Nigga on living in Poland

This nigga seems awfully tolerable (he works and seems to understand the basics of common sense) and speaks about how it is to live here as nigga.

Other urls found in this thread:

niggers of all kinds are not supposed to be alive, let alone living in Europe

Ever wonder why so many Poles rock that “Der Untermensch” look?

That’s because “Poles” often have those subhuman negro genes thru Jewish side (jews are 2-6% nigger) manifested in them.

I can say that the share of Ashkenazi Jewish, Lipka Tatar or Armenian ancestry among the general population in Poland lays between 30-40%
That means poland is 60-70% white, as white as mongrel united states
Let that sink in lmao, even Germany with 10mln nonwhites and massive influx of "refugees" is whiter than Poland

Poles cant claim that Poland didn’t :
A - gave refuge to subhuman gypsies killed by Germans
B - bring armenians to Europe
C - give a homeland to the jews
D - import lipka tatars

Niggers and pakis fuck hundreds of thousands of polish girls in the UK everyday.

Polish migration to the UK has been a BOON to niggers and pakis.

From what I get he want to finish medical school here because it's super cheap compared to USA and then return home and be witch doctor

I hope no one will hire him

How to deal with that issue?

Wow it's almost like if you kill subhumans just for not being White, they don't come

>be non-white subhuman (((from Canada)))
>go to Poland

nonwhite tries to talk to you in your Native Land? Pepper spray him, spit in his face and break his teeth

Hoverboard is Cringe.
Can't be accepted in US School-Dumb as fuck.
Only ugly Polish Girls date blacks-based.
Polish dogs hate him-animals know

He says he works at the same time, so he is not leach per se.

What the fuck does it matter whether he works or not you pathetic cuck? It just means he's taking a job that should go to a native pole.

Even dogs hate niggers

The find and axe him if you're such a brave boi

Why are you even bothering anymore?
Why are you still hiding behind Russian proxy?
We all know that you are German.

Also, no (you)s for you

And what is Russia honestly? You had tons of jews that interbred in russia centuries ago. Everyone behind Caucas is basically mongol. Even the "whitest" of russians get epicanthic folds sometimes.

Let me just remind you that Russia spend several centuries under mongolian Khans.

I'd axe him if he was around, sure. I'm not gonna travel around the country in search of a nigger, that's your mother's job.

Don't respond to him
Don't give him yous

He is not Russian, you newfag
He is that german no-life who spends days browsing Sup Forums looking for Polish threads so he can upload his shitty pastas

He's not Russian or German, he's a self admitted Albanian

Oh yeah, and with less than 10% of overall uneployment we sure need all the jobs we can get!

Honestly, I already have to whitstand Ukrainians serving me coffee in broken polish, cleaning public toilets and working in shipyard, so another nigger does not make a difference, wheter it's black or "white"

>he's a self admitted Albanian
The plot thickens

Just wait till they fully assimilate to your culture
It's a good song though.


He's there just to black some slav qts

Oh shhiieet this nigger is fucking BASED

That's the coolest gym door I've ever seen

Listen to this based nigger if you're gonna listen to a nigger.

Holy shit, he actually IS.

Check this shit out

man you need to learn a lot.


>You had tons of jews that interbred
Don’t project much, Pawel. Russia first got their jews after.........partitioning Poland

>Let me just remind you that Russia spend several centuries under mongolian Khans.
Without a single asiatic soul LIVING IN Russia. Not too mention that PLC helped those khans against Russians and collaborated with Crimean Khanate.

There is no justification for a single nonwhite/non-native with settlement/citizen rights.

"As a result of the Siege of Kazan in 1552, Russia under Ivan the Terrible conquered the city and MASSACRED the MAJORITY of the population. During the subsequent governorship of Alexander Gorbatyi-Shuisky, MOST of the khanate's Tatar residents were KILLED. MOSQUES and palaces were RUINED. The surviving TATAR population was MOVED to a place 50 kilometers (31 mi) away from the city and this place was forcibly settled by Russian farmers and soldiers"

To genocide non-Europeans by 95% and establish Apartheid(lasting until the revolution and brought back by Stalin)? Good idea. I like that. Although I would go for 100%

Reminder that Poland was a JUST: the country 1550s-1940s


Russia = extermination, racism, homogeneity, oppression and torture of nonwhites

Poland and Grand Duchy = diversity, nonwhite import, crypto-Israel, tolerance

Bytheway Poland payed their last yarlik to Khan 120+ YEARS AFTER LAST Russian one. On top of that


>too autistic for shitposting
Thedonald is the other way.

Imagine the level of buttblasted idiot who claims it. Wait, you don’t have to: it’s a no-life part negro shitalian subhuman NEET leeching off Celtic-Germanic built civilization

Albanians do what all Upper European ethnic groups used to practice - honour killings and blood feuds. If we don’t bring that back - we die.

Funny how you roaches try to present the identity of the speaker as Albanian, since you need to have a false sense of superiority to AT LEAST someone. That’s right, Italians are inferior even to small NWE Celtic-Germanic tribe like the Welsh in all ways imaginable, let alone G E R M A N S

What’s more likely me being Albanian (speculation based on shitposting) or being a Swiss/German citizen (confirmed) with huge account (confirmed) taking a shit on brainlets and mongrels while monitoring the exchange markets and doing some work with the papers?

Either way, at very least you are having a discussion with Shkreli-tier Shqip. And the major question you have to ask yourself: am I lying?


> No YOUs for u

I do like your style...

