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Other urls found in this thread:,_Northern_Cape#Legal_framework

Reproductive laws

How do we solve the mixed race people issue ?
Roaming millenials or britanny Venti ask rightfully, what will happen to us ?

What do we do about the constitution ?

What ideology will bind us ?
Cuckstianity and lip service evry Sunday as a social ritual or something WAY better ?

I have the idea of making a "code of life affirmation" as the thing that precede our constitution.

It would be an ideological marker towards what our ideals are. What we are working towards.

This breeds evolutionary weakness since it secures the reproduction of lower males.

Also if we are going to make an Israel for white western Europeans. There is no way that we get to claim the culture that the Mediterranean People have established and spread over the western world.

shit like Italians aren't white is fine but this statement and the notion that we admire paintings and sculptures from theur civilisation are not compatible.

Same with the slavs

Rather go full eugenics as soon as we have figured out which genes do what and how their interplay works. Until then ... at least abolish 'natural' reproduction, instead you may produce fertilized eggs in a pretri dish, screen their genetics and then only implant the high quality ones. Even if you carry some shitty genes this may prevent their propagation.

no non whites

The reason for why the need for this state has manifested itself lies simply in identity.

I would allow all people with white skin color who are not a subversive element.

Blacks or Hispanics will always demand representation because blacks especially don't feel represented by a white government and a white culture.
(Rightfully so obv)

Mestizos would be mostly fine but castizos would be subject to closer examination.

Post discord

By 2500 there will be only 1.1 million wh*tes left on the planet Earth. No wh*te shall live past the age of 50. All of you will live in a reservation space 500 x 500 miles in size in the heart of Africa. All your women will be assigned as concubines to each and every black man, rotated out at our convenience. All wh*te bois from Western Europe and America will be forcibly fed estrogens and turned into sissies, and they will guard the harems as well as provide their tight boipuccis on demand whenever a black man grows tired of pussy. The strongest, most aggressive breed of the wh*te bois, Slavs, will have their masculinity intact and will be forced to fight as gladiators in massive arenas for our amusement. The strongest of these gladiators will be used as slaves for our growing empire, and they will be forcefully bred with Black Queens to ensure the healthiest mestizo spawn.

We will remove all your heritage and claims of ancestry and destroy all records of your achievements. We will rewrite the very language you speak, so that in 2500, all wh*tes will only speak Wh*te Pidgin, which is different from Black Pidgin in that every sentence spoken by a wh*te boi to a black man must always begin with a honorific, so that your entire way of thinking is submissive toward black men, down to your language.

For what culture?
Treating whites all the same is like how african Americans think of black as a unified group when in Africa ethnic groups genocide one another
Anyways, the use of Ænglish (in the case of the US) is an interesting proposition. Alongside the revival of Gaulic, Roman, Germanic and Nordic imagery and myths for their respective countries; I fucking hate it when everyone in the UN dresses the same standard suit, whith only Lesotho and some arab countries dressing in a unique way
>Not white, but still want to help

This current purging of the Thots is a natural process.

We have to get rid of all the elements that sill hurt us in the future if we want to be an effective political movement.
(Hoes parodies as trad are a bad element but if they are honest about their prior life decisions and their agenda we can allow them in)
We have to start somewhere. To expect a virgin in the western society at this point is insane but we can expect them to help us establish a better society. Evryone is affected by this degeneration and we should be pragmatic about this.

There are many questions that we need to answer if we want to succeed as an identitarian, white movement.

The movement has to particularize itself.

This division is not acceptable in the long run.

I will say that I am a slav so that you know where my self interrests lie. The robot consciousness, collectivist culture of the germans was never something that I felt comfortable with but I never saw them as an ethnic group with conflicting self interrests either.

Have this (you)
Thanks for bumping my thread :)

How are we effectively going to reach other whites
(who already sympathies with us)

Here in germany I know women age 18-25 who have told me how they are opposed to this mass immigration shit. The most indoctrinated demographic on earth, in goimany nontheless.

If you look at the comments by germans under these multiracial ads you see mass opposition to this.

So how are we going to unify those people on the political sphere ?

By NAZI larping like the mart sharters do ?

Or... OR..... You'll continue to destroy and denigrate every society a you become a part of and continue to die off in record numbers from preventable diseases and generally struggle on in the perpetually undignified state of high birth rate/short lifespan animal degeneracy that befits your low iq monkey nature as brute niggers.

I'm just raising this as a second possibility. Something to think about.

1. define whites as a monolithic group is not a good approach
2. building a nation on the hatred of others will not end in anything

I honestly don't believe that reaching people is the problem. Its giving them hope through demonstrable actions.

An ethnostate needs sovreign arable land and a key industry. The world will be against us so the industry has to be a pretty big market beater.

Alt right numbers, male and female are growing and growing as more people turn away from what society is becoming. They just need somewhere to turn to. Somewhere to go. Buying, Lobbying for or taking a sizeable nation-supporting piece of land with sovreign laws and defensible borders is really the make or break. Its got to happen, and probably in the next 50 years.

>cuck thinks that there is nothing that whites meaningfully have in common
>also thinks along leftist/liberal lines that the only possible motive for ethno-nationalism is 'hate'

Proprietary ethnic communes.
>buy a tract of land
>build community first
>move white people in
Membership only, potentially crowd funded. Will be more acceptable in the minds of consumerist Americans.
You want a white community? Why not just buy it?

dunno if you are the guy shilling ethnostate threads from earlier today. Either way, keep it up. This is the objective that the Alt-right is blindly working towards, but won't acknowledge because of fear of the difficulty of the task. If more people start to imagine it, that is the first step.

I like the way how baby Jesus is pointing like "what the fuck's going on there".

Wait there was another thread ?
I just watched Brittany venties stream and she asked the racial questions so I got inspired to make this thread.

People complain about the low quality of the posts/threads since reddit invadet.
I am just giving an opportunity here

It doesn't look like the people complaining have much if quality to contribute...

you insult me but you are devoid of all hatred?
+ you're writing about an ETHNO-state, not a civic one
so you're telling me average frenchmen share exactly the same genetic bases as a Russian or a Portuguese ?

The board is being slid hard right now with inane bullshit and e-celeb faggotry.
You might want to try again in a few days.

Really I'm getting sick of it. So many on the right just talk lofty goals and abstract bullshitery.
We need real tangible ideas.

Good on you man. I don't want to sound like a prick though, but humble language doesn't go too far, especially not on an issue like this. What I mean is that in real life its nice to 'create oppotunities' and 'ask questions' but what disunified and despondant Alt-righters really need these days is a proper bollocking about how, if they can't overthrow their own governments and clean out the mudskins already seeping into their own native population, they are going to have to act pretty soon to secure some kind of homeland for the cultures and peoples that they purport to love.

My attitude is to speak in a tone that reflects the seriousness of my concern. If someone was going to set my mom on fire I wouldn't politely ask him to put down the matches. What I'm trying to say is that we need more people actually PUSHING this discussion, and I realise that I sound like a recruiter fag and a shill for saying that, but its the truth, and modern liberal politics have simply trained us to distrust what the truth really sounds like: things are urgent.

My best guess for ethnostate would be somewhere like a North African island or an Australasian island. Somewhere that can trade via shipping but sustain closed borders.

I think the national industry could be (don't laugh) waste management, since that combines industrial and technology and is internationally needed at low cost, so the nations would be encouraged to trade with us (especially asia, south america etc) despite our 'Nazi' reputation.

They don't.
I am asking you where you want to draw the line and how you propose we accomplish our goals.
How do you save our existence in the upcoming demographic winter ?

I want a movement that is based on white identity not on genetic particularism because survival is more important than hour self righteous preferences. I have many ideas but they are useless if we can't unite.

I agree, but at least try and post a few of your own for any serious readers who happen to be glancing at the thread. The next threads will be better off for it.

Import 3rd worlders for a variety of culture.

I did.

lets hear some of the ideas. Don't be precious with your ideas, that's the worst thing you could possibly do. You're not going to get to unveil them in a Munich Beer Hall, you have to just spit them out and keep screaming them if you want the ideas to have a hope. Anything else is just vanity.

Ignore that French faggot btw, we all know what 'white' means, so let's get on with it.

But the reality is that noone is putting your mother on fire this is the problem:the demographic winter.

The danger does not present itself in the way with which you want to combat it.

We can't just abandon all this territory and go to some meridian heat island where our outward characteristics will probably morph over time.

Move to Utah; became a F.L.D.S. ( polygamist Mormon ) Buy lots of Guns make lots of baby's.

I like this one but using the word transhumanism carries with it many connotations.

It is to blurry. Just rename this concept and we can make it part of our ideology.

Ah. Can't say I agree with you there. Whiteness is both genetic and cultural, and not only do white-envying shitskins (as well as many modern whites) have no respect for white culture, but they would use eugenic and transhuman tech to create various kinds of 'post white' creatures - anime looking girls and mulatto-looking hybrids with blue eyes and added cheekbones. Weird stuff, but not actually 'white' a lot of the time. Transhumanism will just accelerate change. Alt right and ethnocentrism are conservative movements, they are about taking an identity that you have and trying to create a stable homogenous enivironment for it.

I like your confidence that white phenotypes would win out on the free market, but I neither agree with this 100% nor would I want that future even if it panned out that way. The ethnostate has to be established as a continuation of cultures that exist (in a threatened, dying form) today.

Israel is not an ethnostate. Is closed to an ethnostate but you still can acquire the citizenship if you were born in Israel or have converted to Judaism. What you whiteys gonna allow blacks that happen to give birth in your country or based blacks become citizens?

>characteristics will morph over time
Why? There will be no environmental selection because the environment would not be killing off those who weren't adapted to it. Sunscreen and roofs exist. We are not naked tribal niggers. Aussies don't look black despite living in a hot climate. Ditto the Boers.

And moving to a new country is far more realistic than even ONE (let alone all) of the white countries suffciently reforming themselves to count as ethnostates of their own. Without this move the white race is doomed to blanding and miscegenation, and with that goes all our culture and identity. There doesn't seem to BE any great alternative.

The point about setting my mom on fire was just to say that the stakes are high and a bit of aggression and push is probably neccessary in your rhetoric if you really care about this stuff. Just sitting around and having a 'discussion' won't stir the waters much.

>give birth in

They're not going to step foot in the white ethnostate if it actually happens.

I have written in the beginning that the need arises because ethnicities compete for finite ressourcess.

An Italian doesn't demand cultural representation or enacts his self interrests in the political sphere since he identifies as white and with whites.

I want to unify us by shifting the movement towards identity particularism instead of Israel for white (western Europeans with Nordic features) people.

So mixed raced people are even fine but the race itself isn't. Because this identify particularism excludes people with clear characteristics that are not white. Evrything that is a major identification point is not allowed (jewish ethnocentric culture, black skin, brownish middle eastern skin, Islamic culture etc.) We have to be precise or we can't unite the people.

So in my movement islam is not ok bit Iranians with white skin are. (If they don't identify with the Islamic religion.)

The ideas for the white ethno centric future are irrelevant if we can't unite in the light of this coming demographic winter. We can't prevent it so our unity is of extreme importance

Which pretty much means it will never happen.

no niggers

Israel is forced to acomodate the Arabs but the discriminate based on race.

A converted jew is always at the end of the line.

Let's face it, North-America is lost. In the United States alone, there are over 160 million non-whites. This isn't even including Canada, Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, etc. In addition to this, Oceania is well on its way towards the same fate too. Classically European places within South America and South Africa were already lost generations ago. We are effectively being genocided against. To attempt to carve out a home within a non-white continent (North America) would only lead us to South Africa's fate, it's just not possible.

I propose we formulate a campaign to promote the possibility of a "Right of Return" for those of European heritage, not unlike Israels current program. This would ensure the following:
> Whites within high-loss areas such as South Africa/South America/North America/& Oceania would be saved.
> Those redpilled on racial differences as well as non-European immigration would make their way to Europe and begin gradually spreading redpills. Only conservatives would take advantage of this program because liberals would view it as "racist."
> Europe's 'need' for immigration to sustain a dropping birth rate would be filled with Europeans looking to reconnect with their culture, not non-Europeans looking to conquer Europe.
> The "white working class" from within these areas would be siphoned to Europe, which would also ensure a "transfer of wealth" as well as a "transfer of skill set" from these places to Europe.

As those of European heritage, we've always fought amongst ourselves for dominance. Germany, Great Britain, Russia, France, Spain, have all done it as some point in time, and even America is doing the same thing now. Under the same roof though, we'd become unstoppable. Instead of actively competing against each other, we'd be working together to support a "European future."

Doesn't matter if they are at the end of the line. They have a claim regardless by law. Also, jew spouses also have claim to citizenship.

I understand.
The discussion is only as valuable as what it beings forward to what we can do.

The discourse is important because it inspires other whites to think and contribute.

I understand your position on the island but I am not ready to abandon all this territory and ressourcess because of deceitfully policies.

We would also become dependent on many ressourcess in such a scenario. If we fail to accomplish anything then I am on board with your idea. As a last resort.


multiculturalism and diversity

Ok... look, to be honest I don't think that providing a new and functional definition of white/identity etc is what is needed to suddenly mobilise everyone. The world is not waiting on white iranians to rise up and innaugurate the ethnostate. There are plenty of white people who want to stay white. What is needed in the creation of the ethnostate is the generation of practicable ideas to create a separate and functional nation as well as people to push, test, advocate and disseminate those ideas.

If you want the white ethnostate to ever happen at all, the worst thing to do is to start with top level abstract philosophy stuff. There is no clearer lesson from history than that. Start with nuts and bolts - where, how, how much etc

Let me ask you, if you imagine this nation, not its constitution or its concept of identity particularism, the actual nation - what are its day to day functions? How does it thrive and survive? Those are the important questions right now.

I propose modified Nuremberg laws. 1/4 of the "lighter" non-white races, and 1/8 black. I know this will upset a lot of purists, but I think it's being realistic. If it was good enough for Hitler, it should be good enough for you.

I see what you are saying and technically you are right but have you ever seen a black, asian or Indian jew in Israel ? It would be the first to me

thank you can you guys finally stop using my countries art and achievements for your lame white nationalist movement

The island once established would be a huge precedent. And while europe burns under multiculti nihilsm the white state could thrive and eventually re-purchase and re-encastellate Europe. Of course it could, and its population and power would be always growing.

But the first step is to get a nation whatsoever. I would take less extreme measures for a first result too - IF i thought that they were solving the problem. SJW politics and non-white nations are within our borders already. Anything less than drastic solutions would be nothing but a bandaid.,_Northern_Cape#Legal_framework
That's the general idea behind Orania when boiled down. I think it's a good idea. Of course, non-whites will still try to seize white property no matter what, but they'll have a harder uphill battle justifying it and we'll have sympathy on our side.

I think you're overestimating how many non-whites would be eager to flock to the new state before it had proved itself in terms of economic sustainability and quality of life. But once it HAD proved itself there would be no need to admit any non-whites anyway. So they never get admitted.

No. But then again I have never been to Israel, so can't really call myself an expert. Im just saying what's in the laws.

Why don't you just use Stormfront definition of white? Its pretty accurate. All descendants of european countries that used to form the christiandom. Plus if you look white, and you identify as white then you're white.

>inb4 that benefits me to be called white

I could care less, but I really want for a white ethnostate to form. I can't wait for for all the keks when people get rejected for not being white enough. It will be like the Murdoch Murdoch episode.

I could write pages about how I imagine this nation to function and how I would achieve that. From above (ideology) and from the bottom up (day to day life)

One of my major advertisements is not blacks have low iq. I don't give a shit what their iq is.

I would say something like;
The antagonisms of modernity are detrimental to our interrests as a people. We have evry right to freedom of association and a culture that is a culture of a particular identity (japanese culture is the culture of the Japanese not the culture of a multi ethnic society)

Many white majority places struggle because multi ethnic reality has destroyed social capital/trust. We acknowledge that this particularism is part of evry race and give the same freedom to all the other races. Etc.

It is important to be precise about this because otherwise all that you achieve is whites complaining, politicians and the market accommodating them in the short term but the general trajectory continues.

This is a good idea, except you need control of the laws and the tax base. So you would have to secede. Which, unless it is during a time of economic collapse in the west would be hard to pull off.

Take back Germany, you pussy.

ban (((christianity)))

Or we could just divide the land you stupid fuck. It's happening anyway. Go look up the demography of your country. The ethnostate will come to fruition because one day the Hispanics will wake up in a portion of land that only speaks Spanish. The Blacks will wake up surrounded only by Blacks and burned out cities. And the Whites will find themselves surrounded only by their own. There was never any glue holding you guys together - your politicians never wanted a Multiracial utopia, they just wanted to take the money and run.

We could easily establish this in a market scenrio. Since there is this demand from non whites to acess us we make an eurasian state for example that is bound to the ethno state like the satellite states were bound to the udssr.
We could defuse this and avoid this potentially genocidal conflict.

Are twinks allowed in? I hope so.

I think we're on the same page, here. Although to a certain extent I feel like the people who would be actually amenable to helping and joining a white ethnostate would neither need nor want you to use such fair and even handed rhetoric. People have had plenty of that from the centrist and covertly leftist institutions of their own governments and media and (((our)))) people probably no longer trust that tone anyway.

Either way, its good to know there are others who see this as both a (narrowly) possible and eminently crucial objective for european identities going forward. I hope that you keep up with distributing your ideas in practical ways, because people WILL eventually listen, and in increasing numbers.

>How do we solve the mixed race people issue ?
>Roaming millenials or britanny Venti ask rightfully, what will happen to us ?

Mutts can breed with mutts. Reinstate Anti-miscegenation laws for everyone else.

What happened to the frontier of Rome after the empire fell?
History repeats.
That's the type of contingency plan we need. The white race is too special to depend on one single political ideology.

Or we could just flatly say no to them. Its our country. Either way, we have to found it first, so let's keep our eyes on the prize :)

You bind the politicians of your nation to your nation with a state that is based on identity. All these western nations are not so politicians don't represent their people but their selfish self interrests.

We would act against that by binding the politicians and the high status, rich people to the ethnicity like the Jews do with their particularity

>By NAZI larping like the mart sharters do ?
The best thing for Europe right now, would probably be for Intermarium/ThreeSeasInitiative/V4 to succeed. This would at the very least be a counterweight to all the chaos and would give conservatives within Europe a much larger voice than they currently have.

If that didn't work out, then would could only hope for the Muslims to begin acting as they did a year ago during the elections. If they had kept up, there would've been a revolution already.

Without either of the two, whites within western Europe are probably screwed. I suppose whites over there could always form little enclaves in the country. It would obviously need to be with other WN who wouldn't back down from a fight if pakis were to come along. Then, just wait for the inevitable collapse to occur.


National anthem is Battle Hymn of the Republic, except it is the Battle Hymn of the Realm.

That's exactly what we do first.
But you can't jail your people in your state. If some of them want this intermixing they can have it. But outside and the other race has to provide the territory

If Brittany is truly octo, she’s white by Nuremberg standards.

What is this intermarium, V4 thing that you are talking about ?
I am not familiar with this.

1. White people need to separate from multicultural America and (in similar fashion to the keen free state project) Select a state that is still
majority white - and - respects property rights.
2. White people need to move to a smaller town within that state in mass (small town lowest pop possible) and vote to change the following laws.
3. End property tax. If the system is solidly against us and deprives us of opportunities to work we must be able to keep what is ours. With land
that cannot be taken away we can weather the storm.
4. End Home modification permits. If a man wishes to extend/expand or build additional structures on his lot for his children or any reason at all
provided anything he builds is not a hazard or a danger to others that should be his right. This is the genesis of community building where we can
live together on the same lot.
5. End mandatory public school enrollment. The state will no longer brainwash White children to hate themselves or be burdened with White guilt/self hatred
>cheap old housing
>only industry is taking money from rich white yuppies
>HRC's rightful clay (just up the road)
>city that once had 5x more people
>now basically empty because no jobs
also has a local antifa chapter apparently

>Retake Jerusalem and Constantinople.
>Sterilize non-white babies at birth. Subsidize non-white sterilization (free KFC).
>Get rid of no-faults divorce. Get rid of child-support. Impose limits on government welfare for single moms (have to remarry within a certain period of time, have to be white).
>Mandatory military training for all males. Every house gets a free AR-15, assuming all members of said household pass criminal background checks and mental health screenings.

Those are the main ones.

Jews selected for mousy autists for a thousand years and now we have ZOG. Please be gone with your blackpilling

We already have some in USA. They are called Hutterites and speak German. They keep to themselves and farm on private property in private communities. Speaking german in the USA keeps the normies out.

How to bring industry back to the towns?

>I am not familiar with this.
> Pic attached

These are central/eastern European initiatives that are designed to politically, economically, and militarily form an alliance between countries within this region. These movements have been gaining a significant amount of traction since the migration crisis Europe is experience first arose.

If you haven't noticed yet, Poland is at the head of each of these movements. So, one can expect that it will substantially increase their reach and influence throughout the entire region.

This movement is specifically designed around NO immigration and one being proud of their heritage (low key acceptance.) They obviously can't call themselves NatSoc's because of the past. But v4/3c's? Yes, that's an acceptable name.

If this were to happen, it would, at the very least, provide a counterbalance to the extreme liberalism occurring within western Europe. The only thing I don't like about this is, if this does provide some balance, and western Europe doesn't fall into chaos, then there will be no 'far right' Revolution within these areas and they will probably stay Muslim.

Then the propagation of these things is extremely important.
Why not make threads about it ?

We should be discussing this instead of e celebs.

For those without access to Google:
V4, Visegrad Group = Poland, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Hungary.
Intermarium = theoretical country from Baltic to Black Sea covering much of Eastern Europe

I also propose some kind of honorific for all the people who have awakened the white racial consciousness.

Kevin Mcdonald, Jared taylor.
Also based slobodan who denied the sentence of the (((eu court)))
Obviously we're modernized and will not be parallel to Hitler youth but definitely incorporate this stuff.

>Why not make threads about it ?
That's exactly why you won't see many threads about it. All these "e-celeb" threads, along with the "blacked" threads, and the "white boi" threads, etc. are all because of these shilling groups.

In case you weren't aware, George Soros just gave around 18 billion dollars to these online shilling groups for them to eradicate right wing online presence as much as possible. This is why you see all these "Amerimut", "ChristCuck", "Europour" memes sprouting up. Especially the demonizing of e-celebs. They want every and all conservatives with a voice loud enough to people to listen to discredited.

I digress though. There's always hope.

They are building a giant "innovation center" in pittsfield, it's been in the works for ever but issues with the state govt and ect ect. It's finally on schedule to be build and finished within 2 years I think. It's supposed to be a complete facility for testing new biotech shit... the labs are the most expensive thing so it needs to be subsidized in order for small companies to innovate in biotech.

sounds promising to me, and apparently the big bio tech companies not too far away in Cambridge.

Also, in MA it is now okay to grow cannabis and smoke it recreationaly. NYC is only 3 hours away and is considered a holiday spot. Smoke shops would clean up with the degenerate brooklynites.

thirdly, industrial hemp has a real potential in MA because of the new laws. Hemp can grow in local soil, and there is empty building space for the processing of the hemp. Hemp is a good cash crop with a complete industry that can be locally maintained. Also, Hempcrete is pretty cool too.

>How do we solve the mixed race people issue ?

They can stay if they're married to a white person. 3/4 white babies can act as anchor babies, and 3/4 white people will be accepted as white.

>What do we do about the constitution ?
Ditch it and start from scratch.

>What ideology will bind us ?
>Cuckstianity and lip service evry Sunday as a social ritual or something WAY better ?

We can be flexible on this. No need to tie ourselves to a specific religion yet. What's important is that

1) the church will be stripped of power
2) Judaism and Islam will be outlawed and kicked out

It seems like religion is being reshaped in our era anyways. Who knows what's gonna pop up in the near future, it seems like the Pepe stuff is legitimately coalescing into a real religion, it'll be interesting if it does.

>I have the idea of making a "code of life affirmation" as the thing that precede our constitution.

>It would be an ideological marker towards what our ideals are. What we are working towards.

What do you mean by this? Maybe elaborate a bit.


I think you're the one who underestimates how much non-whites want to live around whites. They flock to us like maggots to a corpse whenever they can.

>Buy large strip of Farmland in Western Ukraine for low price
>subsistence agriculture
>recruit young slavic men and women, western europeans welcome too, to live on the land and help provide for the group
>as membership increases, space used and total resources does as well
>save the white race

or just build a dating app that encourages european millennials and Zs to start families instead of being degenerate and immoral


>How do we solve the mixed race people issue ?
If they don't look White or act White, they're out.

>What do we do about the constitution ?
Make our own.

>What ideology will bind us ?
The 14 Words


Thank you my man.
I see it the same way.
It is frustrating how all these whites here complain about the shitty threads or bad discussion but never use their own brains to contribute.

This is the opportunity of our life time and the possibilities are endless.
We might be the inception of a completely new form of governing, a new language ( I always had the idea of combining the best from the European languages and cutting out the worst into a completely new language)

All the ambitions thay form in me when i think about the white ethno state seem to be stranded in this pool of cucks who waste their time and energy and mental capacity with all this shit that is flooding this board. (I know we are beeing slid but still)

sounds very promising...

Yes I am aware.
But I have also always seen that when there is a good thread people will respond and the shills can only screech on the periphery. I will look into all of these things now that you have brought it to my attention. Thank you

These are the most current diagram of the racial divisions in America

There's already a group that is organizing and has a plan for a White Ethnostate.

Basically as a protection against the degenrative forces of atheistic, meterialist realism we make it central to our ideology that the "love for life" is what we aspire to.

MW made aspire video recently where he connected the hipster movement and their focus on ethics in the food production to the whiteness of the movement.

It is something so simple and so obvious that noone thinks about it. Here in goimany you will never see a turkish hipster even thought there are so many young turks here.

Bomb. Invade. Repeat.

While I certainly do agree with you on this, do you really think it will help western Europe? Oceania? Americas? Etc.? In my honest opinion, I don't know if I can see us really ever getting a lot of these places back.

America alone has over 160 million non-whites within it. Don't even get me started on Mexico, Canada, etc. Trying to form an ethno-state within here, or even try to deport those people is just never going to happen. One would have a better chance of believing in the Easter bunny and it coming true.

I heard an user a few weeks ago suggest all like-minded whites to immigrate to Greenland. The idea itself is a little spotty, but it really got me thinking about how easily a bunch of like-minded whites could immigrate to a specific country and "take over" their politics just through voting rights. Just like what happened to us. It would really only be worth it if the place was secluded like Greenland, or Iceland, New Zealand, etc. It's a crazy idea, but one to ponder on at the very least.