The Maker Movement is anti civilization

The Make Movement- a movement where people use their free time to work outside
their profession- is a continuation of societal collapse.

Civilization exists because we rely on each other's specialization.

The Maker Movement is people thinking that they can do their hobbies better than others can do their jobs.

Don't fail civilization because you want a (((hobby))).

Civilization is anti-evolution, so I'm okay with this.

>Don't do anything that might satisfy your desire to create something and nurture your creativity else society will collapse



Post more anzu

lmao why does this leaf post this exact thread every month?
We've already found out he's a fucking loser with no tangible skills or a job.
The fucking loser lives with it's parents.
Basically OP is projecting because he's a fucking loser

>Society collapses
>Makers thrive, everybody else dies
OP really tickles the almonds here....

again Canada? it hasn't even been twelve hours. Fuck off already

You made this bait thread earlier. Fuck off.

Her shoulders honestly look wider than mine. Should I be worried?

You tell me



They're nervous.

Being apart of the maker movement is better than being a Trapfag.

He makes this b8 thread daily, without fail.

Only a kike would encourage complete dependence on others out of fear of loss of shekels.

Can't tell if anzu or some jpop crap

I haven't seen this bait in a while.

Maker movement is a manifestation of the unconscious realization that civilization is on the brink of collapse and Average Joe is slowly trying to wean himself off of it in order to ensure his own survival.

OP is blaming the people looking for the life eat for the fact the ship is sinking.

Lift weights faggot.

>Maker movement is a manifestation of the unconscious realization that civilization is on the brink of collapse and Average Joe is slowly trying to wean himself off of it in order to ensure his own survival.
It's the other way around: non interdependence is destroying civilization.

Well Anzu is a guy, so... maybe?

I wish she would do Jannu Dark Cosplay instead.

Modern civilization can go fuck itself for all I care. If building my own phone cases and home audio systems with a 3D printer and spare parts accelerates its demise, awesome.

Before video games there were no other hobbies besides jobs. Wood working, fishing, hunting, homebrewing and even day trading/investing are all things people did for a living.

Any "movement" is a scam though. It tells you to behave like we behave and maybe you will gain some kind of inclusion or greater meaning. None of that is true.

Fucking maple niggers, man.

So, what are the shills sliding this time?


MAKE America Great Again

Astolfo is superior pleb

>Well Anzu is a guy, so... maybe?
Lately the shills have been out trying to convince us that Anzu is female...might work on plebbit, but not here.

The pleb has always tried to convince us that anzu was a woman.


The holy Saint of Orleans is better to make babies with.

>1 post by this id
the nose knows. every post under this one is a jew or a bot

Its a pasta, seen it before

>hobbies are a jewish trick

I'll take "things lazy niggers say for 500, alex"

Well there is no debate about that if we take that particular point into consideration Astolfo can't even have them

Lifting weights is one thing. You can’t change your bone structure.
Anzu is a female.

But that's the ultimate point of having a waifu in the end, isn't it?

You're going to make babies with you're waifu, and Saint Jannu of Orleans is the best waifu for this purpose.

to be quite honest with you i don't want to fuck astolfo, i wanna be Astolfo

>muh 1 post by this I'd
Excuse me for not interfering with the discussion.
This thread is a neutral forum for fighting the maker movement.

>i wanna be Astolfo

How old are you?

anzu is finally doing lewds

97 years old

Reee, I was expecting real answer. I was wondering if you were one of those contemplating-hormones people.

>Argentina wants to be white
No big surprise there.

S-stop user. That's Non-canon pairing.


Stop posting this freak you Canadian super fag.

she is now

>We will decide it mutually, as this apricot doesn't do LEWD stuff! Sike!

It would be pretty lewd if she cosplay Jannu.

no i am not contemplating hormones at all user
I love being creamy white and soft as shit,
i have been unironically confused with a woman in the past without even trying

What ever it is it’s mentally ill and should be roped before it multiplies.

This guy comes on here every once and awhile parroting this strange sentiment. No other animal on this planet builds. All you need to know.

Fucking filters and makeup, she's ugly in her casual self.

>yes! good goyim! abandon all your creative efforts and endeavors...self improvement & fulfillment isn't kosher, ya know! all that time you spend learning new skills could be spent making me another shekel...hehehe...don't forget to be on time at 4AM tomorrow, goy! P.S. we need you to spend 5 hours extra here overtime pay, of course! :^)

>she's ugly in her casual self.
anzu has no casual self
she always dresses like a autist
she is just sexy

Good. So you are natural trap instead of forced trap.


Topkek. If that thing is a girl them my cock is 14 inches long.

Learn some economics before you try to teach it.

Fucking hot, man.

If all Turkish women looked like this, I'd tell them to come to America. She's White af

its a girl

Thinking your (Sup Forums scrolling) life is actually so impactful to society it could make or break it is the epitome of a white, male ideal

Holy shit, pol is starting to internalize the propaganda.

That’s one of the ugliest things I’ve seen with two Xs.

This. There's nothing bad about learning to be more self sufficient. We've been domesticated and emasculated for too long already. Do you think any of these modern soyboys know how to do anything useful? Modern women can't even cook and feed themselves. That's a dangerous place for society to be. The services that give us modern civilization will still exist of course, but individuals on average will be more capable like back in the 50s or the like.

Personally, I grow food to supplement what organic stuff I buy at the grocery store to avoid the (((gmo))) crap the jews put out there to weaken our bodies.

Also...creating things is like literally one of the few things that makes us human.


>That’s one of the ugliest things I’ve seen with two Xs.
Tits so small, we've gone backwards from A.
> she
Whatever you want to believe.

Specialization is for insects like Anzu.

that's a dude!

This pic is only helping me to be swayed to thinking that "she" is in fact a "he"...

shes got tits she just has a eating disorder
its why her cheeks are so chubby compared to her body

Why hasn’t it been offed yet? Or at least locked up in a psych ward? It obviously didn’t have a father growing up.


>Why hasn’t it been offed yet?
because anzu comes from a rich family that pays for her to live the neet life

>eating disorder
That might explain the weird look

Isn't he the guy who got kicked out of his maker club due to a scandal where he fought with another member over something to do with a waifu sexbot?
The story was weird and Chris Chan teir

Funny thing is that mentally ill degenerate probably speaks of itself in the 3rd person too.

>mentally ill
Wrong. That's roleplaying.

Japanese girls sometimes speak in 3rd person.

Was going to say s(he)'s starting to look like a girl, then I saw and noticed it too.

>roll playing

You ever see a pic of it when it’s not degenerated out? Something tells me it’s no different than your local town crazy who dresses like believes he’s a pirate.

I am pretty sure every one of you looks better in woman's clothes

S-stop, don't be a trap.

what a dummy, civilization could never fail because of a lack of workers with specializations, people who excel always will and losers will always be losers, they need each other like your civilization needs good workers with specializations.

My mind has decided to be a man

Are you guys faceblind? That's not Anzu.
Also Anzu has a tiny frame.

>Sup Forums wants to preserve the white race
>Sup Forums wants to fuck a turkish boy

Explain this.

When did I say that that was Anzu? When?
Cute or nah?

Makeup is a scary thing. It can change the woman completely.

are you asking whether i am cute? or whether Astolfo is cute?
i have had woman tell me i am pretty and take a shot at kissing me.
Also there is also that weird time a dude thought i was a girl and almost kissed me

Also makeup is for the genetically inferior

Turks are white.



Hmm, I didn’t think I would encounter anyone else in a similar situation.



>go over to turkey
>see this

What do?


no they're not mehmet, and you will NEVER be european either lmao the line stops at northern italy

>American education

put your real flag on. are you spaniard? wop? or some degenerated greece rapebaby?