OFFICIAL: Trump to recognize Jerusalem as Israeli captial

Fox new just confirmed.

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new israely/palestinian war ?


Is he moving the US embassy there?

The dude that got fired from the Mueller probe was fired months ago. Note the date on the article. Trump had these card to play waiting for the perfect circumstances to play them and start draining the swamp. I think that's whats happening right now. It's gonna be worldwide, as we've seen with Saudi Arabia. I think on or before this Wednesday some HUGE revelations are going to come out. My reasoning is that there's supposed to be some sort of announcement regarding the US embassy move to Jerusalem. We're also slowly finding out about Israeli intelligence more and more in relation to the corruption in our government. There has been news in the past 2 days of Jared Kushner going to Saudi Arabia. He went there to discuss the creation of a Palestinian state backed by Saudi and other nations. I just feel like there HAS to be something that's going to come out that's going to fuck over Israel. I think by the end of all this we're gonna see the entire ZOG and what they've done be exposed.
>The central goal of the negotiations, as described by two people with knowledge of the talks, is for an historic agreement featuring the creation of a Palestinian state or territory backed financially by a number of countries including Saudi Arabia, which could put tens of billions of dollars toward the effort.

>You never know about an ally, an ally can turn. You're gonna find that out.



In the near future

Copy and pastin for the

I wish he hate niggers as much as he hates muslimes


Trump loves sucking Israel's cock.

wtf is he doing?


post yfw Trump is literally God's agent to fulfill Revelations and bring about the Ending of Days


Why are the sand people mad about moving it to Jerusalem? Why is this a big issue? Someone red pill this goy


Goodbye, Jews. Getting all the things you want will ultimately destroy you.

bassicaly jerusalem is contested as capital by both state , so the UN etc dont recognise that the capital is owned by israel , so officialy the israely state as no capital for those organisations, palestinians however are recognised to have East-Jérusalem as capital they proclamated and Ramallah as seat for its administration, by doing this trump bassicaly say that it only belong to Israel and go against all of those organisation by recognising it and that palestinians can fuck off by saying its their capital too

Because they want it for their capital and it's one of the big issues preventing anything from getting resolved between Isreal and Palestine.

Having an American president agree with Israel on this is, to much of the Arab world, tantamount to stating that there will be no two-state solution and the side America will be backing in the upcoming war is Israel.

Yess master *braaAAAp* oh yes master please right in my mouth *BRAAAAAP* please master more poo poo *braaAAaaaPP* YES master oh please let me lick the poo poo clean off your agnus master


Did the kikes fucking play me?

Did they realise that by upping the anti on the SJW shit and promoting it hardcore, and then instigating an agent of change in Trump, which would draw support from the moderate left as well as the right, that they could make their final play for total control of Israel with far limited opposition?

Fucking genius if true, maybe they are the chosen people after all.

Hardly antichrist, but we will see what happens with this. I think Kushner himself might be an antichrist figure, using the presidency as a means to grab power.

I don't think Trump is Nimrod 2.0, but antichrist is coming and we will bear witness to his honey-lies before the fall of our humanity and spiritual relationship to God..

Why do people hate the only successful state in the middle east? We should just give the whole subcontinent to isreal

We all know Trump's blue collar supporters care deeply about where Israel's embassy is. That's all they talk about at NASCAR events.


now thats pretty dam funny



>Trump moves embassy to Jerusalem
>Negotiates peace between Israel and Palestine
>Jerusalem becomes neutral city maintained by US peacekeeping force
>Christians reconquer Jerusalem without firing a single shot


All hell is about to break loose

Jerusalem is claimed by both sides, so trump basically just said that the USA no longer believes Palestine will exist.

kill mudshits when?

as if the Arabs give a shit about the Palestinians. Try crossing from Gaza to Egypt you'll get shot. Palestinians are useful as sacrificial martyrs for propaganda value , so other countries can point to their suffering and use it as a tool against Israel. But fuck actually taking in some of these people and easing improving the situation

That's Realpolitik. Believing in stuff is for the plebs.

Also, saying an Israeli is the same as a Jew working for BuzzFeed in NYC are the same thing is just dumb

more like :
>"your governement seats are at Ramallah ? then Ramallah is your fucking capital fuck off from jerusalem , its jew capital"

absolutely retarded
He’s flat out saying that Jerusalem belongs to the Jews you mong

>try crossing from Gaza to Egypt

didnt egypt sent supplies etc to gaza like a month ago ?

They didn't play anbody
Trump was never coy about the amount of circumcised jewish cock he sucked

i hope not. i go there in two weeks

yeah. what's going to happen is the world will turn into a mixed toilet of violent swirling humanity while the jews sit in their fortified technologically advanced ethnostate and clink champagne glasses at total goy enslavement.
trump married off his children to jews. jews control the united states and its instruments of power. what the hell did you people expect? full 1488 trumpenreich? LOL

>"Wtf I love Israel now!"

God damn Sup Forums is so cucked by Trump that they actually support Jews now, the absolute state of this board

The Egyptians don’t have a proper border crossing with Gaza, because doing so would acknowledge HAMAS’s control over the territory and that goes against Egypt’s position of supporting the PO as the only government of Palestine. BS politics that just has innocent people in Gaza suffer as a consequence

I’m retarded

Jews are preferable to their filthy cousins the Arabs. It's like dealing with a Bushman instead of a feral Congolese nigger.

Good. Jerusalem belongs to the Jews. Every single inch of it. Animal devil worshipping muslims bout to get triggered.


>Jews are preferable

what about now ? i heard palestine governement had an accord with hamas so that hamas give control of Gaza to PA , did that happen ?

YEsss suck that kosher cock

>Jews are preferable

This isn't the Sup Forums I know and love.

Not that I’m aware of, but I could be mistaken

Does this matter? Jews have always been greedy and saw it as a capitol, what does this change exactly?

when it come to the middle east desu , i dont mind jews killing muslims , its jews Inside our countries that we need to get rid of , if israel want to wage war with the middle east whatever


Now if we can only get trump to build the temple.

>Palestinians to immediately agree to whatever permanent peace terms make this not happen


Either way , it's less than 2 million people living in some of the most cramped conditions on Earth, basically an open air prison. If every Muslim country took a few thousand of them (Im sure many would happily leave if they could) it would at least make the situation a lot better on the ground

Anyone that says that it's their land and they shouldn't have to leave is basically admitting they care more about sticking it to Israel and using Palestinians as a political pawn or propaganda piece in arguments than the actual people themselves. Quite disingenuous

how mad would the palestinians be if they rebuild the temple of solomon ?

like they are gonna be already mad with this announcement but how more mad would they be ?

I'm going in 2 weeks too, on 12/20


I wish he would stay out of that BS over there and focus on the US.

I so want this to happen. Don't give a fuck about Palestinians and I win no matter what comes of it: Either I get to watch this happen and no prophecies come true, or I get to watch it all come true and eat popcorn. It will be good either way.

Tel Aviv is your capital, so go fuck off there.

We're gonna exterminate your tribe soon Moshe. You know it's going to happen.

Too bad you dumb kikes don't even know where your temple is supposed to be and rather worship the wall of an ancient Roman military fort called fort Antonia.

>I so want this to happen. Don't give a fuck about Palestinians
Fucking dumb burgers don't give a fuck about anyone and constantly fuck the world over and over. This is why you shit scum are gonna get nuked soon and the rest of the world is gonna laugh at you when you are gone. Every day I hope that Kim wakes up on the wrong side of the bed.

There's no book in the Bible called "Revelations" it's the book of "Revelation"



>as if the Arabs give a shit about the Palestinians
But they care about Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa is the 3rd holiest site in Islam
There will be a crescendo...

So Jews just cheated Christians and Muslims out of their holy city? Good job Drumph lol.

And why is this controversial?

He might, but he knows that he can't even hint at that, even to Sup Forums because we never keep quiet about anything.

But at that age he knows, especially if he did New York real estate. They used to call it the Rotten Apple in his heyday.

>Fucking dumb burgers don't give a fuck about anyone and constantly fuck the world over and over for their Jewish masters.


why does this matter? isnt it in israel anyways? I don't get that region

Not all Jews are the same, nor are they all directly linked. Israel/Netanyahu is at odds with George Soros, who is the ultimate enemy of the United States.

I know it's a meme to hate Israel, but give me a million Jews over one filthy Muslim. Judaism has proven to be capable of integrating with the west - Islam has not.


Whole Israel is an occupied territory so their borders change all the time. It's not a real country basically.


Yeah and i swear this isn't how the average north mexican woman looks like

Sup Forums has been compromised since before the election, Trump's retards now defend the jew because MAGA

land changes hands all the time. open a history book



Israel has stolen from us, conducted several national espionage events and stolen our uranium to make their weapons and EVERY TIME one of their own has been arrested someone has been paid off and charges never followed through

jews will genocide you, and the world will be cheering them on

Sounds like you've been out fucking played. u mad?

who isnt mad at jews

Boohoo, that's espionage. That's the game. The only time any spies are prosecuted is if they are combative enemies or nothing to trade back for. Russian spies were well treated to encourage good treatment of our own spies who were caught.

only jews never had one and never will no matter how hard they lie

WIll never happen kike, where do you want me to dump your ashes?


>literally defending jews lying and stealing

Okay, then they can go visit it. Jews have their main holy site there. What difference does it make if the administrative capital of Israel gets moved to the same city, how does that mess with the Dome of the Rock?

All of this is pleb tier. The Saudis are the like the unofficial leaders of Islam yet they will still have no problem doing business with Israel and cooperating with them to fight other Muslims (Iran and their allies).

>Sup Forums defends trump spreading his ass for Jews

More news at 11

at least the arabs make it plain they want to kill you, jews stab you in the back with one hand and shake yours with the other

They kind of do now, dude.

why don't they live there then?

why don't you live in your native land?

>country did bad things to us
>we should just take it like a little bitch because we're fucking retards
how about no

Why the fuck do we care so much about some shitty desert town again?

And no, I'm not religious.


Is this another step closer to the Temple getting rebuilt? Are we truly in the end times? The Illuminati game cards predicted many things so far, and the Bible seems to prophecy about this.