For the West to survive

For the West to survive,
(((America))) HAS to die.

This is the final red-pill.

I have to agree with you

Make Whites racist again and we will remove the (((Juice))) from power, and none of this shit will happen again. Don't confuse the whole nation with the foreign Tribe that rules it.

Did trump approve this?

Estonia has like twelve people
who the fuck cares

>Don't confuse the whole nation with the foreign Tribe that rules it.
Getting harder by the day.


I'm pretty sure each nation has their own cucked (((government)))

this. american whites are nigger tier.

I agree kikes and pet niggers have to go world wide too though

You first limey cunt. I'm sure the muslims will be happy to continue to destroy your shitty island nation.

Right wing westerners need to migrate north and reform as new nations. Take over northern canada, europe and russia.

Lots of space and resources, climate improving (if you believe in such things).

The idea that ur gonna have some white army take over america is laughable. Its impossible and would get no support.

>Article from September 2016
>Obama was still president

Nice try Achmed

only the American jews have to and israel

fug, hope I don't get genocided

Honestly fine be me. Split the USA into separate smaller countries. That way I don't have to feel embarrassed about being in the same country as California.

Slide thread

But where is a safe place to go? The infection reaches far and wide.


>jews steer america towards enforcing "diversity" throughout Europe in order to breed their slave race and cover their asses
>america has to die
That's like saying you should cut your dick and balls off because you have crabs. It's better for everyone if we just remove the crabs.

they don't want you :-)

it's a depressing shithole

This doesn't surprise me the slightest. Our politicians are brainwashed here too by the same US propaganda machine.

If we take it down here the epicenter of it is going to move somewhere else, maybe Britain, maybe China will push it, who knows.

But yes, right now the USA leads the world by example and eight years of Obama created this absolute mess.

>8 years of obama created this
Try 60 years of Jews

Says the fucking bong, living under mommy may, while pakis kidnap, rape, murder, and butcher little girls into the fucking kebabs you crooked teeth motherfuckers then go and eat.

Fucking KYS.

And fuck the queen too.

Witness how angered the American becomes, when you merely highlight it's servitude to the Eternal Jew. Almost instinctive in it's nature. Like a lowly dog, protecting it's master. Pathetic.