Why do all Trump supporters look like they have downs????

Why do all Trump supporters look like they have downs????

It's the defining feature of the alt-white.

Because a lot of retarded autists voted
>just for the lulz
I want to believe that these aren't the majority though.

its the majority.
EVERY friend that i have even the beans that voted for him said they did it for the memes and "oh i thought it was funny lol"

Because most of them do.

Is fagbook down or something?

Is every trump supporter a manlet ?

Because they do

Sup Forums is facebook now.

>oh i dont like what i hear therefore is not true
lurk more faggot

It's all leftists cosplaying. Try harder.

You know that there are retards who voted for no other reason but the memes. Don't deny it.

Better voting for memes than voting for gibs, nigger.


Christ Almighty

This person is transgender fyi

I really hate this reddit/facebook tier LARPing but there is something good out of this, here me out. These faggots are essentially cannon fodder; in their own ignorance, they become a target to libshits and niggers. The more of these LARPers we have, the more are going to get knock-out-gamed, jumped or attacked by leftists. This will only redpill more normalfags.

Again, I am not condoning any of these faggots and they cannot even fathom the depths of meme magic and its entirety, but they make fine bait.


>this is a good thing

I want to bully these fucking cringelords until they kill themselves.

That should be the new trump slogan. Gotta give you props user. That was pretty good.

Real anons don't give a shit because it's funny. Just like pathetic SJWs are funny. I'm tired of people coming here and having opinions beyond what provides the most amusement to us on that given day. Literally get the fuck out, normalfags.

>i disagree with this group of people, hurr hurr, they look RETARTED :DD

Trump supporters are worse than niggers. Meme-screaming, frog worshiping, LARPing subhuman filth.

huh...what???? ohhhh....yup.

So do you shills actually get paid? Or do you really do it for free?

They don't.

That's a fucking weird image, a bunch of DIY shit, standing in his boxers, that gun blade thing from final fantasy 8.
Even as a joke or bad cosplay, I don't get it.

it's not the majority. if people elected him for the lulz then these people would be calling for his impeachment too. imagine that shitstorm.

I dont think it's a joke.

>Why do tryhard faggots who post themselves with memes because they crave attention look like they have the downs????
Ftfy and answered your question.
Also sage.

Of course these people are retards, but it doesn't really matter. There is strength in numbers.The more people you attract to any movement, the greater the chance that some will be retarded cringelords.

We're in a better place now than we were a few years ago when no one would publicly oppose the far left.

>that white power handsign
do these faggots actually do this shit? I though that was a passing thing for a 2 days like 8 months ago.



Ayy that’s me. What’s up pol? LOL ask me anything.

I tell my friends i did it for the memes and pissing off the left (because I'm part of that silent majority people warned about, people whose lives can be ruined for their political views) but in actuality i voted for him totally unironically and seriously and there are way more people like me than you can imagine.