I believe an ancient jewish god turned into a man and sacrificed himself to forgive you for jerking off 2...

>i believe an ancient jewish god turned into a man and sacrificed himself to forgive you for jerking off 2,000 years later
Imagine being this retarded.

Don't catholics call jews christ killers?

He is risen.

Not really, catholics and jews are buddies now. Anyway, that is a cuckodox church, the number 1 choice for edgy larpers.

Why would you believe that?



That's your priest's job

Imagine being retarded enough to believe that cutting off your dick makes you a woman.

>I believe I am God's chosen based on my own personal subjective opinion on a book written by kikes.

Imagine being THAT retarded.

>and sacrificed himself to forgive you for jerking off 2,000 years later

No it was to clean mankind of the original sin

Go back to /r/atheism

It's better than conforming to the Jew


I don't believe that though, but it's not like I give a shit either way

>original sin
>humanity being blamed for something two people supposedly did eons ago
But that's even worse!

>i like everything that the jews don't like!
Pic related.

D&C shill thread
Everyone in this thread just got poz'd by George Soros

Sin stains eternally. Sadly there is no way around that except through Jesus.

And don't act like its a ridiculous concept, modern society has merely replaced religious original sin with a sociological original sin.

Whatever you say, religious dummy ^.^

I think that's an immoral concept, but that's just my opinion

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?"
John 11:25-26

Now is the judgment of this world; now will the ruler of this world be cast out. And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself."
John 12:31-32

I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness. If anyone hears my words and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day. For I have not spoken on my own authority, but the Father who sent me has himself given me a commandment—what to say and what to speak. And I know that his commandment is eternal life. What I say, therefore, I say as the Father has told me."
John 12:46-50

>Imagine being this retarded.
It literally built western society; granted, after some minor adjustments. What do you suppose we replace it with, exactly (pic related)?

Remember, the fate of Western Civilization rests in your hands, dear superior smarty atheist guy that knows for absolute certain that something doesn't exist.

To OP's point, though:
>no proof

Now post the part he said he would come back within one generation

Technically, jerking off is not a sin.

>I believe, magically, life somehow started and then grew into complexity for the soul purpose of shit posting on Sup Forums.

>i don't know what i'm talking about please forgive me hurr durr i'm retarded 2,000 years later
imagine not believing your own people's history and spiritual beliefs and then subconciously projecting your self-hatred unintentionally everywhere you go to stir shit and create reactions like a catty jew.

>It literally built western society
I don't remember Greeks and Romans being xtians when they were building civilization

I'm a deist myself, but at least I don't threat my belief as dogma

>imagine not believing your own people's history and spiritual beliefs
yeah, imagine your ancestors being pagan for thousands of years and then you convert to xtianity, that's pretty sad.

Wrong. That's another man, real Jesus ascended like

You seem to have an agenda here friend.

*treat, typo

Dogs probably ate his body user

Jesus isnt God tho
Jesus is the messiah

One token black

Well, that's something for you to talk with your christian friends. But yeah, I kind of agree with you

>He is risen
>past participle: risen
What kind of English is? It's not found in the Bible.

>Matthew 28:6
>He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.
You're going to hell, user.

But I don't feel good when I masturbate to certain kinds of porn. I need forgiveness.

why the fuck are there christcucks on Sup Forums anyway?

christianity an the general politics of Sup Forums couldn't be more distant

K. I forgive you for being a faggot. Meditate upon pic related and the Holy Spirit shall heal you.

you realise nobody likes jews but ashkenazis even less and Christ was way too much and also maybe none of these things and that death came AFTER sin. fapping is not a sin. onanism is not "spilling seed" or fapping. the only onanism and spilling of seed there is. is failing to impregnate your widowed sister in law. i assume you go with a knowledge thesis for the forbidden fruit. that they became wise knowing good from evil. can we say man knows those differences right now? we cannot. everything was good. immortality came after the forbidden fruit. the forbidden fruit in the minds of a few people is sex. whether by bestiality or maybe even what was created marriages in the first place. did you know in Hebrews it says. MARRIAGE IS GOOD FOR ALL PEOPLE. ALL. PEOPLE. ALL. PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!! God would have had a planet perhaps of immortal zillions of people unable to breathe. Christ is The Creator God and existed with God before the foundations of the earth. Why are you poking fun at a concept that somebody redeems through blood? cain was a murderer. God did all this for you and is part of His plan. And you dance. and you say sex is all of the following lies. and isn't, after the following lies

Revelation 2:9 (KJV)

"And I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

Ok I did 5 meditations, can I masturbate now


Imagine having such a childish understanding of religion and culture?
Imagine being too autistic to understand metaphor?
Imagine being OP?

that one could work quite goodly

daily reminder that atheists/pagans are kike enablers

What kinds of porn?

I agree completely

>fapping is not a sin
According to orthodox christianity, it is.

>da joos

user, they believe all that literally

not nearly as much as you

I'm trying to imagine being as retarded as you and feeling compelled to post that on a Polynesian jock strap weaving board.

But of course your obsession is easily explained: your homosexual sins haunt you.

>i believe an ancient jewish god turned into a man and sacrificed himself to forgive you for jerking off 2,000 years later
Only a certain few. Most of humanity will get thrown in hell even if they were saints in life for not converting. Sucks for all those that lived before Jesus or didn't know about him. But remember that Jesus is the most forgiving god out there.

you seem to not understand that the teachings of christanity and jesus' interactions with a frightened religious power structure and complicit rome actually had a lot of spiritual and social value to the poor polytheistic peasants who weren't aware of lofty concepts like altruism or an independent relationship with god without a third party to regulate or manipulate. these poor europeans liked the selfless martyr who stood his ground and spoke truth to power(and to the jews, no less). your ancestors made a decision, and you seem to believe that you know better than your tribe. perhaps they should've rolled around in the dirt with their half-baked polytheistic hedonism a little longer?

What if God shitposts on Sup Forums?

They used to, but the kikes have subverted the church. I know some old school Catholics who love talking shit on the jews.

Only Muslims and Orthodox Christians believe that. Catholics believe he is god.

>Sucks for all those that lived before Jesus
Pre-Jesus times had their own rules

>A literal fag
>Thinking his opinion matters
Go die with AIDs, fag


Not according to Christians and their priests. Noble pagans (people who were born before Jesus and were good are called Noble pagans) will burn in hell for eternity. Unless you believe the non Cannon story about Jesus going to hell to save pagans.

A long time ago, and protestantism in the US was anti-kike, anti-catholic, and anything that wasn't seen as American.

>Jews killed a Jew so they could make a religion that hates Jews and says they all go to Hell

Don't respond to your own post like a little faggot

Now post that in the original language and see the various meanings said word had for "generation." Hint: it specifies the criteria for a generation

>250x more likely to have AIDS
>Tries to tell other people what life choices to make

Perhaps a leftover from old Germanic roots of English, though idk where user got it. In German you would say "is" when discussing the past participle of verbs involving changes of states such as rising.


you xtians spread your shit all over the place, and I'm the one who is obsessed?

>creates humans knowing he is going to send 90% of them to hell
Praise YHWH

Spirtual value = religious fanaticism to the point you want to force people to convert? Say what you want about romans, but they never did that.

>your ancestors made a decision
And I made a decision too. Just don't use muh ancestors as an argument, your religion is pointless tradition and it's basically disproved by now.

I'm a virgin, but I would rather get AIDS than worship your "god" every sunday, lmao.

Yes, suck their dick more cuck.

Do you deny the first christians expected jesus to come back soon? because that's a historical fact.

>Be faggot.
>Live for hedonism.
>Think the ass is a sex organ
>Have to wear diapers by age fifty if an STD doesn't kill them off first.
>Bring aids to America.
>Bring pederasty.
>Screech about tolerance while setting up groups like NAMBLA and teaching kids how to be genderless.
>Start acting out against Christians for condemning all of the above.

Be faggot: be praised by society
Be degenerate christard: hated by pretty much everyone, people laugh at you for believing in bronze age shit

Feels good to win

>worships a jew
Le uhhbur relegons r rong n r kike wershippors

>homo flag
repent or be purged.

>Spirtual value = religious fanaticism to the point you want to force people to convert? Say what you want about romans, but they never did that.
kek what? they would throw you in prison or harass you if you didn't pay homage to a legal state sponsored religion, and this is pretty basic shit, so i'm going to assume that you don't actually know what you're talking about, or are just tossing me verifiably untrue bullshit because we both know that your complaining about european interest in spiritual ascension was artificial and done at gun point, or you faux-polytheistic identity larping, is as shallow as it is fruitless.
>And I made a decision too. Just don't use muh ancestors as an argument, your religion is pointless tradition and it's basically disproved by now.
my point is that you are making your ancestors seem like submissive victims in some historical crime. you believe they didn't have a choice or alternative, how could they have given up on paganism? there is a time and place for everything, and common men had nothing left to learn from polytheism, it was of no use to them anymore. someday, probably soon, Christianity other abrahamic religions will be useless and the spiritual paradigm will shift to concepts that are relevant to the struggles, moral goals, and spiritual needs of modern society.

Brainwashed fools. It probably satisfies psychological needs like community and relieving death anxiety.

>God makes a son out of himself and some how kills himself to redeem human sin, something he also created
What a clusterfuck theology. barley even an attempt to make the religion monotheisitc, Trinitarian justification is the most pathetic apologetics world has ever seen. At least Jew's and Muzzies ACTUALLY believe in one god. Christians are meme pagan heathens who's only contribution to society is "Love everybody, everybody is soopa special :)!" nonsense that has weakened the moral fiber of host of western civilizations.

The Roman's had tried to save us. The burned the Temple down and butchered the Zealots. They crucified those religious charlatans who sowed weakness in the empire. The battle of the Milvian bridge was one of the saddest moments in the Western cannon