Still waiting for a valid answer guys

still waiting for a valid answer guys...

Other urls found in this thread:

You'll never get a real answer, retarded natsoc faggots will ignore you and spam their propaganda regardless of how wrong they are. The only way to deal with these natsoc autists is to hang them from the neck until dead.

Didn't read all due to lack of time, however if this thread is still up in aBout an hour I'll answer every question

>the reason this hair was bagged and stored was Bc the Nazi's shaved everyone in the concentration camps head towards the end of the war
Now why did they shave heads and stash the hair away?
>because there was a typhus breakout across central and Eastern Europe in the later year of the wars
What does this have to do with hair?
>typhus is spread by lice, fleas, etc
Okay but why did the Nazis have cyanide gas?
>cyanide gas was never discovered in concentration camps, however, traces of it were.
>that's because cyanide is an ingredient in Zyklon B (a German pesticide that was first created in the 1920s) and was used to kill the lice and fleas
okay but they gas people right?
>no, if anything they sprayed clothes and hair to prevent lice and fleas from spreading typhus. Even the german soldiers went thru the same experience as the Jews

there was already a valid response to this meme tier propaganda but i supposed its not valid in your reddit echo chambers

You got your answers seventy two threads back motherfucker.

No. All I got was the same "le epic memes" and leading questions of your own. No one, other than this guy

have even attempted to answer anything, with a lot of people outright admitting they wont even read anything and calling for me to be banned for daring to question the "holocaust never happened" narrative

>citing sources
>Not the information itself

>Now why did they shave heads and stash the hair away?
iirc hair could be used to stuff pillows. Or maybe they were just waiting to burn the hair.

>What does this have to do with hair?

Lice spreads diseases

>Okay but why did the Nazis have cyanide gas?

They were waging a war and they wanted to find new weapons

>okay but they gas people right?

With Zyklon B

If they gassed people with cyanide, the would die removing the bodies. Do you know how poisonous the gas is?? And if they did gas them, why would they collect the hair? That makes zero sense.
There was an American engineer/scientist who works with building gas chambers for tests in the US who was sent to inspect, and his conclusion that the "chambers" were not he chambers. The "chimney" (which has been on record for being built in 50s) is too low especially for cyanide, the gas would spill out into the camp killing everyone at the height of the chimney.

You're retarded. There's medical records from the redcross and documents from Germany that are archived that favors my statements.
Go back to pleddit with that spacing

Why would they use a weak ass pesticide to kill people? That's autistic tier thinking ahmed

They did use hair for industrial purposes. And they would let the place air out before collecting the bodies. And the guy you are referring to is Leutcher and his reports on the chambers were regarded as bullshit. For one reason, he took a giant chunk of a wall and ran test for traces of cynide, while all other scientist told him that would dilute the findings, since cynide doest go that deep into concrete.

>If they gassed people with cyanide, the would die removing the bodies. Do you know how poisonous the gas is?
Yes, that's why they can't remove people who are executed by gassing in the U.S., right? Oh wait, no, that's not what happens at all.

>There's medical records from the redcross and documents from Germany that are archived that favors my statements.

read the filename

"do NOT allow for any conclusions to be made over the actual number of dead in the concentration camps"

>There's medical records from the redcross
Why do you tell lies? Isn't that a "Jewish"trick?

I'm not reading all that shit. Merchant be gone.

>let the place air out
I don't think you understand what poisonous gas is

And the Red Cross report has been deliberately misinterpreted by holocaust deniers to the point that they actually wrote about this misunderstanding. The Red Cross never claimed what you think they claimed. There the letter here from them

plus they also published an article about the misuse of their work by a neo-nazi group to prove the holocaust never happened, all back in the 1970s

>comparing modern times to the 1940s

If they let the gas "air out" it wouldn't go high enough to not come back to the camp. Not to mention how small the gas chambers were or how small the elevator was

That's not the redcross file

Why did the concentration camps have recreational activities, theaters, swimming pools, sports teams, etc?

>comparing modern times to the 1940s
Why? Did HCN suddenly become less poisonous to people over the intervening years?

You use a thing called a "pump" to push the poisonous air out until it's dilute enough that you can safely enter the chamber, at which point you go in and retrieve the body. They had air pumps in the 1940s.

Because yes, the chamber is much smaller than the overall camp, the poison spreads out to tolerable levels relatively quickly when it's not confined. This is basic stuff.

>How small the elevator was
What the hell does this have to do with the supposed impossibility of retrieving a body after it was gassed?

They only had things like the soccer team for British POWs, not for any deemed "subhuman"

Toxic fumes kill when a critical mass of particles have been absorbed into the soft tissue/lungs of the victim. The exact mass depends on the relative lethality of the gas, 0.0001 mg/m3 is the safe limit for Sarin for example. Any more air/gas, and it becomes less dangerous until it is nothing but an old fart wafting around, too dilute to even smell anymore.

You can absolutely air out poison gas, it just takes a little patience. And consideration of where the gas is venting towards.

For that matter, why did they bother with gas at all? Just lock them in a barracks and don't give them water.

It should also be noted that other jewish inmates (sonderkommandos) were the ones clearing out these rooms, so their potential exposure to some traces of gas was expected

>Just lock them in a barracks and don't give them water.

Because that takes longer to kill them, but that exact form of torture/punishment was implemented. The catholic saint maximillian kolbe died just as you described user.

It's also likely to lead to an attempted riot or revolt if it becomes clear that you're going to murder them all. There's a difference between nasty rumors floating around and "Hey, we've been locked in here with no water".

Well, they were being shot left and right,day and night, i would guess they had plenty of reasons to start rioting.


Show me some bones or ash deposits nigga

fucking Shlomo

Most of the shootings were done by Einsatzgruppen in scattered locations in the occupied Soviet Union, not in the camps.

You mean like the Ponary mass graves, or Baba Yar?

I foresee a world where the last struggling semites survive by scuttling in the sandy expanse of what was once their promised land. We're going to crash this kike paradigm, with no survivors!

I said show next, not talk at me.
With remnants of the supposed killings we could estimate an accurate number of people who may have been killed.

Yet... Something tells me that won't be possible for some reason, cuz there's always a reason when it comes to this very particular subject as to why you must not question it at all.

>none of them are answers

>all snide remarks

>no sources for anything anyway


Given my patent inability to find you wherever you live, drag you over to the Ukriane and Belarus, and show you the mass graves, I'm not really sure how you expect me to "show" you these sites. All I can really do is link you to information about them.

kikes btfo as usual

Pictures of dead supposedly from the largest war man has ever fought. No context except what the author wrote, no chain of custody on this evidence. On a blogspot no less.

That settles it, 6 million! Oy very!

But really, I'd allow this shoddy evidence if we could reconstruct some numbers. Something tells me there is no physical evidence of 6 million corpses.

Cool saw dust bro. You really showed me.

>ask for photos

>get provided with numerous photos

>make some shitty ironic pissy comment

youre done. Next

>. No context except what the author wrote, no chain of custody on this evidence
There is. You clearly have not read anything.

>Something tells me there is no physical evidence of 6 million corpses.
Show me the evidence of 50ish million corpses. Until you do, you have absolutely no basis to claim there was a war at all, let alone that it was the "largest war man has ever fought".

Whoops dropped this

>building camps with various recreational facilities and other basic needs facilities and transporting (((millions))) of jews across thousands of miles with trains only to proceed with the systematic killing of said jews using an intricate chamber with expensive gas and individually cremating their bodies
>digging a common grave outside city limits and burying the jews after shooting them in the head

>assuming Hitler started gassing jews since day 1

WHOOP! You already fucked up user, literally no one has ever claimed that the holocaust was all 6 million victims being gassed. This just goes to show that deniers have no idea what they are denying in the first place

They did both user. Please actually read the OP before making any further comments

Let's see

>Not all Jews were killed in camps, or Auschwitz
>You should be tracking the number of muffles, (body goes in here), of which there were 52.
>It took less than 1 hour to cremate a body all the way back in 1875, and that was with one body at a time, not multiple burning. (Page 125 of the pdf)
>4 million dead at Auschwitz is a number that no western historian has ever taken seriously, nor were all of them burned in the crematoria, as there were also large open air pits supplementing the burning, a la that famous pit photo, you know, this one.

Stop being an anti semite!!!
They were all gassed by evil nazis!!

No one has claimed this user. The official narrative has never been that all the victims were gassed. You shitposting after your strawman got called out isnt an argument either.

>The official narrative has never been that all the victims were gassed.


Keep pushing the narrative of evul nazisss killing jews when we the allies actually made them starve by destroying the supplies that were supposed to be brought in the camps goy.
Its always the evil nazis.
Their gas chambers were high tech that even today most gas chambers are air tight with special doors while the nazi chambers were closed with simple wooden doors oy veyyyyy

It wasnt. Do you not realize that this childish shitposting behavoir does more to discredit holocaust deniers than most of the actual evidence I post?


>this kike topic again

all you need to read. Shills will tell you otherwise but who listens to kikes anyways?

1) You do realize that the “famed German efficiency” is a myth and that you had a smattering of different bureaucrats who were trying to compete for Hitler's favor, some by mass executions, some by production?

2) Because the term “holocaust” hadn't been associated with the mass killings yet. Churchill, by the way, does mention that. For instance

>"The wholesale massacre by systematized processes of six or seven millions of men, women, and children in the German execution camps exceeds in horror the rough and ready butcheries of Genghis Khan, and in scale reduces them to pygmy proportions. Deliberate extermination of whole populations was contemplated and pursued by both Germany and Russia in the Eastern war." -THE SECOND WORLD WAR “The Gathering Storm” page 15

3)Because “Auschwitz” wasn't a single camp so much as a collection of over 50 camps, not all of which were stuffed with Jews to be exterminated. The brothel, for instance, was primarily for the use of the SS staff.

4) Because A) “German efficiency” is largely a myth, B) You had a rather significant number of Jews from nominally allied nations such as Hungary and Romania where the SS had no jurisdiction, and C) Einsatzgruppen units who had embarked on wholesale massacres had notably higher rates of erratic behavior and alcoholism, something they wanted to cut down on.

5) You mean like Hans Frank's Diaries? Or this?

6) Because the 6 million claim was never based on the Soviet estimate of the 4 million at Auschwitz, which was considered dubious from the get-go. It is rather based on population reduction, which is a bit harder to get around.

7) Not all of German codes were cracked. However, enough were that the Germans spent considerable effort constantly updating codes. It's something that happens during wartime. Furthermore, given that the Final Solution was embarked upon when the tide of war had already turned against the Germans, it's not much of a stretch to think they were worried about their own skins come eventual defeat.

8) You do realize they made drainage ditches, right?

9) Oh yes, the “mere” 50% fatality of places like Dachau is proof positive they weren't extermination camps. Yeah, your odds were better there than at say, Treblinka, but that's not saying much.

10) They used a little something called a “pump” to push the poisonous air out and bring in the fresh air. Hydrogen cyanide gas execution is still used in places like New Mexico. Do you think that they wait a day to bring out the corpse when they administer capital punishment?

11) Except the soap thing did happen. Danzig anatomical institute made about 70 kg of human body fat soap. Was it churned out in industrial quantities? No. But did it exist? Yes.

12) Because of the claim that the “steam chamber” execution and the electrical grids were made by people who were not camp insiders and did not have perfect knowledge as to what happened. It was hardly the sole evidence that hanged people at Nuremberg.

14) As mentioned above, Auschwitz was more than just Birkenau. By the way, he does mention the gas chambers, and how his mother and sister went to them, although he only found out their significance later. Not actually having been gassed, he wasn't a first-hand witness to the inside of one.

15) Really? For instance, Night makes no mention of Mengele.

16) You mean “according to Nazi travel documentation demonstrating how almost a million people went there and none of them left”. And really, what is this so-called “Extensive sonar probing”? It's been declared a memorial and you're not supposed to disturb it, anyone attempting to make such findings is dodging whatever security they have in the place.

17) No, proof of the Holocaust rests primarily in demographic decline.

18) Because not every country shares American attitudes towards free speech.

19) No, it's about as dumb as flat earther or moon landing hoaxing. Really, what leading revisionists have “advanced degrees from world leading universities”?

20) Because nobody denies the existence of the ACW.

21) Because modern crematoria are concerned with little things like making sure the body ashes are contained neatly and not letting shit dissipate to the wind. The Nazis? Not so much.

By the way, what happened to #13?

>building camps with various recreational facilities and other basic needs facilities and transporting (((millions))) of jews across thousands of miles with trains only to proceed with the systematic killing of said jews using an intricate chamber with expensive gas and individually cremating their bodies

>the shill actually had this copy pasted ready to go


Churchill did mention the holocaust in his book though user. And Eisenhower mentioned it numerous times in numerous reports

just look here, it has them all

also, no sources section and most of the questions end up being strawmen arguments. Also, please try to answer OP questions instead of avoiding them

no sources, none of them are answers, and I bet you read neither the thing you linked to or OP

He says to defend a literal infograph

>16 posts
>12 posts
So they got the shills working together on threads now? Do you have to split your shekels at the end of the work day too?

>various recreational facilities and other basic needs facilities

I want you to tell me what Aktion 14f13 was user. No dancing around the issue, no shucking and jiving, just tell me what it was


how is this in any way bad for our point? Especially when you are doing nothing but shitposting because you are too much of a coward to answer even ONE(1) question in OP?

Those poor starved jews at the left. If they ever had the food that the allies destroyed...they would still be alive today.

Questions were all answered here
before I even posted. But you rejected that right away so good job.

Please demonstrate that allied action is what prevented food from reaching the concentration camps. With evidence, not speculation.

I mean, after all, the entire Transport Plan coudln't stop the Germans from fielding over a million soldiers in France come 1944, and those guys needed more than just food, but things like ammo and POLs.

>If they ever had the food that the allies destroyed

[citation needed]

also, you think all 6 million jews were gassed lol. youre opinion is worthless, thanks for playing though

Pic seems like a reasonable argument, but

>The great majority of prisoners.... NEVER got anywhere near this small pool - this is a fact.

is fucking retarded. Does he have any evidence to support the fact that none got near it? Having it for camp staff is something i can accept, but he has no way of knowing that they never let some prisoner swim in it one day. It's just such a weird thing to say, why jump to the extreme? Things like this is why the holocaust gets so much shit thrown at it. Stop trying to claim things you merely believe but don't have evidence of are 'facts'.

>swimming pool as a water reservoir for fire fighting
That sounds like madeup bullshit. Why not simply have water hoses?

>questions were answered here

>links to the series of questions that were all just answered by us

did you forget to take your stupid pills today user? Also, why do you think us answering all the questions is bad when you are too cowardly to answer even one?

Yeah majority of jews died because of starvation that the allies caused (even soldiers themselves were very low at supplies) and diseases. Not by the hands of the EVUL NAZISSS

Oh..another million death toll added by the UN? SHIIIEEET

>is fucking retarded. Does he have any evidence to support the fact that none got near it?
Well, for starters you have the little problem that the pool is in Auschwitz 1 and that Birkenau was massive in size next to it.

You're right, of course...
The official narrative, for which people were tried and hung, is that jews were chased into vats of acid, blown up with atomic bombs, instantly incinerated by electricity, holocoastered into giant ovens, strapped into masturbation machines and eaten by specially trained eagles.

Look, the real problem is that the story is clearly wartime atrocity propaganda monetized all to hell. Most of our documentation is stuff we got from the soviets with a "Just trust us, bro." Did the Nazi's imprison a bunch of jews? Of course. Did they kill a bunch of them, whether intentionally, through neglect or an inability to care for them? Also true. Is there evidence for a systematic and intentional plan of genocide? Not much, and what there is is fairly unreliable. Out of one side of your mouth, you claim the germans meticulously documented everything, but from the other, they burned all the documents that would really prove your point.

But let's be honest, it doesn't matter. These stories should not be allowed to eternally shield international Jews from accusations of privilege, nepotism and conspiracy. Regardless of whether killed a bunch of them or not, and I don't think he did, it still stands that he was fucking right. Germany was betrayed, bankrupted and looted by international jewish bankers. Hitler brought that country back from bankruptcy and made of it a proud and beautiful thing. Then the international Jew tried to fucking ruin it again. Frankly, I admire the Nazi's for not gassing the lot of you, I certainly would have.

And to this day, you cannot deny that the Jewish lobby is one of the most powerful and compulsive lobbies for social degeneration and economic ruin. They are continually pushing towards a feudal system of debt peons so they can fulfill their misbegotten prophecies.

So, I trust nothing to do with them. I don't believe the holocaust happened, because it seems to far-fetched and far to convenient for them.

Still waiting for that citation user...

>thinks he has any clue what hes talking about when he thought every single victim was gassed



you cant really deny something like the holocaust when you have not even a first grade understanding of it user. Holocaust deniers are in the same league as flat earthers and creationist for this very reason user.

why would there be a separate program to purge the sick, mentally deficient, and retarded if they were being sent to death camps

But if I did believe in your narrative, I still wouldn't care. Hitler was still right. You guys are still a cancer, and you're actively trying to genocide my fucking race. So what if you were oppressed a bunch. You fucking tweaked the tigers nose, and whine when you get bit? Our empathy only extends so far, Moishe.

If you don't fucking stop, we'll make the work of your kike fanfiction a reality. But there won't be any reparations waiting for you at the end. Only the judgement of a God you long ago forsook.

I didnt claim that. Was that picture me? No faggot. It was a random amerimutt like you


lol youre so clueless that you dont even know the basic fucking story of the holocaust. Still waiting for a citation on your claim user, shitposting wont cover your tracks

>admitting you know it happened

thank you. All stormfags secretly know the holocaust happened of course

checkmate shlomo


i only dropped a picture which I didnt make but an amerimutt if you cant see the fucking flag inside the picture. I never ever claimed myself that They were all gassed,did i? You are projecting at this very moment kike. I wont bother argue with a retard

>building camps and transporting (((millions))) of jews across thousands of miles with trains only to proceed with the systematic killing of said jews using an intricate chamber with expensive gas and individually cremating their bodies

nitpick all you want faggot, it's still a complicated and expensive (((final solution))) to a problem that can be easily solved by a few bullets

Not familiar with the geography. Is that showing that the pool is super far away from the actual camp area?

Even so, that's not proof that no prisoner was ever in the pool. My point is that you shouldn't just make random assumptions and then call them facts. It's a reasonable conclusion that prisoners probably didn't use it, but that doesn't make it a fact.

user, you not only posted that image to show everyone that this was an argument you agreed with, but when I corrected you, you argued against it and made some typical "le jew joke" you made a fool out of yourself and you know it. This is why you are continuing to not post a citation for yet another bullshit claim you made. You know you have no idea what you are talking about and are out of your element.

Keep in mind, most often the figure is six million, this only includes Jews, and not cripples, poles, and others. The number is much higher, making the math far more ridiculous.

>admitting you know it happened
Admitting for the sake of argument is not the same as admitting it happened. Either the holocaust happened or it didn't. If it did happen, you guys royally fucking deserved it. If it didn't happen, then the German people exercised admirable restraint, and were fucked over by your media control.

You still deserve a Shoahing.

He is arguing in bad faith my dude. You can't reach him. Remember, you don't need to convince everyone, only those who can listen.

posting something in greentext isnt an argument user. And its not nitpicking when I call out yet another one of your lies. Seriously, if the holocaust didnt happen, then how come deniers constantly lie and make shit up as well as pathetic attempt to intimidate people from calling them out?

The pool was part of camp #1, and there was extremely little contact between the multiple of sub-camps in Auschwitz. Simply by the fact that Birkenau (Camp #2) was not the one with the pool means that most inmates would never get a chance to see it, because Birkenau had most of the inmates. Again, just look at the relative sizes of the two camps.

You're right of course. I'm using him to vent. Yelling at kikes on the internet, while futile, is good stress relief.

>Either the holocaust happened or it didn't.

It did happen, and you saying "you deserved it" is you admitting it

>He is arguing in bad faith my dude.

says the side who constantly lies, refuses to engage in any open discussion, and shitposts?

You guys STILL havent answered even ONE(1) of the questions I posted while the reverse image of your questions was answered immediately

Because everyone who died in the holocaust burned at Auschwitz in the krema? Who exactly is claiming that?

And while we're on the subject of crematory capacity, we do have the unfortunate subject of pic related. The Germans themselves estimated their capacity of Auschwitz at 4756 a day. That's about 1.7 million a year just at one camp once all the ovens are up and running.

lol once again, no one has EVER claimed that all 6 million victims were gassed and burned. Thank you for showcasing once again how clueless deniers are on the thing they deny

>you saying "you deserved it" is you admitting it

You're right, dude, if that's not arguing in bad faith, I don't know what is. Kikes are gonna kike I guess.

>doesnt answer any questions

>doesnt respond to any of the answers provided

>post a strawman argument right after it was called out

>edgy "kikes deserved the holocaust which didnt happen" comment

user, I would claim you were the one arguing in bad faith, but you arent even arguing. Since you cant articulate anything at all, you are just shitposting.

>4 million jews in aushwitz
>Buh-buh-but your saying all six million
The idea is simple: 4million at aushwitz, of just Jews. Not including any other group. The math is ludicrous.
Also, I should probably point out, the "Holocaust" happened, just not in the degree you are thinking. I am not claiming that zero Jews died, I'm claiming six million is ridiculous.

You speak as if the Holocaust was a bad thing. The Holocaust was a good thing. The jews killed Christ they deserved it. Not enough jews died in the Holocaust.