So who is the greatest mathematician of all time

in terms of mathematical achievements

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Some German

Alan Turing


I think Euler and Gauss were probably the most prolific. Godel probably wins for most difficult problem solved in math. Newton wins for most applicable to real life. Tesla was probably the smartest (true he wasn't officially a mathematician, fuck off)

Leonhard Euler clearly


someone told me that Euler should get disqualified because he was a theist?

thoughts on that?

>I think Euler and Gauss were probably the most prolific
One of this fags lived half his life in Saint Petersburg as Germans were too backward and obscure to fund his research

>nobody mentioned newton ITT yet
canadian/american/netherlands/russian education

Euclid (simply for the concept of a proof) or Euler

2 + 2 = 3


>Tesla was probably the smartest (true he wasn't officially a mathematician, fuck off)

no you fuck off. Tesla did absolutely nothing of importance related to mathematics. using mathematics to solve practical problems != mathematical achievement. you probably think Erdos is great too.

probably pythagoras, known as the first "theorist" in math, solved geometry and enabled buildings


faggots don't get positive reinforcement

fallacy of relevance

>Tesla was probably the smartest (true he wasn't officially a mathematician, fuck off)
Why do Redditors keep promulgating this myth? He was a notable engineer at best.


For what his nonsensical resolution of Russell's paradox?

Leonhard Euler by orders of magnitude

That is fucking retarded, so Archimedes is disqualified because he may have believed in multiple gods?

I just said he was the smartest. Obviously that's just an opinion, but the way his brain worked was something else. One of the rare documented cases of a true photographic memory.

The African American woman from Hidden Figures

Isaac Newton
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

who would be the greatest mathematician of the 20th century (more specific question)

fags are not recognized

Gödel, Gauss and Euler

Euler or Gauss

ignore the sage name

(((John von Neumann)))

>the very principle that makes homophobic internet comments possible was invented by a faggot

he was not the smartest, by any stretch. dont know why you NEETs sperg out about Tesla, he was not that great at all. smartest? probably Godel. Hell, Galois discovered group theory and linked it with field theory, culminating in something we call galois theory today -- all before he was 22. Tesla did nothing similar.


the most important mathematician was probably Newton because he discovered Calculus, which is the basis of like all technology

very difficult because there are no one answer. Unless you are specifying which fields of mathematics.

Leibniz did the same

how great was Grothendieck?

Probably Pythagoras or Euclid.


Protip: it's nonsense because he misunderstands frege's formulation of analyticity.

Propositional signs do contain themselves the same way that any tautology does.

Leonard Kleinrock wasn't a faggot

Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, of course.

very good, his contribution is very important to modern day engineering, since its dealing with 3 dimensional graphs and all that kind of stuff

was he better than gauss and euler though?

But accomplishment isn't a perfect measure of brain power. Einstein is one of the more successful physicists, but his peers could mentally run circles around him.

I do agree that it's retarded when people "sperg out" about Tesla; but I do think he had a unique brain. Sorry to have offended you.

Created, not discovered.

Euler, Cantor, the Greeks.

>the board that denies climate change pretends to know anything about mathematics
I bet not one of you can even write a prime sieve off the top of your head.

I wouldn't be surprised that most of the people spamming euler or gauss, searched "best mathematician" in google and picked the first thing the comes up, but has no idea why

tfw i'm leaf

Grothendieck by a mile

>creating math

>prime sieve

I was once in the high school math club, too

climate change is a different field.


i second this. he was a god amongst men in terms of consciousness. he figured out triangles transcend dimensions, now we use them to summon demons n sheit

No, OP specified "in terms of achievements". Euler and Gauss solved so many problems it's mind boggling. Euler more so, but the objectively were very prolific.

This guy, duh.

Oh look an anal number theorist came by. Brun or Selberg or what are you reading up on now.


Yes, easy

Are you an idiot? Math is a tool that mankind constructs. I guarantee you will never find calculus if you look for it in nature. It's a language to describe the natural world.

I'm going to have to say Ted Kaczynski

>not a platonist in 2017

Most of the worlds revolutionary scientists had quirks. Newton had signs of autism, Einstein had an area of his brain the was abnormally larger than average .etc


>"I guarantee you will never find calculus if you look for it in nature."


Is that an argument?

Von Neumann

More for really

And Paul Erdős would be the most prolific

This. Math is just a collection of mental widgets that run well on our neocortex (with practice). Through math we discover our own human mind. It's another branch of memetics.

>Math is a tool that mankind constructs. I guarantee you will never find calculus if you look for it in nature
I don't know about that mate. Mathematics is fairly abstract in some area, which would seem like you can't see it in nature. but i think you can observe it in nature. If we take very simple calculus, and talk about accelration and velocity and all that stuff, you can see that if you throw a ball up in the air, it will follow a certain rule, and you can use calculus to find out other information about it like distance, speed etc. So in a sense, you can see calculus in action by observing a ball in the air.

I think Newton. I like Riemann too because he laid the groundwork for differential geometry.

Newton did the framework of Calculus. Before that only Euclid laid framework like Newton.

Ito for stochastic calculus. But it's my personal preference.

Lenny Euler FTW

>the most """advanced""" math you know is differential equations and Laplace transforms

Who else /retarded brainlet/ here?

Suppose I came to Australia and said "hey look at that throwie stick!" You might think I meant a boomerang, but maybe I meant a spear, or a random stick for a dog to fetch.
You don't know for sure, because I'm not describing it very well. Now throw a ball up in the air and say" look, the ball went up and then down", it's not as clear as using a differential to exactly describe what is going on. But even the differential is wrong by a little bit, because of relativistic effects. So in that sense, even though the calculus describes what is going on with more than enough precision for our needs, it's not even completely correct, therefore it's not naturally occurring when the ball is thrown.


Fucking Yacubi!! Thats my nigga.

CF Gauss

A most excellent individual

> CY +2
> Not an Aristotelian

whose Yakub?

Uncle Ted was a brilliant mathematician, but he is more famous for his other contributions.

You're not ready to receive such knowledge

Euler, Newton, and Leibniz are probably the most influential in terms of what they achieved. Riemann was also pretty great, but nowhere near the others. There are a lot of great mathematicians throughout history, but in terms of our modern understanding of numbers you can't go wrong with the first three answers.

If this is politics solve this Sup Forums


Russel Crowe

can't 0^0

And you know it crackers


you literally could do what you said, easily. im pretty sure an AI discovered Newtons laws on its own.


This mother fucker



>tfw I don't even know the shit you're talking about
