
Hello I am John titor. I am a time traveller from the year 2089. My time is in great turmoil. The Trump empire and Canadian Islamic State are in all out war. The Korean craters radiation has been carried by wind currents and destroyed much of the African oil sands.the European wasteland is a war zone and the utopia of India is the sanctuary on this planet *aside from indoor plumbing* . As you can see earth is in peril and it is up to you the people of today to change the future and ensure the world I'm from is never created . Al gor speed my friends

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2089 waifu pics or gtfo

All of Canada lives within 50 miles of our border. When we decide that we want their worthless tundra they won't be able to hold us off for a day.

Such low lever larp on such a great man, GTFO shill.

Canada has been conquered but it's an Islamic state . Therefore terror and guerilla tactics are used. It's been this way since karim abdul trudeau finally passed away after his mother board burnt out

How old (in years 'natural' to him) was he when he died?

Well in 2035 when the world was led to believe that he had been assassinated and a new dictator took his place a proxy if you will be after 10 years in 2045 a new *thing* emerged . What trudaeu had become you really couldn't call a man

At least pick a name not ripped straight from (((stein's))) gate

2089 is closer to the date in the denver airport memorial plaque

What year did you turn 18?

I'm afraid any other alias would be to high risk . Using an already debunked fictional name is the best cover I could use as of right now . You see the utopia of India is the only flourishing nation left on earth and they have countless designated scouting drones looking for me as we speak

Answer me.

I turned 18 as of 2086.

Wat? I live 300 miles from the border

>The Korean craters radiation has been carried by wind currents and destroyed much of the African oil sands.

How does radiation destroy oil sands? And that too in Africa? This shit makes no sense at all.

Apologies for my phrasing and lack of details . You see the fallout renders many of the workers ill and in most cases they died. This lead to a revolt against the free market company McDonald's oil co the ceos wouldn't give healthcare or even let the workers evacuate. So they destroyed the rigs and set fire to the reserves . Millions died and even more were Injured

the Indian will finally harness the power of poo and save mankind. pootonium will lead India into a golden age.

thank you for sharing user. the past must know!

While the Indians festered in shit the superpowers ignored them . But their biofuel won them the mars race

you really shouldn't be telling the gora such things.

And how did radiation skip all of China and shit landing in Africa. Radioactive particles do not travel that far in any significant quantity. The only way that would happen is if there is so much radioactive dust that it covers everything in between Korea and Africa too.
This is just too much fiction.

The history on this is fuzzy. Not much of inside of China is known. The Korean crater caused catastrophic damage to it's ecosystem. In it's weakend state and without north Korea to trade with China more or less fell into anarchy

Anyways. What happened to China, Japan and Russia? How are they doing.

Where have I heard this kinda stuff before?

Is India ruled by Hindus now. Did they remove the kebabs finally? What is Pakistan upto?

Japan is a strong ally to the Trump empire trading is frequent and very secure airlines and water ways keep trade routes and tourists safe .

In regards to Pakistan it was annexed by India long ago to make way for the industrial factorys and Indias lower class. It's still a haven compared to most areas of earth


What is the next big tech invention that I should invest in. You know....something at the level of automobile or iPhone. Are we going to have anything new in next 70 years.

Investing won't do much except solidify your self into high king barrons corporate elite but in about 7 years time a company called brandsishevs artificial intelligence maintence will rise up as one the worlds leading bio synthetic humans maintenance service. I've heard they even fund some of The resistance cells such as my own so their benefit is my benefit

So AI is really going to be big? I still had my doubts.

What's the global default currency in 2089. Is it still US dollar?

Big is subjective really. I've seen old vids on a game called fallout? The game depicts synthetics on a level that the A.I from my time can only dream of. Compared to today it's improved ten fold every house hold has a synthetic for chores and housework. But the A.I is for the most part shackled. Back at base my friend and mission partner is a synthetic though we have made alterations to make him more "free thinking"

The Trump empire modeled it's new standard crypto currency after the bitcoin. It took trial and error but the fall if the European union no other currency could really compare. Japan hopped on board with it to

Lol you are so bad at this. It is embarassing.

*after the fall of the European union*

Lol? I'm afraid slang and acronyms have changed quite alot since 2017 and our index isn't really up to date

John Titor, dude, you need to get your shit straight. Last time I ran into you, you were from the year 2051. Wtf dude? Are you like 60 or 70 years old this time?

Did the white race survive. Which is the dominant race in 2089? Don't tell me it's Indians.

Sorry friend as I've stated I chose the alias John titor from stains gate on purpose

Not to worry racial diversity is still strong . The Indian utopia may be dominate but a large portion if it's population are Caucasians who fled other regions of earth and the trumo empire of America is still predominately white. Racism isn't quite as avid though as capitalistic government sees your money mot your colour

wow this is really big if true

Wow, that makes a huge difference.

>Canadian Demographics - Accessibility and Remoteness of Population. According to the 2011 Canadian Census, more than 23 million people, almost 70 percent of the population, live in urban areas. Ninety percent of the Canadian population lives within 100 miles of the U.S. border.

All I've stated is only scratching the surface of earth condition. So much has happened and the root causes are hard to pinpoint but the resistance had pinpointed most divergence points to the 2016 through 2024 years . We need the masses to prevent the Canadian Islamic State and to stop the annihilation of Korea. These two events we know are some to blame for earth condition

What made you choose an anime from 2009?

ok, a man much smarter than I said you could change the future by killing butterflied. All i Could find on short notice was a cockroach though. I smacked him real, good let me know if that helped.

What happened to Europe? Did Islam finally win there?

What the fuck are they doing so close?
That is an act of aggression we must respond

The European wasteland finally descended into anarchy in the late 2030's as the Muslim population grew more and more sharia law was forcefully Implemented and the western loyalists fled and took over Ireland

Most of that big backyard they're packing is uninhabitable. If Canadians weren't fuck dumb they'd be praying for global warming to hurry the hell up. They're not a real nation, more like a national park that talks a ton of shit.
I really, really hate Canada.

>What trudaeu had become you really couldn't call a man
I don't see how that's all that different