Be white American

>be white American
>treat minorities like shit for decades
>bitch and moan when they finally rebel against you
You fucking faggot are getting exactly what you deserve.

>be OP
>be redditor
>Kill self
>world better place.

i wasn't alive for that shit and neither were the vast majority of them
they have all the advantages now. want proof? just try to good "where can a white man escape black people" and then try googling "where can a black man escape white people"

I'm not a Redditor you fucking pussy leaf. Fucking prime minster cries every time someone doesn't believe there's more than 2 genders. Please do us all a favor and kill yourself and your family.

>be white american
>race war nao cuz you're done paying shitskins for bullshit you've done
>U don't cuz you're the jew's weaponized puppet and continue paying for shit

Also wrong proxy, Sanchez.

might makes right faggot. keep pushing white people and see what happens when they're the ones who chimp out, you dumb sheltered cunt

Whites people are the most tolerant people in the world at the moment. Keep telling yourself something is going to happen if minorities keep pushing them.

Your race is cucked as fuck. Stop kidding yourself.

>treat minorities like shit for decades
By allowing them the opportunity to flee whatever shithole they wanted out of and attempt to build a better life in a country they're guests in? What are you talking about?

By all means keep pushing

If by "rebel" you mean "flattened in the streets, it's nothing to be worried about. AT ALL

i did nothing to minority's go home commie

>I'm not a Redditor

pretty sure slavery wasn't open invitational

Part and parcel of living in a democracy you twat. All laws and regulations should be aimed to serve the majority. If you don't like it either assimilate or move the fuck out. Not so hard.

what said.

>You fucking faggot are getting exactly what you deserve.

Awesome when do we unite to take out the jews who enslaved the blacks so the jews could become the 1% today?

We must all work together against the jews who are enslavers of all peoples and treat the symptoms later.

>becoming a legal citizens is easy
You already have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

>be OP
>suck dick all day
>die of aids and anal cancer
>everybody laughs and gets forgotten

me on the left
you shill numales on the right with threads like this thinking you are in control

>13 ships
>entire Atlantic slave trade
>Da Joooooooooz

Even if the minorities did assimilate you people wouldn't give two fucks. Look at how the majority of pol reacted to daca getting removed. You fucking laughed at those people even when they are American by spirit.

Whites freed the slaves world wide. Your precious minorities are still selling each other. Fuck off, subhuman.

Pretty sure we fought a bloody civil war to end slavery, and amended the Constitution to give all rights and privileges of citizenship to the freed slaves.

Are you saying we should have just genocided them?

Not an argument you fucking larper

>treat minorities like shit for decades
You mean by making them our "equals" and giving away our country, our culture, even our daughters?

Kill yourself spoiled nigger brat

>American by spirit
Plebbit is funny when they're serious

>be nigger
>constantly make poor desiscions and fuck up your own communities
Is it really such a mystery why we don't want to associate with you?
Go and found your own "minority" communities. We will found ours.

If a you are in a bad relationship, what do you do?
You break up.


Brown animals don't deserve to live like humans.

>whites freed the slaves worldwide
>minorities are still selling slaves
The cognitive dissonance with this one lads.

i actually treated minorities very nice, up until i was called a nazi over and over again for no reason... I'm a real nazi, so like whatever man

Its not suppose to be you fuck witt
>we should just let the world's trash flood our streets

>You fucking laughed at those people even when they are American by spirit.
then why are they mexicans?

>American in spirit
What did he mean by this?

>be OP
>keeps sucking dick non stop
>complains about white people
>we elect Trump to remove the DACA, put travel bans and what not
>gets his faggot ass thrown outside the country
>dies of aids and stabbed by a Spic, a nigger, a sandnigger, a chink (for sexual purpose), or all at once


Boohoohoo colored people want to be treated like humans :(

they'll never reply to posts that prove them wrong, that would end the thread and their shilling.

Lol you think minorities were treated nice immediately after slavery was abolished? What fucking reality are you living in?

>Anchor babies

Citizenship is a privilege not a right.

>treat minorities like shit
>they all flock to USA like flies to a fresh turd
Wow it's almost as if white people knew how to run things much better than everyone else.

We should stop foreign wars, and mind rot tv should be banned. All human beings of every race should have the right to self determination and sovereignty. Am I a communist now?

>night makes right

So murder and rape is OK? Do you honestly live by those words or are you LARPING? By that logic, muslims have full reign over Europe

>keep pushing white people and see what happens

You people keep saying this but when is this so called backlash going to come? You believe you are actively being genocided. Where is your backlash. Clearly literal murder and rape against you isn't pushing far enough so what's it going to take?

>live in America since you were 4
>don't even remember your country of origin
>not American by any sense
All I'm asking is for you to make sense, my Nazi friend.

>Have option to live in homogeneous shithole
>Stay in white countries dominated by racists, but you have running water and gibs

Take your b8 elsewhere retard.

>muslims have full reign over Europe
Finally! hopefully we'lllose our shit genes and finally get attractive humans here!

>Be white American
>Carry the sins of my father
>Oh and Germany's
>And any light skin race that decides it wants to be white's sins.

>But white people have the audacity to say only whites are racist.

That's very rational of you m8

Oh look. Op is a faggot. Colour me surprised.

Who's bitching? Nobody gives a fuck about niggers

>getting what you deserve
What? Do you really think you're "winning" something simply because we allow you to write your worthless opinions about us on the internet? When shit hits the fan, white people will do what needs to be done to come out on top. We always have and always will.

>>treat minorities like shit for decades

>>bitch and moan when they finally rebel against you
You mean rape, rob and murder us?

>You fucking faggot are getting exactly what you deserve.
So you're saying the White race deserves to go extinct today because of perceived injustices of the past?

>inb4 you never respond to me.


If you scumbags actually did assimilate there would be no problems retard
How many people have ever said they want to cleanse the place of sikhs?

If everyone were actually the same apart from 'muh skin colour' there we be barely a problem.

I'm not even a civcuck it's just obvious

just clicked on this thread because i thought that was an aryan nation guy forcing muh brudda to suk muh dik

>and sovereignty
So ethnostates? And how do you propose this? Mass-cleansing?

>Romans built a wall so they wouldn't have to deal with butt-ugly Scotts
Good thing you were separated by sea. Less work for the Romans.

This thread is bad, look at my 5


Fucking nogs

Holy shit, I didn't know they let you people on the internet.

Are you retarded? Muslims are chaining up niggers to this day, google syrian slaves.

Human trafficking is a criminal enterprise done by sick fucks all over the globe


I meant the white world not the jungles and sand dunes.

What about that isn't true

The fuck you mean? There's plenty of PR posters.

LMFAO!!!! If those niggers think they're getting FL then they have another thing coming. Niggers get to go to the NE and east coast. They are the ones always saying how valuable they are to society.

ReadYou guys are too tolerant to do anything.

>Romans didn't want to deal with our colony
The Romans checked this island though, they just saw it wasn't worth anything. All I'm saying is us paddies are the worst looking race in the world and mixing/ being bred out by any other nation or race would make us look better.

Isn't it amazing though how many lefties really do simultaneously believe diversity is our strength and diversity is going to destroy us, it's our punishment and we deserve it?


>Freeing "minorities" and allowing them to reap the benefits of living in your country is treating them like shit
>Being enslaved by their own is a-ok tho cuz it werent whites waht dun did it tho

Now you listen here Demetrius Jayqwon Dodson I'll take you lot seriously when you pipe up about the ayrabs and the black people continuing to enslave and debase your people like they have been forever until then this is just more one sided racism from you.

fucking kek

Don't underestimate how much of your ugliness can be poor diet, lack of exercise and lack of sunshine.


Also this, saged.

>since 4
>not since birth
So, little niggo isn't American by definition. You're the one that's retarded and not making sense.

Low energy

>>treat minorities like shit for decades How?

actually as the white American I;m the one that's been treated like shit for decades, but thanks for playing.

>treat minorities like shit.
Well they've been behaving so well it really does you make think.

Wait so you hold us responsible for something our distant ancestors did? Does revenge on this level make you feel better about oppression you've never felt?

I'll make sense, America has to stick to their own ancestry, people shouldn't have to rely on their "american by spirit" to be American, if they were never forced to live in a country their ancestors didn't built. The reality is that most are just leaching from the success and sacrifices of others, while most are giving nothing back, but crime, gangs, make the country look like the shit-hole they escaped from, and now even hate the creators of the country (white people.) I know not all are the same, but we're not going to waste time looking whose done wrong and who hasn't. In the army if an idiot makes a mistake, the entire company is responsible, and our culture should be the same, it teaches discipline.


Browns are just rerarded.
>Be white,learn skill,make $
>Buy house,make babies and raise family.

So hard.

You know why people were happy to pose in photos like this, right?
They were proud of killing these niggers because they were all rapists and shit like that, they deserved what they got.
No one was getting lynched for stealing a packet of cheap cigars.

That needs a Ben garrison signature pls

Sorry I thought you were from Cuba, your flags look fucking similar...I'll just call myself a retarded faggot and leave.

Okay, prove that nigger was completely innocent and that he was murdered and murdered unjustly.

Nobody wants Florida you fucking idiot

Half this half the black community in particular not taking responsibility for their lives.


> Be white
> Build civilization so well, that every other peoples on the face of the planet emulate their societies, after yours
> Build society so well, that every other race on the planet wants to live with you
> Be so inspiring to the world, that every other race wants to breed with you
> Be so successful, that every other peoples claims they were at a disadvantage because they literally weren't white (white "privilege")

> Whites open doors, simply out of generosity
> Whites create programs to actually give non-whites an advantage over them within their own societies (Affirmative Action/EO)
> Non-whites don't appreciate this, then begin flooding in at uncontrolled rates
> Non-whites begin oppressing whites within their own country, despite whites bending over backward to accommodate their every need
> etc. etc. etc.

Non-whites will never be able to accept what the root of the problem is here, and it's certainly NOT white people.

>american by spirit
so... not american

So your argument is that we'd be safer to have destroyed them all, because once we try to help them and be fair and equal, they'll use the leeway to destroy us for the crimes of our ancestors?

Sounds legit.
We should have thrown them all out and banned them from 1776.
But certainly at the conclusion of the civil war.

Now we'll be forced to take care of them until the burden destroys us as they begin to outnumber us.
Then they will take greater and greater actions to our detriment, until we cease to be.
The slide started long ago.
Within a few years, real recovery without complete disintegration of the US will be impossible.

>not American...

that guy's dick is in a weird place -- probably should get that shit checked out

You cannot be coming in hear and posting nonsense like logic and reason. This is Sup Forums

this is unironically great soap. Not many Sup Forumsacks have taken the black soap pill.


All of those minorities came of their own free will though. The only exception was black slaves, and they received the opportunity to go back to Liberia. If they didn't like being, you know, given the opportunity to live in America, they were free to waltz on back to whatever shithole they came from.