Daily reminder that you fags murdered these people

Daily reminder that you fags murdered these people

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first off faggot you pluralized it
second the only worthwhile thing that got was the paintjob on that car
some fat loser got wrecked
no one cares

Only one landwhale
Heart attack

James Fields did nothing wrong

Can't murder people when you're shitposting on Sup Forums

If she wasn't hit Hy a car she would have lived

>Daily reminder
Shit thread

Weighting 400 pounds. You know what a heart attack is Right?

Did you know I could unlawfully pull a gun on a person, they could have a heart attack, I provide no aid, stand there till police arrive, the DA wouldn't even be able to get involuntary manslaughter?

>sageing with an image



what about my picture?

I got landwhale boss at work bragging about her 5k run

They deserved it

If these cunts weren't in the street blocking traffic and attacking cars they wouldn't get run over.

He should have killed more and thrown molotovs into the crowd. Antifa and commies deserve death.

>George Soros pays for these low quality threads

Hope they don't figure out how to use a hammer.

>Being this much of a newfag

>attack cars
>get heart attack from the trauma of getting hit by a car



Good. We won't stop until every last kike is dead.

commies aren't people

Are you retarded?

She was with violent anarchists. She got what she deserved.

>you murdered these people

I'm pretty sure it was just the driver of the car who did it. They shouldn't have been blocking the road anyway desu.

You're forgetting about the two brave police who died that day, shame on you

pick one

>the DA wouldn't even be able to get involuntary manslaughter?

that's not even remotely true, at the point you pulled the gun it would be seen as an assault. Once you start a domino chain while committing a crime you end up being responsible for the entire chain. How do you people not know this?
It even extends to everyone with in the crew doing the crime. You drive the get away car, your buddy inside the store punches the clerk in the face, the clerk falls back awkwardly hitting his head and dies. You just got a murder charge too while outside in the car.
Now sure most of the time they let the least involved person plea out to sink the guy who threw the punch but you take the plea deal being you're on the hook too without it.

>If she wasn't hit Hy a car she would have lived
More like if some retarded leftist "Medic" didn't cave her fucking chest in

You mean the two retards who crashed a helicopter?

We are a board of peace.
And you are a degenerate queer.

Dear OP,

Shit you go around attacking people with baseball bats whilst wearing masks and someone got hurt.

Who coulda seen it coming?

>one lady so fat she is considered "people"
should have called it massacre

Daily reminder that Jews have started most wars.

Yep, that just happened near me. Some idiot drives his idiot friend to rob some guy's house. Friend goes inside and kills homeowner, driver was charged with murder. It's still going through the courts.

Get out the roads brainlets cars are always bigger duh


That bored, huh?
2/10 sounds like you believe your own bs.
Pic related i was there.

The local government murdered them. They purposefully let the opposing side get around the cars and beat people, as they often do. Someone was going to panic.

rate my car in gtao Sup Forums