in Japan when an earthquake or natural disaster can expose it to the populace and affect waters/food supply.

she looks like a sex doll. too perfectly shaped.

nuclear reactors are expensive to build, which is why only powerful countries have them. But in the long run it's sold at the same price as coal.

>Is Thorium a meme or the way of the future?
It's inevitable. The physics and economics of thorium are just too favorable. It's just a question of when do we build the infrastructure. A century from now electricity generation will be primarily from thorium reactors and electric cars will be using high-capacity graphene based batteries. People will still remember Nikola Tesla, but nobody will remember Elon Musk.


Nuclear is only cheap after the plant has been running for like 30+ years. Not to mention the danger of a melt down or intentional sabotage. There would also have to be more strict regulation and government oversight of materials. And the biggest issue nuclear faces is power grid infrastructure, there is way too much electricity lost in transmission with our current power lines. I'm not even sure if we have the technology available to mass produce lines of sufficient voltage and amperage in a large enough gauge to carry power from nuclear plants as a main source of power. Of course when oil and coal plants were first introduced they had the same issues but we've passed the point where we have fixed most of these issues. Now those plants only have to worry about replacing or upgrading equipment.

Wind turbines are not a good alternative.


Ok, fair enough.

Nuclear fission isn't cheap and the uranium mines are expected to run out by 2200 at this rate.
The next step is fusion power.

Nahhh you're a virgin

Does that stat take into account the construction of infrastructure? If so that would be very misleading.

It comes down to energy storage. A barrel of oil and chunk of coal are ready for energy production at any time waiting to be combusted and converted. Its been in the ground for a million years so a few years on the surface in storage is nothing. Natural gas is also easily stored when injected into depleted sandstones.

Electricity on the other hand is not easily stored. Since electricity is kinetic energy derived from electron movement you MUST covert it to something else first and that creates loss off efficiency.

Solar powered Stirling engines are probably the most practical alternative energy besides nuclear. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_Powered_Stirling_Engines

They are more efficient than solar panels and don't require toxic materials.

Wind power is basically solar and has a devastating impact on local birds. Similar environmental issues with hydro electric and also basically solar. Even fossil fuels are technically stored solar energy.

Fair enough, thou would it be possible to harden the material enough so it won't break and leave shard behind?
Imo material sciences should be number one concern of environmentalists, not energy.

Because if we stop using oil the petrodollar will tank and the U.S. economy will be BTFO so hard it will cause a global recession worse than ever seen before. Seems like a good enough reason to me anyhow.

> he bought into petrodollar meme

Why? Oil is superior and cleaner. You damage the environment more by making batteries. But no one mentions it for some retarded reason

>would it be possible to harden the material enough so it won't break and leave shard behind?
I assume it would, but it's not my field, so I don't know. But yeah, again, it's just carbon, so it should be possible.

>Imo material sciences should be number one concern of environmentalists, not energy.

so many waterfalls everywhere to make plenty of electricity on
you know how much destruction and shit they usualy have to do to create these?

how much it fucks up the natural water ways and turns shit into deserts? has to faggot

So how the fuck are going to build a car when its parts and circuits require oil derivade plastic to be built?

You will never have a girlfriend with curves that bend the fabric of space around them.

That, or this is a terribly shitty photoshop.

and that is why you are single, user

Yes, meme, that's right. Go back to sleep goy.


yes, high investment at the start.

I came here just to find that joke. You haven't disappointed me, Ireland.

> Dollar is completely reliant on oil trade
Why hasn't the US economy tanked yet then?