
How did a Jew ever become a British PM?

Probably gave Vicky the ol' Kosher sausage


I'll give you three guesses

Well, son you see it's (((England))) Study the image closely. England is a country run by Jews since the English Civil War.

Did you know London is only 49% White? Now you do.

Beware the tooth nigger and his semitic attitude.

Step right up and see with your own eyes. The tooth nigger creeps in the night.

british people are jews


because they are an island of beedy eyed kike savages



Basically Oliver Cromwell invited Dutch Jews into England to help pay down war debt that occurred from the English Civil War. England quickly became a Jewish colony. Whatever retarded dumb tooth niggers still left alive were retrained, reeducated with "Good Goy Exceptionalism" and given mid-tier management positions in the Jewish Empire for the following 300 years; until Adolf Hitler pissed all over their Taludmic parade.

British Empire / Jewish Empire = Same

he was raised anglican

What is so oppressive exactly? You're the one being eliminated today. We're using the very same retarded tooth niggers to do our dirty work for us.

Yes, you read that correctly. Your very own tooth niggers will start slaughtering you on your own retarded island. We have planned this out for over a decade.

Because Cromwell brought them back after they had been expelled for 350 years. It's not like in America where they knew what they were getting into, got into it, then gladly went and died for (((them))) so they could keep their country "56"% white.
What's worse is that Americans have it written in their constitution that should such a thing happen it's their duty to care of it. You might have seen the Second Amendment threads. I used to think it was pertaining to this, but apparently Americans on Sup Forums only want to keep their Second Amendment so they can keep their guns as a safety blanket and illusion of power. Maybe I'm wrong, but I've been waiting for them to prove it since 1965. When was the last time Americans fought for freedom? 1775. The founding fathers would shoot every single one of these cucks if they were around now. Obviously the Americans would say they weren't goys and they were free Americans. They would protest this point right up until Ben Franklin pulled down their slacks and revealed their good goy marks.
Never has their been a sadder country than America. They literally had a play by play handbook and fell into the (((trap))) regardless.
I don't want any of you mutts to reply to me. You don't speak Arabic and I don't speak Araspic anyway so I'm sure our wires will get crossed.

>1 post by this ID


The real question is how did England ever have anything other than jewish PMs ever since the Glorious Revolution.

Prince William brought every Jew from the Netherlands to England with him. Those jews were in turn previously expelled from Spain as punishment for for their various crimes.

>Communist Flag
>Ignores Teresa May
>Ignores being dominate by Jews for 350 years
Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce the retarded tooth nigger. The ultimate Jew pawn.

Cromwell was the first to repeal the jew ban, but it wasn't until William of Orange took the English throne that the jews truly conquered England.

Americans on the other hand had no idea how awful jews were because we were mostly separated from them for 300 years from 1600-1900. America was like a naive rabbit bouncing up to a hungry wolf.

This thread is what happens when real Nazi's confront (((British Internet Nazis)))


good post

No ben, your ancestors were dung merchants who fucked donkeys