Does meat cures the soyboy?


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Does aids cure a homosexual filled society?

Red meat isnt very healthy you know. And this is coming from a major connoisseur of steaks and burgers.

no, onions do

By all means. Faggots infected with AIDS infect other faggots - chain reaction of homos dying because of it.

>no pork

really makes you think (how me fucks jewesses and has jewish kids)

you do realize that the red meat comes from animals right? like cows? 99% of a cows diet is soybean based animal feed. soy is the #2 most grown crop in the united states and its all used as animal feed. think about it dumbass...

losing weight does. high body fat % is the biggest soy of all, makes you into a literal estrogen factory.

this, including eggs

Why is Alex Jones holding a tray of raw meats inside of Trump's house?

because fuck you, that's why

> trusting alex Jones

I get that yours is shit compared to ours, but you really can't even recognize bacon when you see it?

Your diet should hopefully be 75-80% vegetables and fruit, with the rest being meat and other things, preferably with no processed foods. Processed meat is comically bad for you.

Pork isn't even that good, it's the lowest quality meat

Fat bouncer vs. scrawny numale. Which is the estrogen factory?

>>no pork
There's 4 steaks wrapped in bacon, possibly pork in the hot dogs

Pork also contains the highest concentration of parasites, make sure it's well done.

Fuck off shill
All of those lies have been debunked
Quit eating well done meat
Quit eating factory cornfed meat
And you'll be ok.

I've never liked pork, if jews won't eat it, I think they know something about it...

A good variation of nutrition and regular exercise ought to do the trick

Meat is cruel, unecessary and harmful for the environment. That's why Sup Forums is a vegetarian board.

>tfw 340 in july
>240 now
>still 44% body fat according to my shitty scale I got from amazon
wtf do I do bros? I've been on keto for about 2 months now and have started working out again. HOW THE FUCK DO I LOSE FAT. I AM EATING LESS THAN 1000 CALORIES A DAY.

No, animal products can't be recommended.

>Estrogen in Meat, Dairy, and Eggs

>The sex steroids found naturally in animal products likely exceed the hormonal impacts of endocrine-disrupting chemical pollutants.

>falling for the USDA jew

Is this true?

yes of course it does. the only cure for gayness is death

Oh look city boys who don't buy in a quarter cow at a time
imagine their frustration at their inability to get high quality, tender, yoing grass fed beef
poor boys

You are a queer.

It's because refrigeration didn't exist when the old testament was written, and people used to feed pigs garbage and shit.

fuck, eggs too.

Smarten the fuck up would be my advice, you are eating way too little.

not shilling, I like my beef rare usually. But in terms of gainz it doesnt give very much compared to chicken or something. Problem is that chicken doesnt taste like anything unless you molest it with spices

You've lost 100lbs in 4 months and you are still asking for help? obviously whatever you are doing is working. Getting to a healthy weight will take time. Be proud of how much you've lost already and keep doing what you're doing.

Hey retard, all it takes is one bisexual to contaminate all of society with that shit. Fuckin' round them all up and execute them normally, faggot.

>hot dogs

Also take this advice. I didn't read the part at the end about how much calories you are eating. Eat more calories but better food. 1600 calories of proper diet>1000 calories of shitty diet. Also drink more water.

back to the 19th century, biblical rationalist dumbshit


too little? I have like 60 more pounds to go why would I eat more? I eat once a day (dinner) and have a nice piece of meat (usually chicken) and a veggie. Would throwing an egg in the morning help? Fasting is good or bad? I've read a lot of good

Brine it the night before, best ever.

>a fucking pinstripe
Opinion discarded

"Cruel and unnecessary" is Sup Forums in a nutshell.

But in all seriousness, I have absolutely no issues with cruel, unnecessary, or environment-harming methods of supplying meat to the public. I'm dying either way; I'm ideally gonna die happy and not regretting my futile effort to be morally acceptable.

Depends on the meat and how you prepare it.
Animal fat contains Estrogen..

His gallbladder is going to explode

>even bothering to measure bodyfat when you have a visible gut
Lmao what u doin lad

>I'm dying either way; I'm ideally gonna die happy and not regretting my futile effort to be morally acceptable.

literally not possible to get more degenerate than this line of thinking, congrats

scales are not an accurate measure of body fat percentage.

you're not supposed to lose more than 2 lbs a week, do the fucking math

Dumb meme. I never eat soy. Not because I avoid it or anything but I generally don't eat stuff I have to read the back of to know what's in it.

>100 pounds in 5 months
damn, what's your height?

Fasting and dieting works for quick weight loss but at some point you need to steady out. You need enough calories to make it through the day energy wise or you will just feel tired and irritable everyday.

You should always eat breakfast also m8. Even 1 egg and some fruit with glass of water for breakfast. Eat a cereal bar for lunch, then eat exactly what you are eating for supper. You will feel more energetic and be able to workout at a better pace for longer periods of time.

Alex Jones has the British mouth.

Distinctive to the British Region.

Conclusion: He's a Rothschild.

>(((rothchilds))) are british

Implying that one should care about being "degenerate?"

If you must die regardless of your actions, then why should you deny yourself joy in the finite time you have access to? Forcing yourself to play by unnecessary (i.e. not part of the law) standards that make your life less enjoyable for yourself and give you no benefits in the end, when you're an inanimate pile of decay and rot, simply seems counter-intuitive.

You could even argue that such limitations make you objectively worse in some regards for any form of society, as less joy in your life, and less things to work towards obtaining, could make you generally less motivated. I only bring this up because the users of Sup Forums tend to seem fairly utilitarian.