You’re Destroying Yourselves

Let me start off by saying I’m a jew. I happen to agree with you guys that the media, hollywood, Universities, and the rest of the liberal intelligentsia are heavily prejudiced against whites. I realize even that many top liberals are jews. However, I also realize that there is no conspiracy among jews to destroy the white race (or whatever other evils you claim the jews are out to accomplish). The fact is the jews are not some unified body. The liberals are the unified body working against you. It just so happens that jews tend to be liberal and tend to gravitate toward positions of power because of the high concentration of talent among them (likely a result of selection due to past persecutions).

Perhaps you will cast me off as some outsider jew who isn’t “in on the plan,” therefore invalidating my claims. However, I know someone who served in the “Zionist” Israeli army. I have met many of his friends who did as well. Many of them believe in the cause of sustaining a “jewish state,” and that’s all there is to it. It only extends as far as sticking it to the Arabs...holding up their middle finger to the UN and all the other antisemetic organizations (both closeted and outspoken) out there who want Israel to give up its tiny sliver of land in the middle east. But what you have to know about liberals, including liberal jews, is that they just possess a backwards value system. They are feeble-minded individuals (just like the majority of you guys, who will hardly understand any of the points I’m going to make, and will proceed to call me an evil jew who wants to destroy the white race or whatever).

Other urls found in this thread:

Shut the fuck up.

The fact is, and this is the most ironic bit of all, that the liberal jews are actually anti-zionist! Liberals HATE Israel. They call it a militant Apartheid state that oppresses arab muslims. So all this time the people you guys thought were out to get you (zionist jews) are in fact not even zionist, but are anti-zionists. The liberal intelligentsia hates jews and they hate whites because they classify both groups as “oppressors.” They are your enemy, not jews.

The reason I went on this diatribe is that I agree with many of the complaints of the alt-right community. I think the left has gone bananas. They have taken their ideology, which was justified in the 1960s, before which real and serious oppression was happening, and started applying where it doesn’t belong. They are literally destroying Western society by importing immigrants whose cultures are by and large incompatible with the modern, highly technologically and intellectually advanced society in which we live. They are the cause of the enormous rise in terror and crime in Western countries. They are ripping apart the accomplishments of the 19th and 20th centuries at the seams, because of their feeble-minded devotion to a singular outdated ideology. They can’t see when the job is done. They only know how to think in one way: oppressor vs oppressed.

So as you can see, I am on your side even though I am also a jew. Jews are not your enemy, liberals are. There are a lot of smart jews out there who might appreciate your cause if you don’t scare them off with absolutely retarded racism.

And here’s a final note on racism. Sure, racism consists of natural thoughts...merely the consequence of the natural human inclination to define and categorize. However, even in a world where thinking racist thoughts is acceptable, just as you ought not to tell a person when s/he looks bad or has bad breath or is overweight, likewise you should keep your racist thoughts to yourself out of respect and decency.





i say your good and not all jew are rich powerful Zionist so OPs ok with me

The Jew cries in pain as he stabs you in the back.

Shut up kike. It doesn't matter how little you know.

>im a jew
the rest of your blog I assume is a lie and I'm not reading it

Nice try Rabbi. At least you get paid to be lonely and shitpost.



Dont worry lots of Anons know what your saying the trolls will be coming for you pay them no mind just know we are with all good Anons like you

Dude just never bother with Sup Forums. They don't have a rational thinking. They think every Jew is out their to get them.


i support op.
am jew myself and i think the only wrong thing hitler did was go after jew, everything else, the values, the systems, was perfection.
so next time we must do the right thing.

can you imagine? nazism with no antisemitism? they wont be able to attack you there.
btw this is trumps strategy i think, if youy cant beat us join us, you can still win, just throw us a bone.
is it better to be wiped out of the face of the planet while fighting the good fight or maybe accept a little bit of jewish trcikery and purge the world of niggers and degenerates?

your choice, learn from last time.

TL;DR nationalist conservative Jews are okay. Smart Sup Forumsacks already know this, but yeah, this is an important thing to hit home.

>You’re Destroying Yourselves
we know, its funny lol

>Let me start off by saying I’m a jew
that was unnecessary, we can all see your flag perfectly fine

>The fact is the jews are not some unified body.
>jews are not one person
wow fuck me, no way

go to sleep

remember when you make the pictures its important to make them look as unreliable as possible so that when normies see them they think we're a bunch of crazy retards and dismiss all our ideas


I have some sympathy for your view as I believe Israel is the only way to rid the West of jewish influence in a humane manner.
But the proof is in this: do you believe Israel orchestrated 9/11. A simple yes or no suffices.

You make a good point; it's only the jews in the media, hollywood, universities, and the rest of the liberal intelligentsia that are trying to destroy the white race. You rank-and-file hebrews are merely reflexively left-wing.

>They are your enemy, not jews.
They are not mutually exclusive. FFA is a thing, and probably the natural way of things. Jews want us to pay taxes for Israel. This is abhorrent. Israel does not deserve to exist, so we are not obligated to defend them. Moreover, I think it can on iots own at this point, if we cut the cord, and they start taking the preservation of their people into account. Israel's true enemies, its neighbors in the middle east, and not the USA, are fucking pathetic.

>their ideology, which was justified in the 1960s
Nyeh, debatable.

>So as you can see, I am on your side even though I am also a jew. Jews are not your enemy, liberals are. There are a lot of smart jews out there who might appreciate your cause if you don’t scare them off with absolutely retarded racism.
The alt-right needs the freedom to be prowhite. Sometimes pro-white means anti-jew. This doesn't necessarily mean I want you dead, but it does mean I'm going to put myself first, and if you don't like that, it's going to piss me off, and when that happens, I'm going to call you a kike. Every person ought to be putting themselves first, I'm assuming you do, and do in the case of your nation, Israel. This is natural, healthy behavior we all take part in, but the new world wants to put a shock collar on white people for it, because it would be really useful to the world at large. We don't want that to happen.
>just as you ought not to tell a person when s/he looks bad or has bad breath or is overweight, likewise you should keep your racist thoughts to yourself out of respect and decency.
Judging someone by their genes they were exposed to makes equal sense to judging them by the memes they were exposed to. They may not have acquired all traits, but its something I'm going to think about, and never forget, kike.

Lies! You'll never fool us Sheki, we're on to your games!

>You’re Destroying Yourselves

Fuck you vampire. You're not a real Hebrew. Israel is not yours. Enjoy hellfire for being a righteous asshole. IDF soldiers are cowards and Yahweh is a cunt

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Those values are only possible when all the degenerate Jews are gone. That's the point. No one can trust you people. Any of you. Now go cut your balls off and become a tranny. And go jerk Jamall off. Come to find out you Jews are just obsessed with nigger dick.

If you want to make a difference you need to start a blog or website that advocates for alt-right ideals as Jews. Sup Forums's stereotype comes the fact that no open Jews propagate true right ideas

Zionist interest in america will probably never be defeated because their opposition is so hopelessly polluted with paranoid and racist retards that any sensible american doesnt want to get anywhere near it.

this faggot for example

Jews need to all go back to israel and stay there instead of poisoning our countries.
If not a holocaust must be done to keep the jews in check.




Can you smell the fear?
I don't hold you responsible OP. But I'm afraid the train is off the track. The best thing the non-liberal Jews could do is lead by example and kill all the liberal kikes.

Totally nigger.

>However, I also realize that there is no conspiracy among jews to destroy the white race (or whatever other evils you claim the jews are out to accomplish). The fact is the jews are not some unified body.
This is so stupid. Just because "not all Jews!" are party to a conspiracy does not mean there is no conspiracy being carried out by and for Jews.

Checked. Also look at the federal reserve building. It's obviously a Jewish temple, too.


Behavior is heritable. Jews are destructive to their host society. It's not a conspiracy (though there are plenty of past and ongoing conspiracies) just not a unified grand conspiracy. Nevertheless, kikes need to be ejected or exterminated.

You speak a lot of truth OP, but you have to understand that while there are a lot of intelligent people here this place is also home to edgy losers and people who just like to roleplay as a Nazi on the Internet for fun, so don't be surprised you're going to get a lot of hate for saying this. Of course not all Jews are in some grand conspiracy to eliminate whites, that's a retarded way of thinking.

It is a conspiracy in the literal sense of the word, faggot. Jews give each other jobs, pay each other favors, play Jewish favorites. Where it starts getting hinky is the Jewish tricks. They tell other races what to think, and unwittingly or not fuel the division in this Country and much of the world.

I imagine a lot of it stems from being told from birth that you're "God's chosen people". How fucking arrogant. Pic unrelated.

As I said, it's not a conspiracy. They're just acting on a biological directive. When Jews are in a non-Jewish country, they will always act this way. Even if you could erase their religion from the equation they'd act this way. They'd find some other way of justifying treating their host society so badly.

They've acted this way since they migrated to Europe following the fall of the first temple. This clearly demonstrated pattern of behavior leads to them being expelled or exterminated every time, and for good reason.


The Jews responsible for destroying the west need to be tried and executed. The rest of the Jews who aren't involved need to fuck off back to Israel and stay out of our business for good. We've given you 2000+ years worth of chances and you have abused it every single time. You get no more chances.

There are conservative Jews, many, in fact.

What's going on in American Jewry parallels what is happening with Christians, only it's exaggerated in it's effect. Secular Jews/Christians are liberal -- the religious Jews/Christians strongly tend toward social traditionalism and political conservatism.

The problem isn't Jews, it's Jewish secularists or Jews-in-Name/Blood-only. Most "real" Jews, such as the Orthodox support Trump, for example.

Ditto with Christians. There's a strong correlation between church attendance and identification with the Republican party. Other specifically Christian behaviors also correlate with Republican ID such as praying daily, reading the bible, tithing or giving a substantial percentage of one's income, etc. Christian beliefs, too, correlate with Republican ID, such as believing in the truthfulness of the bible, a creedal understanding of the trinity, etc.

I'm not a Jew, obviously, but I find American Judaism fascinating.

What about the biblical premise that Jews are god's chosen people?

Why do they insist on a jewish ethno-religoius-state in Israel? There are far better locations than being surrounded by jew-hating mongrels.

I've been trying to pinpoint the jewish motive behind the destruction of the white race and it seems as though the biggest factor is how the jewish elite views themselves as superior to the other races, due to the bible naming them as gods chosen people. Since whites pose the greatest risk to their superiority they have been trying to weaken the white race, with the goal of having no competition, truly making them gods chosen people on earth. Obviously not all jews are in on this plan. Out of all the possible motives behind the jq this makes the most sense in my opinion.

The enlightened on here support Israel for what it is. We dont see Israelis/ordinary jewish people the same as the ones in control. Chances are you are as much of a victim as anyone else. People on here don't see it's all down to money and who's making it. Not one ethnic group is to blame. Jews dont own the oil for example. I don't know whats going on, but it reeks of worldwide communism. An easily controlled population seduced by irrelevant shit. Its sad. But the counter reaction, when it eventually comes wont be pretty.

This is a great aphorism.

Look at what this unhuman is saying, then look at what their actions are.

The Jewish mind is incapable of self reflection or understanding their own actions as immoral.

This unhuman Jew could kill your mother in cold blood, sell your family into slavery, destroy your birthright, and if ever caught they would proclaim themselves innocent.

Hence the truism:

the Jew cries out in pain as it strikes.

>Let me start off by saying I’m a jew

Checks out

Go back to Israel baby dick licker blood sucker

>468 Babylonia - Jews Expelled
>470 Babylonia - Jews Expelled (Again)

>The fact is the jews are not some unified body.
Jewish unity is exactly how everything became anti-white.

>It just so happens that jews tend to be liberal and tend to gravitate toward positions of power because of the high concentration of talent among them (likely a result of selection due to past persecutions).
They are not talented, though. They are anti-whites, which is a prerequisite for anyone in the media today. Same for other influential positions.

>However, I know someone who served in the “Zionist” Israeli army. I have met many of his friends who did as well. Many of them believe in the cause of sustaining a “jewish state,” and that’s all there is to it. It only extends as far as sticking it to the Arabs...holding up their middle finger to the UN and all the other antisemetic organizations (both closeted and outspoken) out there who want Israel to give up its tiny sliver of land in the middle east.
Everyone knows that ordinary Israelis aren't really in on anything involving destroying Europe or the West.

>They are feeble-minded individuals (just like the majority of you guys

> liberal jews are actually anti-zionist! Liberals HATE Israel.
They really aren't, though.

>which was justified in the 1960s
It absolutely was not. That was the Jewish/Marxist/socialist/communist/anti-white cultural revolution that got us to this point.

>that the liberal jews are actually anti-zionist!
In the US, 71% of Jews voted Hillary and 95% of US Jews are zionist and support Israel. So you're numbers aren't adding up. Barely any liberal Jews are anti-zionist.

The vast majority of liberal Jews support Israel as a Jewish state and support the decline of white demographics and call anyone who is against it a nazi.

However Jews aren't the problem right now. The problem is.all the whites who also support diversity and immigration.

>They're just acting on a biological directive

I've always assumed its a religious directive. They've believed since birth that they are gods chosen people, thanks to the old testament.



No. Atheist Jews are just as bad or worse. The religion is just a convenient framework for their Semitic supremacism in the context of Israel.

Why are liberals and leftists anti-israel though? Seems as though modern liberals support Palestine and conservatives are the ones defending israel.

They're anti Israel because Ashkenazi Jews are vaguely white in appearance and the Palestinians are muh poor 3rd world brown people. Simple as that. Liberals are proponents of 3rd worldism.

>They have taken their ideology, which was justified in the 1960s
That's when mass immigration into European countries started, as well as all the racial grievance and holocaust industry revved up, so you're okay with that? Filthy kike. And fuck you to all Ameriorcs who believe you.

From a biological perspective I can't make sense of that. You're saying ethno-jews/hebrews are just born feeling superior and that if they were never introduced to judaism they would act in the same jewy ways?

Sorry Shlomo not buying UR song and dance.

NZ LISZT, famed composer quoted in Col. E. N. Sanctuary's Are These Things So?, page 278

"The day will come when all nations amidst which the Jews are dwelling will have to raise the question of their wholesale expulsion, a question which will be one of life or death, good health or chronic disease, peaceful existence or perpetual social fever."

You're an evil Jew that wants to destroy the white race or whateverb

>im jew
>no lies
>agree with Sup Forums

are they though, actually? What measures have they taken against Israel compared to what the Jews took against Europeans when in control of Soviet Russia or Morgenthau when his office coordinated the occupation of Germany? It's just some kabuki theatre to make goyim think there's an actual dispute.

>(likely a result of selection due to past persecutions)
This is absurd and overstated. I do agree that they have talents, but I think you're selling Jewish tradition short. It was precisely the traditional structure of your people that allowed you to develop a cognitive elite, while Europe had something of a cognitive decline since accepting the Abrahamic meme. Most jews have a prowess for things like marketing, law, narrative and etc. because it is enshrined in Jewish tradition.

I agree with your sentiment that our problems are not solely a product of neoliberal Jewish people. But Jewish people have exacerbated our problems through post-modernism far more than necessary, and nog tier people settle on hatred as an explanation. I still don't hate you for being a Jew though.

Religion is just their genetics codified, sorta like with Arabs and Islam.

Yo this guy just destroyed all you pol users with this video get rekt

both of these explanations make sense. Liberals supporting palestine always seemed like pretend/ The poor palesinians were there first "it's america 2.0" kind of bs.

>I also realize that there is no conspiracy among jews

Wrong. Learn anout Zionism.
Why u think certain jews always preach that the whole world hates jews and want to destroy Israel ?
Rhats Zionism.
A psychological operation on Jews to make them stick together and fight for Israel, to cread some artificial togetherness and identity.

Take this serious. U jews are being played by psychopaths amongst your mid.

This shit IS real. Give this info a chance, follow it and i guarantee you: there IS a jewish matrix.

It destroys many nations and ppl. And all just because sone psychos, that draw their validation from the jewish believe system (one variant of).

( didnt want to believe it myself at fist too )


I'm saying behavior is heritable in all organisms. The destructive behavior Jews exhibit is inherent to their genes. Behavior exists within a spectrum of acceptability or desire, it can be modified or even directed but the impulse which drives complex behaviors is inherent. The religion attenuates or amplifies certain aspects but the core impulses will always be there.

Even if you accept the Jewish IQs as they are reported by Jews, their overrepresentation cannot be explained by that alone, it's massive nepotism on their part.

Ah, the classic "liberal" Jew V "conservative" Jew JIDF tactic.
>Ok goys, its true Jews in your homelands have subverted you, but thats just cuz their dem democrats! Us Conservative Israeli Jews are fucking based xddd
>9/11 dancing Israelis
We know you all view us as cattle and serve your tribes interests alone, regardless of what mask you put on for the goyim.

I was meaning, white liberals, by the way. Jews are almost uniformly pro-Israel everywhere. Jews have probably the world's strongest ingroup preference.

No one thinks there's a plan. Read culture of critique. You have your base premise all wrong.

Correct. Even when adjusted for IQ differences, Jews are still massively over represented in Ivy league administration roles, media, news and other roles of cultural importance. I've never seen a viable alternative to nepotism for this occurrence. But I'm sure some Jew will offer us some song and dance lul

>It only extends as far as sticking it to the Arabs.
And that alone is enough to make you a problem worthy of exterminating, or having the US drop all support to at least
The problem is kikes using the US to fight their wars and to advocate for Israel at the UN and international causes

14/88 kike.

>The fact is, and this is the most ironic bit of all, that the liberal jews are actually anti-zionist!
Good job, you've figured it out. There are two types of Jews: the Zionist Jews and atheistic Jews.

So let's go over both types, shall we?
>zionist jews
These theistic Jews are a parasite. They sponge off of America to prop up their shitty state of Israel. These Jews hold an actual conspiracy against the united states. They have their little ADL and Mossad organizations literally digging through American garbage for the purpose of blackmailing us.

>atheistic Jews
These kikebags don't believe in Yahweh and Zion but are still Jews by race, so they do other subversive things instead. These are your liberal Jews. Marx, Trotsky, people who push the Frankfurt school in academia. There is no conspiracy here in the same way that niggers didn't conspire to ruin South Africa. This is just the nature of the heeb.

But here's the thing, the two tribes don't always get along. In (((communist)) Russia, they turned on the Zionist Jews as they did all other religions. The hatred among the two groups are so old it was documented by Churchill.

So, sorry OP. Your tribes may hate each other, but neither is a friend to a west.

>it's not nepotism it's pure talent goy
Sure shlomo.

Never trust a Jew that's an absolute rule

Jews are very organised. Look up tikkun olam which forces Jews to be communists and all the Jewish national and internqtional congresses. It's a never ending hole of Jewish organisations.


This too

I don't understand the x-axis on this graph. Is it saying there are 1200% more jews enrolled than the percent of jews in the general US population?
So for whites there are only 1/10 of what they should be if the demographic matched the general population?


Small boobs, jsut as I like it

Oh look, the jew coming in to tell us how wrong we are and how we should be running things. Fucking typical. Just like your meddling in the economic and governmental affairs of every western country, and for that matter, every country period.
Don't give me this bullshit about some jews hating Israel. The west went through two world wars for you and still setup your shitty country that you had no right to. You fuckers killed and displaced the native population there cause you needed a place to go after "muh holocaust", then you fuckers don't even go there and still scheme and pump out propaganda everywhere else.
Now I'm supposed to give a shit that some jews don't like their bastard country that they stole through bloodshed and deceit on the most tenuous grounds that it was promised in some holy books written thousands of years ago?
If the so called anti-zionist jews want to fight the zionists, be my guest, just don't involve us goyim. We've already split enough blood for your causes.

Yes, it is population representation.

American Conservative Jew here. I either agree with, or understand the viewpoints of most of whats discussed here on Sup Forums. Aside from the race bullshit. I think anyone with a brain can see that individuals should not be judged by the color of their skin, but the content of their character.

The whole jewish question thing, I still cant tell if its satire, or actual crazy people. Listen, I'm big time into conspiracies, I've gone down the rabbit hole on quite a few subjects; there might be quite a few powerful jews, and there might be zionists, but there is no major NWO conspiracy involved here aside from perhaps blatant nepotism.

>You’re Destroying Yourselves
I Can Read Your Thoughts.

>muh good Jews

Jews never integrate, and always consider themselves above and apart of their host culture. I don't care if you are not a wall st exec, the bottom line is you consider yourself a Jew before anything else and that puts you at odds with your host culture. Jews and gentiles can't coexist.

This isn't complicated.

I understand the point you are trying to make, and I do agree with much of what you say. But what I have noticed among Jews is that they openly express hatred and contempt for Christianity and Jesus. What do you think about that, I would love to know your thoughts on why that is?

Just like the scummy racist muslims want a islamic judaism they want israel to be a jewish caliphate or in their own words Jewish simple thing to do is brown off and and not just islamify but Christianify...hindu-ify and Sikhi-ify the land of israel ......a mixture of races...ethnicities and religions....

you kind of have a point in that the alt-right like to conflate Zionists and Cultural Marxists because they're both Jewish, but the two groups have very different values and goals.

>Perhaps you will cast me off as some outsider jew who isn’t “in on the plan
There is no plan, except perhaps at the highest echelons that influence public opinion, but even then it's often debated. When we say "The Jews" we quite literally mean almost all of the Jews, because your interests are often in direct conflict with that of the white gentiles.

The problem is that your kind control the media, and the laws in our countries WHILE prioritizing the well-being of your country over our own. You force us by law to refrain from looking out for our self-interests, and then write in laws specially protecting your interests. You destroy our countries from the inside because it benefits your country and your tribe. How in the everloving hell can't you understand that?

We want you gone just like the Germans in WW2 and the 900 other times you've been kicked out of countries for being a traitorous foreign element rotting us out from the inside.

What are your thoughts on the old claims that the Jewish Bolsheviks were motivated resentment and ethnic hatred?
Do you think they have merit or do you think the communist atrocities were either unintentional or had other motivations?

If we assume the former how much of a steel-man could you make out of Hitler? Unless I have been rused by alternative facts the Reds in Germany's 1918 November Revolution were heavily Jewish, and death can be a valid punishment for treason. Could you extend this case to the point that the cardinal sin of the Holocaust was the collective assignment of that guilt?

On a slightly related note. The problem with conspiracy theories is that if you make a steel-man out of them you find that there are no internal contradictions but also that it is near or completely impossible to accrue enough evidence to rule them out. It is then an act of faith by which the majority of people rule out the majority of conspiracy theories - until higher attention is required (e.g. when Snowden cam forward).
Now the Elders of Zion is one of the oldest conspiracy theories, so when the social trust by which most conspiracy theories are ruled out with starts to falter it is the first to be considered. And for a lot of people when they are shown the omission of the details of WW2 in education and media, the special treatment the holocaust gets in the media, all the anti-white and pro-jewish sentiments you mentioned in your post, and most recently the silencing and manipulating of right-wing views on google, youtube, twitter, etc. it only makes sense that the sentiment has reemerged.

Hell if I were responsible for subverting America one of the things I would do is simultaneously shill and suppress these sentiments.

Great Post by the way. Thanks for writing it. Of course none of what you are saying is new here and the condescension would've been better as traditional Sup Forums insult language but you can only expect so much from a kike