got 2500 word assignment due in next week but then about to get /comfy/
Ethan Bell
Samuel Reyes
Have you noticed any changes in yourself since acquiring a gf?
Hudson Perry
Getting yourself up to three miles is a matter of months, lad, not years. Especially if you've been at that level before. If you're only working at the weekends, get yourself in the gym during the week - four days minimum. You'll feel better, more motivated and you'll be chasing the blart away with dog shits on a stick in no time.
Jose Morris
>CON 37%(-1) >LAB 45%(+1) >LDEM 6%(-1)
Pack it up lad's, we're all fucked
Connor Nelson
Paris also suspends theSchengen Acquisand only stops the border controls in March 1996
We don't want them. Let Ireland contribute to the EU coffers in our place, we'll worry about the borders and hard brexit if need be.
Chase Parker
Wasn't NBR was just Prubes, when he needed downtime from confrontation? Steerpike reminds me of NBR a bit tbqh.
Mason Gray
10th for destroy all tripcunts. Never reply to a tripcunt.
>never again
Robert Cruz
Fucking hell we can dream...
Blake White
not particularly
only thing I have noticed is when talking about Brexit and trump in a social setting people listen to my opinion much more. I think I learned to nudge conversations without coming off like a PJW sperglord. They also can't use the 'lonely and bitter brexit/trump supporter' argument which is a v nice feeling indeed.
Wyatt Gray
Luis Gray
Good god! We're going to the gulags.
Asher Cook
Give me a quick rundown on the Brexit situation, what's happening, is it good, etc.
Get drunk and humiliate yourself over and over and over and over and over again until one girl likes u
Levi Wilson
Yay Eddie
Jace Harris
British multiculturalists are feeding Islamic fundamentalism. Muslims do not need to become the majority in the UK; they just need gradually to Islamize the most important cities. The change is already taking place.
Depends on what the new offer is. DUP saved the union. It made no sense for NI to have essentially stayed in. Were we really going to pay to import their goods
Jose Williams
see terror attacks meant that fr*nce got to suspend schengen indefinitely
Adam Martin
Even in London and small areas like Plymouth all I’ve seen is average and good looking ladies. Anti-British women hate comes from mongrels, fat cunts and r9kuckolds that can’t get a girl of normal weight The truth. Anglo-Celtics are very attractive people Nothing bad can come from a muzzie-nig-cuck chimp out. More broken faces is a good development any way you figure Have you tried just putting yourself out there and not being ill kept and shy?
Juan Butler
Charles Myers
Well lets start with an easy one. Do you spend any significant amount of time around breeding stock females?
Jaxson Morales
er lads anyone seen this desperate attempt by May to convince people she's important?
Given how full France is with muzzies and nafri scum, I don't think this was fulfilled, especially after Bataclan and Nice attacks which were VERY recent, not way back in 1995.
Gabriel Williams
'Terrorists' with no explosives just a crazy idea and a can do attitude. She could learn a lot from them
Ryan Ortiz
>Suicide knife attackers THAT'LL SHOW THE PIGDOG KUFFIR
Charles Flores
I just want the old England back. The one that was stuffy and you had to make double entente jokes to get past the censors. The one where there were white people and you could eat a 99 in peace without worrying about getting acid thrown in your face.
Brody Bell
>significant amount of time No.
Julian Powell
Come to Radstock Working Mens Club. the Britain you seek is still here. I saw an old man give a kid a 'clip round the earhole' just the other day.
Hudson Moore
I love a bawdy 70s comedy. Watched Holiday On The Buses the other day. /comfy/
Landon Diaz
Oh my god are you fucking joking
Cooper Campbell
>LMAO just be yourself dude >Be more confident bro
Jordan Nguyen
All it takes is one takeover of Paris and then native Celtic-Germanic of French will have the control over nuclear arsenal
Right thats your first basic error. You need to be around women to get a woman,
Do you have a hobby/ is there a club/social/sport/caving etc. nearby where women may be? What do you do user?
Easton Lewis
>The May assassination attempt was foiled
Feels bad man
Fucking incompetent Islamists
Carson Reed
Are you talking about THIS radstock?
Samuel Martinez
I remember being able to take a bus into town with all my young school buddies, paying child fare and not having to worry about being shoah'd by trucks of peace, muzzies or acid attacks. Those were the days, going out to watch disney movies, pick up a PS1 game and a kid's meal at McDonalds. It was majority white back then and the last time I went? I was the only English person. Moved out of London to Devon.
Chase Gomez
>Arsenal Fans
Lincoln Evans
No all true. Don't tell me you are the lighted window I can see from mine? number 46?
Aiden Young
Fkn kek
William Walker
Na I live a literal 5 minute walk from the Radstock working mens club.
By Midsomer Norton right?
Hudson Barnes
the one and only
William Cook
What the fuck? I hope France dusts off those guillotines soons, there's a lot of jews and libcuck traitors that need some blade therapy.
Andrew Young
>Anti-British women hate comes from mongrels, fat cunts and r9kuckolds that can’t get a girl of normal weight this is probably true. all the time cunts repeat the 'british people are so ugly lol' meme and i have to wonder who they're comparing us to.
Eli Brown
well the suspension of schengen in that particular case only lasted a year or so but still, this bollocks with Ireland made me think of it. also it's constantly shouted down by other (((eu member states))) any time we even think of border controls, let alone actually mention the dreaded thing. anyway, night night user. don't let the muslamic rayguns bite
Ethan Rivera
Why does brit/pol/ attract so many autistic faggots?
Evan Gonzalez
Why would a non autistic faggot question the world around them if everything was going well?
Logan Barnes
well small world isn't it. I will pass everyone in Radco suspiciously and wonder if it is you.
Alexander James
When these came out when you and your pals went swimming.
Jason Campbell
Women are stupid but ethnic women are especially stupid. Essentially they think its still 1840, and every Brit is a suave, rich, Cambridge-educated aristocrat gentleman / James Bond whom being with raises them up 3 social classes.
Like fish in a fuckin' barrel over here lad.
Dylan Brown
>my wife is asian
Jordan Butler
Hmm,. well I'm going to look up what you posted because I didn't even know about that terrorist attack. You make good points on ireland and why other (((eu member states))) are so arseblasted so it's food for thought. Nighty night and sleep well, keep warm and don't let the muzzies bite either.
Because fuck you, that's why. I may seem autistic because tired and in pain after a long day.
Henry Richardson
Sebastian Nguyen
stahp user, you're breaking my bitter heart
Elijah Rodriguez
He said he wanted a gf, not a wife. Don't marry 'em for god's sake.
I have literally never met another person from Somerset let alone my fucking tiny town on Britpol.
How do you feel about Bath?
Jason Johnson
I may be autistic but I am certainly NOT a faggot
Asher Flores
How long did it take Tim Farron and a pair of jumper cables to shock your gay away?
Henry Kelly
John Bailey
>and not having to worry about being shoah'd by trucks of peace, muzzies or acid attacks. Don’t you feel happy that non-racist cunts and immigrants are dying in droves in all these attacks? Don’t you know? It’s been this way for a pretty long time. The British government doesn’t recognize the indigenous population either >who they're comparing us to. Probably to their shitskin cousins. Britain has some diet and exercise problems, but nothing a good old national program can’t change. Anglo-Celtic races are gorgeous as it gets >mixing your Blood That’s something you should NEVER do
David Sanchez
I want to go back.
Jose Jenkins
Hate the place, only go if I need to and then leave as quickly as possible. Too expensive and the people too clean. You?
stock up on food, lads unless you want to eat PEOPLE
Isaiah Price
I just jumped out of my fucking skin seeing that spider.
Cooper Bennett
>absolutely de-fooed
Kayden Flores
some spiders are cute
Robert Wright
Work there, I grew up my whole life knowing a single non white person who was still born in England. My whole workplace (started half a year ago) is non whites and europeans, its fucking surreal.
It's a nice place to go out though, a bit crowded
Kayden Powell
>Don’t you know? It’s been this way for a pretty long time. The British government doesn’t recognize the indigenous population either Oh, I know they've been massive cunts for a long time in handing out passports like candy. They assume some nog or muzzie straight from Afghanistan is just as 'British' as I am despite having a long heritage and pale as the driven snow. I didn't think it was that bad for France though, even our government/s haven't (officially) denied us a population yet. We wouldn't have it.
And yes, I am quite happy that it's mostly non-racists and immigrants dying in droves during enrichment attacks and (((accidents))) like Grenfell. My family and loved ones are far away from that hellhole now and are the only people I care for, living a cozy life by the south sea.
Cooper Thompson
Fucking stop.
Jacob Long
>i had to clean my cock on a cabbage
Juan Gomez
Samuel Harris
t. Spider Get out you trespassing fiend
Owen Fisher
This is now a nostalgia thread. Give me one thing you remember fondly from back when you were a wee pup.
Ethan Cruz
Snakes are alright
Tyler Myers
what are those holes above it's mouth? >tfw want to rub pic related on them
Charles Martin
Luke Bennett
Liam Green
I've only been in Radstock a year and a half and I work away a lot. Thinking of being an on-call firefag at the station up the road though
Are you a butcher?
Easton Martinez
I only want money and power to make other people feel like shit and also to make my high school sweet heart feel extreme pangs of regret.
Nicholas Myers
i used to watch this over and over on vhs when i was 2 or 3 also, who remembers 'Kechips'? shitty frozen oven chips filled with ketchup..