I'm going to post this everyday until you like it

I'm going to post this everyday until you like it.

Other urls found in this thread:


I-I think im starting to like it.

I am the fin of my fish.

I thought I wanted to do it once.

But he did it once.

Caution: Easily triggered janitors are around

A girl falls in love with a fish.

Unable to fish, she is fished by a fish ex fishina with the fish's fish. Never fishing the strange fish, she immediately fishes her, and is overfished to fish out that she has a fish on her as well.

But, the next fish, when she fishes the previous day's fishes to the fish, she only fishes at her with a fished expression. After some fish, she fishes out that the fish she fished is not the same fish she fish in fish with. In fact, she doesn't fish in this fish at all. She is the fish's alternate fish, who has fishen in fish with the fish's own fish, who too is blissfully fish of her fish.

Fishes ensue as the two fish up a fish to fish each other their darkest, most private fishes in order to fish the other with the fishes they need to fish the fish of their other fishes. While the two fish their respective fishes, fish fishes as they fish to fish in fish with each other instead and fish the NATURE of FISH.

I am indifferent to it.

Somewhere out there my fish is waiting for me. I can feel it.

>Heavenly Fish



Is that Ars Almadel Salmonis?

I still don't like it

I want to hug this fish



En pojke faller för en flicka.

Oförmögen att fråga ut henne får han en deus ex machina gåva med flickans telefonnummer. Han struntar i att numret är konstigt och ringer henne direkt, överlycklig får han reda på att hon också är kär i honom.

Men, nästa dag, när han går igenom gårdagens händelser och kärleksförklaringen till flickan så tittar hon bara på honom med ett förvirrat uttryck. Efter lite efterforskning får han reda på att flickan han ringde inte är samma flicka som han är kär i, hon existerar inte i det här universumet alls. Hon är flickans motpart i ett alternativt universum som har blivit kär i huvudkaraktärens egen motsvarighet i det alternativa universumet, som också är ovetande om hennes kärlek.

Saker händer när de två gör en deal om att ge varandra deras mörkaste, mest privata hemligheter för att ge varandra vapnen de behöver för att erövra hjärtat av sina motsvarigheter. DRAMA uppstår medans de två jagar sina respektive älskade och börjar bli kära i varandra istället och de börjar ifrågasätta KÄRLEKENS NATUR.

Already a thing.


I don't dislike it.

Thanks doc.



Thanks doc





Be careful when eating fish.


>Be Careful


oh sure this thread is ok but DJT isn't?


>Be Careful

I won't stand for this

>I won't stand

Well, sit down then!

Ima gonna sit down on the Sakura

..or, optionally, lay down.



How about a few laps around the living room?

I'm going to reply with this everyday until you like it.


Please take it.



>>first day back and this shit still happens
thanks for not changing Sup Forums

The ride never ends

Thanks doc.

Mach mir ein Bananenbrot Theo

But you didn't post it yesrdredy/


Are you ok?!

Freddy on the fish page!



She should dance through the fishies!

Or dance with them!

Or fight them!

or wrestle on a bed with them!

Stop posting that because it's already a thing.




kuso thread.



I can't grant you wishes.



Let me in and I'll grant you 10 wishes

100 wishes and a pony!

A million wishes, 35 bucks cash and I'll split this bottle with you

Whaddya say?

I let him in and he says he doesn't grant wishes and he's trying to borrow 5 bucks from me!

I haven't even used 10% of my power!


I was checking if Sup Forums had any fun threads and it didn't.

I feel your pain, Cirno

Why does she bite like that?

Specially because i'm high as fuck right now.
I just wanted to have fun on Sup Forums but this past year felt really shit man. Fucking Sup Forums is losing all comedy, shit.
Like damn dude, I remember a few years ago I could literally spend over 18 hours of straight Sup Forums without getting bored. Nowadays I'm lucky if I get more than 1.

It's all bad now. Things that were good are all bad.

Sleep Cirno, sleep.

Only dreams now

Dude I literally don't want to sleep, that's why I'm on Sup Forums.

What if I give you monies to sleep?

>Why does she bite like that?

That's just a single frame of a still image.

She's really doing this:

Meanwhile, I'm doing this:

Nah dude. I'm watching anime.

Meanwhile, Cirno is doing this:

Nah dude.
Also it sucks that i'm not as high anymore.

>i want to have fun on Sup Forums

I posted a single frog man, come on.

It's not cancer if it's just one post?
Are you retarded?

>single frog

Why won't the frog get married already?

Whatever dude I don't care. It's just a picture why you care so much haha.
Because its ugly.

>It's just a picture why you care so much haha.
Another one who is proud to be as cancerous as possible.

Dear god...


Whatever dude, you are such a fucking buzzkill.
I was all happy and shit and you gotta ruin it with your lame ass "scoff another tripfag who is not an elite Sup Forums poster 24/7"

>thread is still alive

>I was all happy and shit and you gotta ruin it
You know exactly that frogposting is considered cancer on Sup Forums, so shut the fuck up and delete your post so I can also shut the fuck up.



Well I just hope I'm not banned.

>Keksandra literally in the front page of Sup Forums
>Can't post feelsbadman.jpg because some fag got triggered
I'm getting very mixed feelings here.

Back to tumblr with you.

Why can't you have fun, man? Like, just laugh dude.

kuso post