Well, here we are. (((They're))) doing it. Hugging is now sexual harassment.
Well, here we are. (((They're))) doing it. Hugging is now sexual harassment
Good, I hate being hugged yet every woman I know seems to insist on it if we're meeting up after we haven't seen each other for longer than a week or so.
t. autist
Yes it is Sharia like. They will just call it feminism and protect women from evil men by separating them
>implying this would be a bad thing
>Untalented nerdy nigger sells soul to rich jew kikes
>Promotes divisive anti white kike agenda in exchange for fame
Many such cases!
>t. Tyler, (((the Creator)))
chance the rapper is 5 foot tall
So rappers are white knighting now?
What's next? He admits to sucking dick occasionally?
try again
Forgot you idiots now consider success in the music industry if someone gets a lot of Tumblr buzz and a good debut on Itunes
He is not talented, reflected by his minimal fame, sales and popularity
Reddit please go
Whats funny is the majority of women are the ones who initiate the hugging, who the fuck told them I want to be hugged everytime we see each other.
(((Rap))) for feminists
Early 90's rap used to have some redpills about women at least.
This new shit is just sad.
By the time you meet your spouse, her nubile young body has already known the arms of so many other men you wouldn't believe it.
I don't want to purchase used goods, do you?
Hugs are degenerate. Outlaw hugs.
>killing your dindu street cred in less that 280 characters
his tweets read like a """white""" woman blogging for Slate, what the absolute fuck?
Jokes on you, faggots.
I don't ever have to worry about hugging or being hugged.
I guess we need to start learning how to use the seashells
He's literally garbage.
There are very few talented modern rappers. Hell, most of them just repeat the same word over and over again to the same stock beat that has been recycled for the past 5 years.
The divide in the nigger community is far less drastic than in others. The issues black men have with crime (and aggression in general, I believe) doesn't lend itself to white knighting too much. Chance the rapper is a rapper for coalburners and college dudes, aka the only people who listen to rap and support sjw shit
and fuck all those beta cucks who are like "where is my hug?" as well
So all the times women have hugged me, I was being 'hug-raped'.
I never knew, despite how uncomfortable I was.
Thank you Chance The Rapper.
Chance is fucking trash and that’s a fact. What the poster you relied to got wrong was Jew owned. I believe chance never signed a record label, he’s totally independent.
Oh, silly, you know it doesn't work like that.
Piss off, you're a fucking disgrace.