Why is there even an argument over this?

ethot lovers go back to t_d

Other urls found in this thread:


fucking this
thanks for literally ruining the board this past year

If Sup Forums is decentralized nobody on Sup Forums can tell me not to follow based ecelebs :^)

Bumping for importance.


You wish.
There are a minority of poltards who actually do shit
Most are just casual shitposters who bump threads, create mass, try for digits and rarely get yous


I'm not a Trump zealot but the manufactured over reaction to the Syria air field strike on here was the most pathetic and desperate shilling attempt on Sup Forums ever.


Fuck off already

No more wars for Israel, shlomo. If he kikes out for the rats we'll wage a meme jihad like you've never seen.

easy solution is


he is a neet who spends more time on Sup Forums

Brammping this.
I never understood this who e-thot crap. If anything it was a big psy-op set up to capture young men whose hormones were raging for pussy. Just goes to show how low the user age group has dipped here. Rules of being a man :
> Don't let another man rule over you or tell you what to do
> Women ultimately do this for the man she chooses to have in her left so you're nothing more than a cuck if you listen to, follow, and/or allow a women to lead you. You've not only broken rule #1 and are a cuck but you're doing so for a weak minded and willed woman who ultimately reports to another man and/or is ruled by one.

The fact that you morons talk about women all day in various posts shows you're all compromised. As a man, you only concern yourself w/ women when it comes to fucking and/or the one who is subservient to you. All other women are a distraction/trap. As a man you should have higher priority things on your mind and be accomplishing something than worrying about what women are doing w/ their vaginas..
NIGGA IS IT YOUR VAGINA? Is she your girlfriend or wife? If no, then who the fuck cares. Whores are gonna be whores, your bitch ass will never change that. Let the roasties be roasties and center on your goals/dreams and a woman who wants to be by your side through life. The rest is noise.

>don't talk about my ethots even though they brought the most despicable virgin trash to our board

Here's perhaps the only woman on the entire planet doing good work. One exception and she makes it clear she's a mother first and has no desire to lead anyone. That's her husbands job. She's there to be his life partner and influence women for the benefit of humanity. Not ebux.


They are our useful idiots, remember, we are in charge here, the collective gives the orders, they follow as expected, their purpose is fulfilled perfectly, they spread a narrative, our narrative, and it's all that matters. We are doing counterintelligence, this is an agency, after all, think like that. Let's not become ourselves a boy club.

some are more blessed

lana has such a nice voice

>We prefer collectivist decentralized rule rather than having leaders.

I didn't know the alt-right was a communist organization?

is blonde in the belly of the beast a tradthot?

Hidden star of remphan in the left image. Nice try.

You cunts with your harassment of women in the alt right have just chased off Tara. She has deleted her videos, set her Twitter account to private and is being run off as a potential partner. Well done shitheads, hope you are proud of yourselves...

Thinning the herd, it should have been done a year ago. Good riddance.


Women with opinions scare you do they, gay boy?

that's me

Doesn't she have kids and is a co-host on a guys podcast? Isn't she honest and doesn't she speak the truth and contribute new ideas?

Not a tradthot. I believe I remember her also lamenting how men don't lead.

>Ahmed Ivanovitch is still trying to meme his retarded Assad meme

>Sup Forums

Back to redit.

She doesn't have kids to my knowledge
'her' podcast is decent too- the other guy (Matt Christiansen) is a pretty smart guy
not redpilled anywhere near Sup Forums's standards but he puts out good content

That's one of my main criticisms. These (always fake) tradthots produce no new ideas. They repeat lukewarm normie tier garbage for beta bux.

Women have never had a place in politics or war. They never will. They didn't evolve for it, it's our responsibility to fight and lead for their benefit. Nobody is suggesting censoring women but anyone that claims they should be off limits from criticism deserves the rope or an exile back to r*ddit.

excuse me?


I remember someone's post about the fact that names are our biggest weakpoints. See what happened with kekistan

keep in mind the American Republic is also a second-order collectivist mashup with individualists acting in mutually beneficial concert

communists force you into collectivism at the end of a gun, anarchists hold the gun to those attempting to force them to do anything they don't want

Sup Forums gives gookmoot and mods the gun, but they can't force us to generate revenue for them

America is both anarchist and communist in nature, some things must necessarily be forced, but the duty is to the people to burn it all down if too much forcing occurs and goes beyond the established ruleset

I mean, if you can find leaders that are 100% bavarian phenotype, cool for you, but I haven't found a single one that worth listening to. I like Tara, Lauren, and other e-celebs. I don't give them a dime but I listen to them talk about topical things and find it interesting. It's not such a bad thing that I like something you don't. I'm sure you'll get over it.

Yeah it's a decent podcast and they don't pretend to be something they're not. They've clearly have a foundation of ideas and present their views honestly. I have no complaints and certainly wouldn't want them censored.

Southern and McCarthy deserve to be called out for being frauds. If Lokteff started a beta boy cult and ruined our board i'd probably like her less.

Blacked confirmed. Been telling you for weeks she's a coalburner


There isn't an extra one, retard. The OP of that image fucked up the angles of the connections


I actually saved that post.

Iv'e noticed a lot of newfags lately who don't understand why we despise e-celebs/namefags. They think that we just hate them because of petty internet politics rather than anything truly substantial. What you don't understand is our hatred for e-celebs in general and many current e-celebs was born from huge operational failures during GamerGate and similar tactics used on us during Chanology. As a completely decentralized collective with no name, organizations, and leaders we're completely immune to pretty much all methods of attack. You can't false flag us off site when we have no name that we go by and you can't use Alinsky rule #13 on us because we have no leaders. If we stay formless we're completely and utterly invulnerable. Chanology failed because we had a group name that we considered ourselves members of. Thus the CIAniggers and others stole that name from us by pretending to be members. They were able to infiltrate because anonymous was a group not tied to imageboards and literally anyone could claim membership. They fagged it up until it turned from doing shit for the lulz into a vehicle for Soros tier activism. Eventually all original members fled because of how cancerous it had gotten. We had given ourselves a name and it was our undoing.

That doesn't explain why we're all so afraid to have people speak on our behalf. Their popularity or lack thereof is their proof that people believe in their message.

Honestly, if I were a jew, the thing I'd hate to see most happen in the alt-right would be to see any form of organization.

i'll make sure to save this.. grade a pasta

>If we stay formless we're completely and utterly invulnerable.

And completely and utterly impotent.

A very similar tactic was used to eventually stop GamerGate(not before we did a shitton of damage but still). At the beginning of GamerGate we learned from our past mistakes and didn't adopt a group name. GamerGate was a movement/consumer backlash and not a group that just anyone could claim to represent. However our critical error was rallying around e-celebs. Besides the problem that every single one of them except Jim(and he fucked off very early after seeing where it was going) was more concerned with money and launching their YouTube career than victory. They proved a massive distraction and the disagreements, stupid useless shit, and personal spats between E-celebs and mods became competing factions and eventually the /gg/ on Infinity board died and there was exodus after exodus to new boards. and every single time we retained fewer and fewer users. Then e-celeb squabbles turned into different competing boards fighting amongst themselves which eventually led to the whole thing puttering out. The same thing happened recently when they killed Kek worship by creating Kekistan and being the the most cringy faggots imaginable. Kek praise was killed in the exact same way that Anonymous was killed, and it only happened because they had names.

They can only harm us when they impose form on our formlessness, otherwise we're invulnerable. You can't attack a cloud, you have to condense and turn it to ice before you're able to smash it to pieces.

Shit, you got me

She dropped off?

Yes. We wuz communists and we doot better than them.

Get out newfag, we're the perfection of Sun Tzu's idea of warfare.

We're more potent than the entire "alt-right" combined.

yes they can they just can't stop you

Spreading ideas is the most potent tool

Chanology was a newfag mistake. Anonymous is the same as enigma on the internet and you can't beat something you can't see or touch

Dude pol was so easy to derail with blue memes you guys are suckers

good riddance

Sup Forums is not anything like you alt-kike queers. Just go the fuck back.

We have one weakness. The admins who remove low quality posts. If this weakness is abused, it will be intuitively obvious to even casual viewers. Just like it is on e-celeb.

A Game of Thots


that's the beauty of it

we spread and breed ideas, we don't take action IRL

we're a think tank not assassins or the military

Can't you shift-click to hide threads?

This place is subverted on a daily basis. It is exactly why youre bitching. Nice bait, though.

This, and that's a good thing

E celeb trash is a sign of how subverted some of you are. Go ahead and post that drivel all you want, but I haven't forgotten that none of them existed until a week before or after the election. They are Hillary tier fair weather spokesman

or you can just ignore them, open the good threads and not bother with the avalanche of shit

>Women with other peoples opinions scare you do they, gay boy?
ftfy nigger cattle

It's subverted in patterns. What you see as entropy I see as repetition.

The only weekness of user is the fact that we aren't fully dencentralized and thus CIAniggers, Google, and Hotpocketers fuck with our board all the time. Of course 8ch already has prototype software for making a truly mod-free, decentralized, imageboard.

And it's because of that fact that Sup Forums is never EVER going to be taken down, they don't want us to move a decentralized platform. We'd be unstoppable.

Not defending donothing e-celebs, but the left side doesn't translate directly into the hierarchy of political power. It's just a think tank and you would do well to note that the government doesn't represent our thoughts. There still has to be someone in the middle or at least the participants infiltrating other groups on their own, if you want our political reality to ever reflect that group.

Do you have any idea how easy it is for those in power to compromise an E-celeb.

Just threaten their family or blackmail them and they flip.

I feel like very few people know what Sup Forums really is. It isn't an agenda, or a machine. It is a counterculture. It holds everything you could ever want to learn of outside of taboo. And you are free to perpetuate it however you wish in that amorphous bubble. When you give it a name You give it a weakness and a role it simply isn't capable of holding. The general public think of Sup Forums and Sup Forums as two separate entities and it weakens the effect and contradicts the whole point of anonymous.

Only betafaggots rely on leaders

impossible to infiltrate/subvert?
then explain this shit

That might be true. But you do realize it's teens and kids that watch youtube right? Can you really complain when a fag like Milo is teaching them not to give any fucks about peoples feelings? If you don't like them then don't let your kids watch it. Simples. Id rather kids be watching that than some brainwashing crap on the television tho turning them into freak zombies.

The problem with e-celebs is that they shit up Sup Forums.

They can do their thing, just do it away from us.

>tfw I hate both civic cucks and ethno-natioanlists equally
What the fuck do I do?

You transcend the mortal coil and become a living God.

>tfw you realize that you probably interacted with the CIA and other intelligence agencies more than with your local police force

You may have called William Shatner dumb fag at some point
Oddly enough, it's more likely that you called a CIA agent a nigger

It's not communist, but it is certianly collectivist. That's why it's so hard to have discussions here sometimes, because there are a lot of people here who will only strive to tow the line and reject anything that doesn't conform to their previously established world view without consideration.

It's why you'll very rarely see people outside of Sup Forums take Sup Forums seriously.

Already suspected a long time ago. Trump shenanigans for two years, traveled around the world, and still didn't find the one she had the tingles for? She's overstayed her welcome and now it's going to backfire on her. If she's holding out for Christian Grey, it's not happening.

What puzzles me is why internet celebrity women like her attempt to lure Sup Forums into their fanbase. They can find anything and EVERYTHING. It was only a matter of time before they found this. Now that she's outed as a coalburner, this is her decline since she's attached herself to the alt-right movement, which has white nationalist factions within it.

I know that that's you Bill.

CIA are niggers who glow in dark anyway