The EU can’t take it any more, can’t go on like this

It is just too much, Brexit is proving nonsense and the British government is weak, clueless and a pushover.

I am afraid, there will have to be a do-over for Brexit. There just isn’t any other way.

You're right hans, we just need a hard brexit nice and clean, the details can be decided later

Their rulers (except for the Queen) are cowards 2bh (God save the Queen)

“We have to treat the UK political system like a rotten egg,” said one EU source in the run-up to Monday’s talks, suggesting that if “the realities of the world” dawned too soon, the British government could become more fragile.

One MEP said the government’s weakness was “a key question” for the EU. “We are also in a very difficult position because it would not be in our interests to see the whole thing fall apart,” said Petri Sarvamaa, a Finnish centre-right MEP who is a vice-chair of the European parliament’s budgets committee. “At the same time … it’s not our duty to help the British government in a negotiation that is between them and us.

“The bottom line is that the May government is facing an impossible task,” said Sarvamaa, adding that promises made to British voters during the referendum campaign and before June’s snap election could not be kept. The government was in “an ever-worsening, deteriorating cycle,” he said. “I love Britain and I hate to see what is going on.

you need a nationalist government to handle brexit.

There's only one man that can save BREGGZ-IT

Brexit is bs. You are part of Europe, unless you can physically move your little island to America, Brexit is just nonsense.

>wahhhhhh why can't you just give us all your money and take rapefugees and shut up like a good goy???
Hope you don't get (((enriched))) too hard via truck of peace this Christmas, Hans.

Funny that you critize the British government, when the Merkel's Christian Democrats are in absolute chaos and there are daily protests against the AfD.

Tell me Hanz, is this scapegoating a defensive mechanism? Or are you simply turning a blind eye because the pain is too great?

>Brexit is bs

Nah. It's only bs because of who's in charge. If it was an actual PM who voted Leave, it would be all sorted and every one would know where we stand and what to prepare for.

Jesus it's a fucking car crash. I'm beginning to actually pity the hopelessly retarded bastards.

You're not getting alimony from Britain and you'll have to live with WTO rules because of your own stubborn pride, user.

I've seen a few of these threads in the last few days.

Always with a German OP.

I really we there was something we could do to ease the pain. Too bad Trump is a weakling.

He makes these threads every day. Germans are buttfucked mad about Brexit and have been ever since the referendum.

wtf are you even talking about reddit?

>being this dependent on another country's trade policies

Damn it feels good to be an import economy.

>It's over, Bongers are finished!

Yeah nope, EU is full of impatient spergs and kikes. Even if they had legitimate intentions to run the EU properly their leadership is a cabal of bumbling retards and Israel firsters.

They just can't believe people don't agree with them.

>But mama Merkel, we know whaaaaaaaaaaa-t's best why won't they gibmedat?!

Trump is too weak and incompetent to really pressure the Krauts/EU. It's a real shame. I hope one day to see Germany broken up into its per-unification borders. It's the only way to handle the kraut problem.

t. literally has no government right now

We shouldn't have a remainer as PM I agree

Honestly Irish should be more helpful than they have been, but I appreciate historical realities. It's your country that will suffer the most if things don't resolve themselves soon enough.

I don't get it, what's up their butt about this? It feels like Sup Forums is banned in Germany and only government shills are allowed to post in here.

Not true once the political bullshit currently consuming your country ceases. Sadly, the saboteurs in our Govt and press are doing everything in their power to foster bad will between us. Trump hates the EU and considers himself half British.

I heard the conservative Germans who haven't been reeducated go to a German language chan. You know, because they aren't ashamed of their history and culture.

It's typical of leftists but you know I'm preaching to the choir here considering liberal leftards have been the same about President Trump. Always with their screeching and #Resist (what are they resisting anyway?)

The censorship is pretty bad in Germany but there have been a few good krauts who understand Brexit as a result, and if not liking it, aren't really that mad about it. I suspect in truth the butthurt kraut is actually a mudslime or nafrican who wanted to come here but had their foul plan twarted.


>part of europe
wow, really convincing argument there hans, although culturally the UK is far more European than the Caliphate of Germanistan

Nice try Hanz, we already called your bluff on the deadline and you buckled.

No deal, we will send you the bill later.

Rice-Bong is controlled opposition, and you bongs really need to quit wetting yourselves over this faggot.

>(what are they resisting anyway?)
The federal government changing literally any Obama policy. My state's attorney general (who gives interviews saying she's totally non-partisan) keeps jumping on these hopeless lawsuits. She even went on the Cost-Sharing Reduction payments one. It takes a special kind of liberal to ignore decades of professional training and experience and think, "Yeah, I can force the President to violate a standing court order!"

>literally a fucking island
>part of europe

Holy shit this kraut again. Again, everyone is aware that the EU is the 4th Reich.

That explains a lot! We don't get much truthful information in the UK about what's going on in America (much less about the process of American politics) so that's helpful to know. Eight years of King Nigger will be hard to undo but Trump seems to be doing quite a stellar job so far if your media's scaremongering is the same as ours.

By this logic, Japan belongs to China and has no right to be sovereign nation.

It’s an island Fritz. Now I know you are the product of invited Moslem rape. Germany. Fucking kek.

>Honestly Irish should be more helpful than they have been

Never understood this meme. Why should we prioritise English interests over our own?

We're on the EU side, not yours.

>It's your country that will suffer the most if things don't resolve themselves soon enough.

Maybe, but there's more trade and trade opportunities with backing the EU 2bh. The UK is only 12% of our trade - we'd rather have you than not have you but you're far from essential.

hi newfag

>islands can't be in Europe

The bongs need to obey Drumpf and dump May and get this brexit show on the road.

Thanks Bono but you’re late for your daily rimming of the Bush boys. Hop to it.
Also, quick history of Irish. Get memed into civil guerilla religious war proving to the world that Irish are Niger-tier niggers.

Because when it comes to Brexit issues your national interests are much closer aligned to ours than rEU.
12% is not an insignificant number either.

Your (((country))) is literally a penal colony Bruce

>Get memed into civil guerilla religious war

How bad is the Australian education system? First you think islands can't be in Europe, then you think the Irish Civil War was about religion.

>Because when it comes to Brexit issues your national interests are much closer aligned to ours than rEU.

Nope. We're a small, open economy based on trade. Cutting ourselves off from a market of 440 million people goes against that completely.

>12% is not an insignificant number either.

Like I said, we'd rather have it than not, but we're not the ones brexiting ourselves here. We don't have a choice over whether you leave or not. We have to pick between you guys and the EU and I'm sorry, but it's not a difficult choice. We trade far more with the other 26 member states of the European Union than we do with you and there's far more trade opportunities in those other 26 countries than there is in your single country.

Best of luck and all, but you're on your own here.

You are descendants of irish criminals that the UK shipped off. You are the run off of the degenerates of our past.

You spelled worthless except as a tax haven, wrong.

There's a lot of you in our prisons as well so best not mock when you're almost as bad as poles.

Further proof that the Kekistan flag is for dune-coon loving nigger faggots.

>trade opportunities
What about more important issues like niggers?

>claim will do thing
>never do thing
>threats grow
>we can't do thing
women suck

I didn't tell you to Irexit lol.
Just that you securing a decent Brexit is firmly in Irish interests since a bad Brexit will fucking cripple you.

I'm willing to bet a sum of money in the double figures that "Irish" prisoners are almost exclusively knackers.

We hate them too. Gas them for all we care.

Pretty much this. So much British tax money siphoned off to Dublin. Not happening any more!

kraut posting again ah hans

This is what happens when you let a woman run your country. Nigel should have been in charge.

If bong government officials keep attacking our Trump they're probably going to have to suck up to the EU.
It's not really good politics to put muslim feelings above your own well being and important foreign relations. If you want trade then you don't threaten to ban a leader from entering your country. Of all people Macron have been nicer to us. The French have done their best to avoid offending Trump while your cunt PM and government officials like the "mayor" of London are calling for Trump to be banned from the fucking country.

>ywn save your father from the underworld

Probably. There were a lot of pikeys where I used to live and they were the most disgusting people I'd ever met. Don't really have anything against Ireland as my grandfather was Irish, Nolan or somesuch.

This whole show this week has been to show the British public how complex the border issue is. The solution will be single market and customs union membership for the whole UK - basically an EEA type deal.
That's what they wanted from day 1. Everything since then has been political theatre.
Oh, and above will include freedom of movement.

All this will become clear by the new year. Both main parties will agree it's the best compromise and sell it that way to their membership.
The "incompetence" is all part of the bluff. So you'd never think for a minute that they could have orchestrated the whole thing. But, after being shocked by the referendum result, TPTB quickly identified this as the best card they had left.

ITT: People who don't understand that the EU always crumbles at the last minute when it matters.

>I didn't tell you to Irexit lol.

I never said you did.

>Just that you securing a decent Brexit is firmly in Irish interests since a bad Brexit will fucking cripple you.

It will be bad, but it won't cripple us. It wouldn't even be as bad as the recent recession and we survived that fine.

We actually do want a good Brexit deal. The problem is you were making impossible demands, especially regarding the border. That's what makes us have to side with Europe or you guys.

Ideally for us, the UK would move into the EEA/EFTA and stay in the Single Market and Customs Union. That way, England gets its Red, White and Blue Brexit, we can keep trading and Northern Ireland doesn't fucking explode again. But if you insist on Hard Brexit, siding with the EU's a no-brainer.

the EU fucked it self by growing too large and being too incompetent

Germans and Tusk won't stand for it. They have pretty much said they want maximum Brexit and an economic meltdown in the UK to send a message to the eastern EU members.

Stay or perish, pwease believe us!

Will never happen. The conservative government would collapse when nearly a third of their MPs are against EEA membership and free movement. DUP would leave the arrangement too, there'd have to be an election.

>yfw we vote in the conservatives again

>the EU properly their leadership is a cabal of bumbling retards and Israel firsters.

Says the Ameriturd whose whole political elite is the epitome of Israel firsters.

There are three strains of White civilization
The UK now is somewhere between Anglo and European

>It will be bad, but it won't cripple us. It wouldn't even be as bad as the recent recession and we survived that fine.
Did you? Pretty sure we're all still hanging on by a thread here.. We live in exciting times.

Assuming that we are heading for a "hard" Brexit, we need to be finding solutions. From what I've read (mainly pro EU stuff) it seems that Dublin are causing more problems than Stormont or Westminster are.

For once the Eurocucks are right.

The UK government and Theresa May are such complete and utter idiots, and even after we offered our hand in friendship this cunt and her sandnigger fuck buddy SuckDick Khan spit in our faces. They will have no allies after all this is over and will be broke as fuck and will still be letting in immigrants from former shitskin colonies.

For fucks sakes, Nigel Farage should have been PM instead of David Cameron. The UK would have left the EU by now confident and with bigger and better friends. Now the UK is fucked and isolated. I hope Farage abandons the sinking ship and comes to the US.

>the EU always crumbles at the last minute when it matters.

Tell that to Tsipras.
It has always been the other way around.

How does it feel to be so reliant on another nation that you do mental gymnastics to try and justify forcing them to stay in your Fourth Reich? Have some self-sufficiency and pride, Hans.

Russia is not white. Their genetic ancestry originates from the far-east and the middle east, and their muslim population is 20%

When will the eternal kraut just accept that the EU has failed. Do you really want to lose ANOTHER world war?

yfw even your own flag disproves your point immediatly. Nice cosy deal you got going on eh? How'd you think it happened?

Canada rightfully belongs to the Queen. By percentile of landmass, the UK is quintessentially North American, but graces your vicinity with the presence of its capitol, poorly defended but ever defiant of the barbarian hordes which served as the crucible to forge them to greatness. It's an anglo thing, you wouldn't understand.

>Being this triggered because your room temperature IQ president couldn‘t keep himself from retweeting Sup Forums-tier crap.

blah blah bla

It was doomed to fail to begin with. Europe could never be like the USA which was a new continent founded at the same time, and even then, you guys had a civil war. Europe has been a land of many different countries that's hundreds if not thousands of years old, all with their own cultures, history and grudges. A few dictators in sheep's clothing will never change that.

None of what you have said is even remotely true. It was Theresa May who was the first leader to congratualte the president in January. It was Theresa May would was the first state visit to Washington. It was Theresa May and Liam Fox who have set up a working group in Washington to discuss a free trade deal and it is going ahead, and Trump reciprocated and said he himself could arrange the deal personally. Stop listening to shitty reddit memes about sadiq khan, he is virtually powerless beyond what colour bus London uses.

jeez, some people literally just make shit up on the fly. thx for the entertainment stranger.


>Did you? Pretty sure we're all still hanging on by a thread here.. We live in exciting times.

Yeah, our economy was the fastest growing in the EU for 2015 and 2016 and the whole Eurozone economy is booming at the moment.

>From what I've read (mainly pro EU stuff) it seems that Dublin are causing more problems than Stormont or Westminster are.

Nonsense. We made our position clear 18 months ago and haven't changed it one iota since, despite two taoisigh and one general election between then and now. All political parties also agree with the position.

Both the EU and the UK agreed to sorting out the Irish/EU border with the UK (along with the bill and citizens' rights) before moving onto phase two of the talks. It's not our fault the English government stuck their heads in the sand about it and refused to actually deal with any of it till last weekend.

I'm sorry, but this is completely self-inflicted pain you've brought on yourselves.

You know the Celts came from Turkey, right? Russia itself is an ethnic hodgepodge of Slavs and Fenno-Ugrics. 20% Muslim because they conquered Muslim land, though Tatars and Caucasians are far from both Arab/Oriental

>Nice cosy deal you got going on eh?

We have freedom of movement of people, we are Schengen members, so no „controling our own borders“, and we have to adopt most EU legislation without having a say on how it is written. Oh, and we also just gave the EU another billion for their eastern members.
That is what our government was ready to give up just to have priviliged access to the single market.

Doesn‘t sound much like your brexit wonderland, does it?

good thing that all young people in Europe is being replaced with "minorities" ethno-state soon

BTFO by a gypsy

wow, just wow

Yeah, we know. Negotiating with the EU is pointless. Years of experience has taught us this already. I don't even know why the British government even entertains the idea that you can negotiate with the EU because it's been proven time and time again that you cannot.

Hey Hans, are you still asspained about Poland and Croatia telling you to fuck off?

>Nigel Farage should have been PM instead of David Cameron

A man who has never been able to win a seat in the House of Commons should be PM?

They effectively agreed to abide by EU law on an ad hoc basis.

You seem to be forgetting that we aren't a mountain nigger country with like 4 people and a bank on a windy hill. 5th largets economy in the world. Just think, if they're willing to compromise with an irrelevant mountain to THAT extent, what are they willing to compromise for a country that matters. And don't meme, you know we matter.

Most Muslims are in Moscow or in their own republics though. I live in Karelia and you have to search pretty hard here to find a Muslim.

fantastic counter-argument. you really prove your case with strong facts from reputable sources.

Shadiq will be your PM one day, user. The majority of your population does not even know their politicians - else Boris would not have a chance - , they wote on party lines, and God forbid voting for a third party. Labour is fully infested with the worst of SJWs and Muslims + other "people" of colour, and the other party just does not give a flying fuck about you, they were and are always for business, they don't give a fuck if you are a Brit, an Orc or a Zombie as long as you do your work for the minimum wage.

>defending the EU
>high IQ

Pick one. We will see how "high IQ" you idiots are when your edgy, failed experiment known as the EU collapses under its own stupidity and the sandniggers behead you and your entire family in the streets. Cant fucking wait to watch the fireworks unfold on Periscope.

if we wanted a PC president, we would have tried Cruz who would have cucked out to Hillary and we'd see how long you stayed neutral in WWIII with nuclear powers on all sides of you. Actually, you know what? You could probably make friends with Russia and seize France, Germany, Spain, Catelonia, Italy, Sicily, Greece and the Netherlands seeing as you're better armed/trained than all of them. WWIII would probably be great for you, so fuck drumpf I guess.

Nigger please, we've gone through world wars, communism, plague and historic islamic invasions, all of which we've bounced back from with a frothing, bloody vengeance. Don't count on Europe being cucks forever because when whitey snaps, it's fucking bad. Boogas will be ripped to pieces in the streets.

Its not about who is in power, it is about who controls public opinion and sentiment. You either deal with your Muslim problem and your mouth breathing Leftists, or you can get fucked. We dont need any more of that cancer in the US.

Do not worry about us, American user. We ended the Soviet Union, we will end the European Union, there is no difference between the two (just gib weapons this time pls thx)

Hey EU FAGS. Message received. We don't live in a democracy. Understood.

yeah but Gen X & Y are weak and too brainwashed by products and laziness to really care until it's too late.