So Antifa is now on my college campus. They're actually a student group verified by the University...

So Antifa is now on my college campus. They're actually a student group verified by the University. I almost got jumped by five triggered cucks at the last rally on campus. Me and a few of my fellow Proud Boys are hosting an anti-Antifa protest soon in retaliation with many people already confirmed to support us there. What's the best way we can dominate the commies?

Other urls found in this thread:

Put up posters in the bathroom stalls. It's what I do every now and then

Fight them...?

>What's the best way we can dominate the commies?
Just wait for them to attack first.

Infiltrate them and record eventual crimes, report to police

Play the jew's game

Beat the fuck out of them lolwut? They think they're a bunch of tough guys 'cause they sucker punch people. They need to know what a broke jaw feels like and they'll quit acting so tough.

Call them communist on film so they have to admit or deny it on record.

so you react to the reactionaries...according to their plan.


fucking destroy them

boots to faces

brutally rape them

>proud boys
did you make this video?

A place you go to learn how to not fuck dogs. Been around a few hundred years at least..

>proud boys

I hope gavin introduces you to his collection of buttplugs

Never heard of it, haven't left my igloo in 6 months

Invest in a pair of brass knuckles and if they try and jump you, they will be in for a surprise.

ANTIFA was offically labeled as a terrorist organization in many countries includimg the USA. Im not surprised that CANADA endorses them.

Hows climate change affecting the house? Wet dreams?


>Hows climate change affecting the house?
It isn't

that was the fucking worst thing ive experienced since reading sonic vore fanfic

report to the police

what university is this?

>proud boys


Just chronologically list all the mass murders by communists. When they get triggered and try to provoke you, just keep your cool faces on. When they land the first hit, just remember excessive force is breaking bones and kicking people when they're down. Other then that, fuck those betas up.

>I almost got jumped by five triggered cucks at the last rally on campus.

You deserved it, I hope they get you next time you cunt. Fucking fascist pice of garbage.

See a commie
Punch a commie


becareful, they are literally terrorists, if you aren't agree with them they are gonna kill you

> Me and a few of my fellow Proud Boys

is this by any chance brantford proud boys?
inbox me on fb, i'm from uwaterloo, you should know right away who i am from this. Didn't know you guys browsed here.

I carry a gun fag. Brass knuckles dont scare official terror groups like ANTIFA. They gather on building roof tops with 200lbs of bricks and drop them down on crowds. If they come around my town ill follow them home and dox them or break their legs.

what the fuck is going on

with your fists. seriously, cave their skulls in.

>proud boys
Fuck off to r/the _donald

This is really close to what I thought when I read "proud boys".



They're gonna try to suck your dick, the only thing your guys can do to stop it is to suck their dicks first. Good luck.

>no game no life

He's from Canada dude. Not sure it would be a good idea for him to carry a gun around. Cuckdeau would sentence him to life in a diverse rich Canuck prison.

>western civilization is the best you guise

"We couldn’t hear what the person on the other end of the line is saying, but whatever it was, the author of the new memoir of How to Piss in Public (Scribner, March 20) started to foam at the mouth in response. “I just told you why I pissed in the cornflakes! It was for the DVD! It matched with the card up your ass trick in the movie!”

>no balls either

>Proud Boys
Pride Parade?

>Me and a few of my fellow Proud Boys

Oh ya i almost forgot

alt right are expert fake news creators

Shoot them in the fucking head.

>the west is the best because degeneracy

yep, that's the faggot. The one who said if you kill your enemies they win.

Unmask them.


They never told me that in school.

Commies fear the Challenger

What retard drew this, rank on his top right pocke? He's never seen a Canadian uniform in his life

Dont you mean the left?

The event still isnt fake.

Buy nunchucks

Are you sure its him? Double checking with another pic..

offer them poisoned food

Yeah Justin is handing out bags of 10 million cash on the street in front of homeless people wearing US military jackets with haphazardly placed random canadian insigina

You've really convinced me now

kek, he's such a faggot.

Also i live pretty close to portland. also they throw piss and shit all the time. Its funny because i always follow one of them home , KO them around some alley they cut thru and i piss all over their brown outted moaning confused faces. I do it after every rally down there. People call me the scat man.


>supports beating up people who have a different opinion to them
>unironically calls them a fascist
nice brain there tyrone

>the alt right fakes n-
What you mean to say is "the left tries to lie but forgets that the internet exists and that it retains information"

just fucking shoot them already, let's get this party started.

I guess you dont understand what symbolism is.

>Print some bomb schematics
>Spread them in campus
>Tip fbi about how they want to bomb public buildings

Are you absolutely sure?
>give it about a minute

Canadian soldiers fought and died along side us by the way.

That payout is the US's fault though, quit torturing people without a fair trial

Openly express your views to a group of them so they feel confident intimidating you and carry some crowd control pepper spray with you. When they cuck out on you... you will know what to do.

>that payout is the US's fault though
Nobody forced your people to pay it other than faggotry.

>What's the best way we can dominate the commies?
You can't.

Get fucked, loser.

Rape their churches and burn their women

LMAO. Tell thst to ISIS you cuck.

The US illegally detained and tortured a Canadian citizen and you expect the law not to be on his side? You're retarded

Rule of law is what separates us from those savages


This court finds you gay.

Unironically start taking steroids to boost up muscle mass.

Stop being a stupid nigger. The "anti" this or that doesn't work. Point out the positive things that normies appreciate and relate to. If and when antifags attack you, people will support you beating their asses in the name of what you believe in.

Just self defense them really hard. Wait for them behind some bushes or something or around a corner and just jump out and self defense them in the back of the head and in the shins. Make sure to de escalate the situation by disabling the threat. It's your obligation to not stop self defensing until they have stopped moving.

>implying foreign insurgents who hide behind civilians deserve humane treatment

> foreign insurgents

He was a Canadian citizen that was born and raised in Canada. The law is pretty clear about how he should have been treated both in the US and in Canada.

not a bad boipussy to be honest senpai

Who rejected his own citizenship and burnt his passport. He was no longer a Canadian citizen. He was the textbook definition of a traitor. Traitors are litterally unable to be citizens. They lose their right to citizenship. He was an expatriate.

>the us detained amd torchured a canadian citizen,
I dont give a fuck. Maybe we should put you all in the same category as him and beat the fuck out of all of you. Trump is allowing torture again so bring it motherfucker. We have s policy now that anyone who tries to leave usa to join ISIS gets put to death.

Trump has blackwater hanging the sand niggers who planned 911 and vegas hanging upsidedown in a hotel in the middle east right now gettimg tenderized with the yellow pages of peace. What the fuck are you going to do about it you little pussy?

>pic related its you.


Weren't they labeled as a domestic terror group by the feds? Just report them.

What school are you guys at? Please be U of T

In his defence, the US should be held accountable.

Also, he killed someone.

It's not like he's not guilty of a crime here. He killed a US Solider with a hand grenade, that's why he was detained.

That a conjoined twin or am I fucking blind

He didn't commit Treason under US or Canadian law, I don't know what textbook you are reading. Burning your passport does not renounce your citizenship.

Don't cut yourself on all those edges my friend.

>should be held accountable
POW guerrillas should be lined up and shot. They do not deserve the same amount of respect as the armies of recognized nations as they do not follow the globally respected laws of war.

Don't stoop to their level by fighting them. That will only attract negative attention to you.

>joins an insurgent group currently at war with our country
>publicly renounces citizenship
>not a traitor
What province are you in you fucking retard I want to box your dense empty head in?

The fucker had to be moved from block to block because he was such a fuckin problem he also said to a security guard he wasnt going to listen to a nigger let alone a woman piece of shit human should of died in gitmo not given a shit load of money

They already have negative attention. The public eye doesn't matter because the public are stupid fucking idiots that don't think for themselves.

Insurgents are not part of a sovreign military force, we cannot be at war with them. Joining an insurgent group in a foreign country isn't treason in either Canadian or US law.