Let the Finns have their fun, it is their 4th of July today.
Let the Finns have their fun, it is their 4th of July today
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I think they should have a thread up about it, but there are other things going on in the world and taking up 2/3ds of the catalog is just selfish.
Oh, well uh, happy December 6th, Finnfriends!
syvä iskumme on
true, they should be allowed a sticky and then they might stop flooding.
4th of july? Nigga it's 100 years of independence, not something that happens every year
>It's their 4th of July
Why can't you just called it their independence day?
This board is for politics, if they want to discuss their indepdence day they can go to /bant/ or Sup Forums.
They need 2/3rd os the board just to spell lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas.
Why is 100 years more relevant than 99 or 101 years?
It's a raid co-ordinated by jonnes high on ES from Ylilauta.
If you say it is their independence day or their centennial, some small brained amerimutts won't understand the significance.
It's a centennial. You only get those every 100 years.
cozy dreams my dudes, tomorrow is a big day
meill' armoa ei, kotimaata!!!!!
Glow in the dark cia nigger mods Banned me on computer the homos
Are you Pete Kauppinen?
Give Fins fun time.
koko onnemme kalpamme kärjessä on
>tfw ywn have a dog that is the striking image of you
How are you know of this Pete >(
Techno version is more fun!
Hello where is the discussion about Suomi?
Why would I not know of greatest Earth Moving Firm, serkku?
Finland has no imageboards, only cancerous forums filled with facebook normalfags.
You found it.
>tapwatergoblin :D
Any of you playing in Moonsorrow? :^)
Happy memeday lads. Funland is great.
because its the first 3 digit base 10 number
>ameriiikaaa :D
Ylilauta is ok
So Fins, are all Finnish girls this cute?
Winland is the pest in hockkii
Hyvää syntymäpäivää! Kippis!
Eeei riintamme heeltyä saaaaata
Listen up now, the thing is that every fucking non-military serviceman, hippies and other gays should all be killed. Military service is the school for men and beer and sausage are men's foods.
Thank you veterans, 1995 ice hockey world championship and winter war. Beat your wife, 6-1 and all swedes are gay.
Alko bottles it up and I drink it up, that is the working mans saturday. Suomi, finland, fatherland, perkele. Veterans didn't fight so that you that you faggot non-military serviceman could grow that gay-hair and smoke some fucking gay-plants. Cut your hair and drink booze like a real man. Fucking faggot.
Oh, it's 5 o'clock, I have to feed the golden retriever, beat my wife and pick up the fucking kids from school so that I can get drunk with the guys from work and talk about how gay our boss is.
Kjeh kjeh, it's sweet this working guys life. Need to play some Irwin, he's such and unbelievable interpreter of a working man's feelings.
She looks like this now.
University of Helsinki. Not even once.
Hello what do you thinks about Suomi you melanin troubled overweight burger friend :DDDDD
Do Finns drink even more on this particular day?
>only 2 golds on national levels
Explain this.
please no
She is average honestly. Nordic girls are the purest stock on planet.
That being said, HAPPY 100th BIRTHDAY FINLAND!
It's normiefag shithole. It's the same if I told you I'm going to kll you and you'd report me to FBI.
I completely signature your post!
Happy birthday, niggas.
>Thx for these, Finns!
Not really.
Wish I were lying. Marju is now a roller derby lesbian.
is this the famous finnic autism?
I like the finns, I think I'll visit one day.
No idea where to go but I've been told to go to tallinn for the authentic finnish experience.
Damn you university of Helsinki. The scourge of Finland.
Most of them aren't that cute. They usually look like this slag.
Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?
>Tsurunen was representing the democrats in the upper house of the Japanese parliament during they years 2002-2013 as its first Western-born member.
A fucking major achievement considering how doubtful the Japanese are against foreigners. Of course Finland is an exception of some sort, the older folk knows and appreciates Mannerheim and Finns,
Apparently a very conservative politician and that's exactly what japskies like.
I hope you all have great time on this december, WINLAND 100 YEARS, HELL YEAAH!
Never change Finland
Freaky Eskimos.
You will get communism there. Go to some smaller towns in Finland, that is where Finland lies.
Yes Tallin is great city of Finland. Cheaper booze there than on the other side of the lake!
>no finish poster in 3 years
>200 finished posters now
smells fishy
>tfw she could kick your ass
Nowadays every country exists only in the small towns.The citys are all the same.
honor will never be forgotten!
Is it true that Finland almost joined the Axis powers?
No, the Axis Powers joined Finland.
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korkeimmalla kukkulalla
katson kauas kaukaisuuteen
tulet uniin uudestaan.
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taivas täyttyy purppuralla
siitä suojakseni peiton
minä itselleni saan.
They did properly
5/5 hyvä lanka
Friend? Friend.
We even had our own SS troops spreading SPUDRO´s all over Ukraine
>the virgin manlet
>the chad tall moustacheman
We did but it was just a prank.
Bousting do ebings
Wtf almost? We joined axis powers. Like we just did.
We got material help (anti-tank especially) which was bretty helpful.
But we were never Axis, which is why Ryti did right with ''betraying'' Hitler in favour of not getting steamrolled by USSR. We were pro-Finland, not pro-Germany.