Post the worst
Leftist comic cringe thread
I mean at the end of the day theyre both niggers, just different kinds
Unintentional loss
Holy grail is when you can find unintentional loss + political compass.
Sheeeeeit! We need to appropriate bomango
Also, why are liberals pedophiles?
Cant wait to blast this out of my car while I murder these people, holy fuck.
I don't see what's particularly leftest about this comic. Having read quite a bit of it its just a made up character and can have whatever traits the artist wants.
Thread theme:
>size difference
c'mon don't be a cunt
No, its canon shes much older than he is.
This is actually female insecurity complex/male superiority guilt complex
Having a hulking woman with a tiny man makes them feel less threatening.
Then youre either retarded or a shill
>no amazon strongwoman will tie me down and use my face as a sybian
tell me why i should continue living
You shouldnt because you are that degenerate
To provide the world with maple syrup
It's a vital responsibility
Reads like the sexual fantasy of a soyboy. Strong women want strong men, not effeminate boys who might as well be females
To jerk off and play video games just like the rest of us
This, i know for a fact the creator is a soyboty. I fucked with him on jewtube. Tod him liking big muscle girls is gay and he said all types kf women are beautiful. Total cuck. Also she does like buff men, shes horny as fuck around em! Whys she settling for this twinky?
So she had a slam dunk at getting him kicked off the team for harassment and being a prick, but instead she's going to jail for sexual harassment, grievous bodily assault and attempted murder if she didn't take him to the hospital after rupturing his balls.
All because her feelings was hurt because of what some literal asshole said.
This looks about right for a liberal comic.
Holy shit
WYMMEN STRONK!!! Seriously, feminists should be raped
Because you existing gives us stuff to laugh at and the world needs laughter
It took a minute but i think you are just promoting your comic. Please include me in the screenshot.
Totally missing the point why we have female teams and male teams.
>doesn't know vanheist
Know how I know you're new?
Fuck off, faggot. Rape is never cool. Learn the culture on this board before you attempt to shill your shit here you cunt.
No, i am not. I cant draw worth a damn. Im trying to meme this hard so it becomes a "alt right hate symbol" since the guy who made its a dick.
I know vanheist. Hes a fucking soyboy faggot. Heres his deviantart
I need people to look at to make me feel better about my countrymen
You can tell the artist is a soyboy by the way the guy takes the bar out of the rack.
Yeah, show some class they should be raped by somalian niggers for the irony factor
Why is the barbell behind the rack?
wait, why did he move the bar the wrong way on the rack?
I am angry
Van doesnt lift
Oppress a nigga, cracka!
Eat the bullet and join your giant waifu
i just wanted to read standard comics with dudes with cool powers fighting aliens and interdimensional horrors and shit
and now the new comics are too far gone, ive gotta look to older ones to reread instead
Did she just prompt her teacher to belittle her so she could prove her teacher wrong?
Even in Comics blacks need a white to guide them.
Go to readcomiconline. Hit up preacher, kingdom come, and hellblazer
This entire thing
Whoops, wrong one.
Sup Forumsfag here. Marvel lost. DC won. This riri character isn't even the worst. There's a comic called "America" right now, that I won't even get into because it's just so painful. Read it here for free.
Also: Sup Forums wrote a letter making fun of the comic and it literally got published in the back of the book because the author is really dumb
Oh fuck, he's lifting it! I thought she was pushing it down on him. Whoever did it, doesn't know that you bunch from the other side, that's why the bar is behind the rack. What in the fuck is wrong with these morons? I was benching as a teenager, how do you not now this, honestly?
link to the letter? or screencap plox?
What did the Sup Forums letter say?
Yes, i wish Sup Forumsmmunists didnt censor Sup Forums.
Fugg not this thread again. Post more pls
Lmao what percentage of comic book readers are black women, or black for that matter?
How does she put on the helmet with that hair?
America Chavez is atleast interesting though, compared to Riri. I mean, their stories are both a mess but Bendis's writing is far shittier than Gabby Rivera
Fixed! Make this a meme
>cant get people to love you
>get people to hate you
stop shilling your shitty comic. SAGE
Here, nigger
She is seriously extremely stupid. The most used word in the comic is amigx
This whole series.
Canada is minding its business when Americans just attack for no reason. Canadian resistance is a diversity cast led by a powerful womyn. In the end Diversity cast beat the entire US military, and the womyn is hailed as much of a hero as Justin Trudeau.
What's the name of this comic?
Not anymore. It's all gone down the drain.
My guess for the entire continent? 150 black women, tops. But judging by sales even they aren't buying this garbage
Bomango. Heres the official reboot
The Left ruined comics just like they ruin everything else. Fortunately there is always underground material that seeks no approval from (((them))). Pic related, Hillbilly.
thank you
>wear a cup
Literally banned from use in rugby at every level of play, both internationally and at the local and school level.
And i tought i was autist..
Vans a virgin whos never played sports, what do you expect?
There's actually a lot of blacks that read comic books, same with watching anime, weirdly.
>There's a comic called "America" right now, that I won't even get into because it's just so painful.
>Not liking strong latinx lesbians
>The current year
>Strong women want strong men
Which is why all the strong men on Sup Forums do nothing but shit on the very idea on a strong woman?
Lurk moar
I love Trump and everything but that is just fucking funny.
I'm guessing this is one of those 3deep5me things?
Oh god it's fucking garbage...
Only the strong may reproduce
It's so perfect, isn't it?
A representation of everything good and noble and heroic about America, shocked and horrified by some disgusting mulatto obese tranny. Slowly disappearing into the past, just like America. Nothing left but just a pale, faded memory of what once was, but never can be again.
This was my childhood!
Generalized ban on wearing rigid materials as part of your kit, with the sole exception (other than a mouthguard) of non-metal ankle supports.
Not actually sure why there isn't an exception for cups, other than just the fact that nobody asked for one and nobody wants one.
Why give them what they want?
Did I mention she comes from a magical dimension full of Puerto Rican lesbians, created by lesbian gods, who magically give birth and peacefully live in a world without men?
yass kween slay!
> why the fuck is this even a thing
I guess because military bow requires at least 50 kg tension (90 kg for best results).
No female will ever be able to pull that multiple times a minute to be anything, but a showoff. The only way there is some cancerous gene-editing. I guess (((they))) push females to get cancer, so eternal Anglo would have some objects to test life-extending technologies they stole in Korea.
try reading it. It's a great comic - good send-ups of the tired tropes of the genre, and not nearly as much 'left agitprop' as this thread thinks is going on. She makes fun of bad secret ID disguises, the near impossibility of maintaining an ID without a support system...
It's like if Supergirl on WB was written for people who actually likes comics. And Faith was fat in the original comics 25 years ago.
A huge number of young blacks read comics, actually. Hell, I teach comics to my students, they love it. And it increases student vocab without them even realizing they're working for it.
It looks like that purple chick is about to punch the other kek
No no no no no. I've seen where this goes.
Y'all are gonna read some gay shit.
Really bad gay shit.
Abort! Abort!
No wonder no one read comics anymore.
> Not actually sure why there isn't an exception for cups
BC goyims should reproduce less.
So they first made a cup separate disgusting part, instead of making it an organic part of shorts. And then banned it altogether "freeing" you from that shame.
Dude, just admit this is a thinly veiled attempt to share your brown amazon fetish with everyone.
I don't think you belong here.
This is babies being made out of thin air. Reminder that this is ALL canon now in the marvel multiverse
Every time there's a thread mocking leftist comics, someone with a nazi flag posts that specific one and will eventually admit to it. You're 3 for 4 so far.