His health is poor, he's a great man. He fought for you. He will be remembered

His health is poor, he's a great man. He fought for you. He will be remembered

Other urls found in this thread:


USN Lieutenant Commander John McCain in
was a Navy pilot (they call themselves aviators). July 29, 1967 while on the deck and in his plane on the carrier U.S.S. Forrestal he managed to screw up procedures (officially denied and covered up by him and the Navy and also even promoted on Wikipedia if you care to look–reason to follow). He did a smart ass punk attention getting trick by doing a “wet start” up of his jet.

Quality shitposting, mate.

Manlet faggot commie islamofascist-enabling filthy traitor.

That goes double for John McCain.

He will be remembered as a faggot

yes we all need to thank this great American hero for his service

>he made tokyo rose recordings for you and got beat up

he sure did

When a pilot wants to be a wise ass or show off, this type of engine start creates a large startling flame and lots of surprise noise from the rear of a jet engine on start up–this was no accident. This and the large subsequent electrical surge and apparent (incorrect and against policy) weapon arming (by the pilot) caused the launching of a powerful Zuni rocket across the carrier’s deck hitting other parked planes (photo below) that were packing 1,000 high-explosive pound bombs. The subsequent massive explosions, fire and destruction went several decks below and nearly sunk this major 82,000 ton U.S. aircraft carrier.

McCain began his early military career when he was commissioned as an ensign and started two and a half years of training at Pensacola to become a naval aviator.[15] While there, he earned a reputation as a man who partied.

McCain began as a sub-par flier[18] who was at times careless and reckless.

His aviation skills improved over time,[18] and he was seen as a good pilot, albeit one who tended to "push the envelope" in his flying.


did he died?

He got cancer from drinking child blood and from transplanted livers, kidneys hearts,lungs..
He fought for the military industrial complex of the kike bankers and globalist kikes.
He will be remembered as a killer of peasants, supporter of muslim terrorism and destroyer of civilization and culture.

why i cant upvote this post????

This stunt and aftermath caused the death of 134 sailors and seriously injure (blow off arms legs, cause blindness and burns to another 161 sailors) and took the ship off the battle line for extensive repairs. Any other Navy pilot causing this type of death and destruction the Navy would have raped him and he would probably still be in the brig. Why not McCain? Well, first with many powerful connections this “little infraction” was covered up by the Navy (our most politically involved/connected service by the way).

You see his grandfather was a famous FOUR STAR Navy admiral and his dad was at the time of the incident was a powerful Navy FOUR STAR admiral and McCain graduated from the Navy Academy. So the old boy Navy tradition cover his ass network went into high gear immediately; and make no mistake, it does exist and it did for him. Even to the point of his ratting-out his fellow prisoners at the Hanoi Hilton

how did this cause the rocket to go off? maybe a virgin manlet handling the rocket got scared by the testosterone levels of mccain and shot out of impulse?

Pastafag why do you even care about this AMERICAN traitor?

THE COMPLETE STORY of the forrestal Disaster with MANY comments supporting the same is at the link below....



I do hope everyone else is doing so.

bumps for justice

How the fuck did I not know about this. (((oh)))

McCains daddy was an Admiral. Otherwise McCain would have been a cook, and still fucked it up somehow.

you forgot this: Given that there’s nothing in the way of proof or hard evidence to contradict the official version of events that led to the USS Forrestal fire that killed 134 sailers, we’re calling claims that John McCain was to blame “fiction.”

jesus christ what a fag go be 52% somewhere else

He gave our air tactics to the enemy including the hight or planes fly
He got our pilots killed
Here is selfish and evil which is why the Jews like him so much

>He escaped from his burning jet and was trying to help another pilot escape when a bomb exploded;[28] McCain was struck in the legs and chest by fragments.

>He was flying his 23rd bombing mission over Hanoi in North Vietnam when his A-4E Skyhawk was shot down by a missile.[34][35] McCain fractured both arms and a leg when he ejected from the aircraft,[36] and nearly drowned after he parachuted into Trúc Bạch Lake.[34] Some North Vietnamese pulled him ashore, then others crushed his shoulder with a rifle butt and bayoneted him.[34]

>McCain spent six weeks in the hospital, where he received marginal care.[34] He had lost 50 pounds (23 kg), was in a chest cast, and his gray hair had turned as white as snow

>Beginning in August 1968, McCain was subjected to a program of severe torture.[46] He was bound and beaten every two hours; this punishment occurred at the same time that he was suffering from dysentery.[34][46] Further injuries led McCain to attempt suicide, which was stopped by guards.

>In 1976, he became commanding officer of a training squadron that was stationed in Florida.[58][61] He improved the unit's flight readiness and safety records,[62] and won the squadron its first-ever Meritorious Unit Commendation.



ok buddy, source?

Cue the benny hill theme music

He was the boy of a Treasonous Admiral...

A Fuck-Up, a stooge, bottom of his class.

The only reason he got into West-Point was his Admiral Daddy...


None of that is true.
Stop listening to bullshit people say on the internet.

it's all true, his jew-loving traitor father covered up the USS liberty

>Stop listening to bullshit people say on the internet.
yea ok i'll start by not listening to your bullshit.

his fellows in uniform call him Songbird McCain for a reason

So did mccain kill people with a jet by doing stupid shit or not? this thread is misleading and I am going to do ZERO research.

Dear Charlie AA gunners,
Here is the airspeed my fellow pilots fly at. We are taught to bank left so heres a spreadsheet of how far to lead the target based on altitude.

ok then i will start by listening to YOUR bullshit

The man is a hero.

It's a shame that he is spending the last years of his life being such a fucking faggot. He is ruining his legacy.

there is this thing going around about him fucking up prime time but there are zero sources, someone wrote it on the internet and some faggots don't know how sources work

>did not do stupid shit


His son's a nigger fucker. I guess that's karma for being such a faggot the last 20 years of your life.

Ask about his first wife. Guy is POS from top to bottom, Vietnam aside.

you won't let them in cause you know you'll get blown the fuck out.

it doesn't even fucking look like him.

I wanna sage this thread too

she a cutie though

For the love of God and all that is Holy....WHEN WILL THIS PIECE OF SHIT EVER DIE!!!!!!!
Damn the guy "lost" two navy jets before ever even getting to Vietnam.
The rumor is that over Vietnam his wing "left him out to dry" on a mission and he was shot down.
What kind of asshole do you have to be for that to happen? If true that is..........

'So basically, you couldn't get a White woman,' one Twitter user wrote in response to McCain's tweet.


Looking back, I am so glad this dude was never President. Knowing what you know now?
I like War Heroes who didn't get captured.

So we just say things now and they are true?

"wet start" (google it) causes large flames to shoot out the back of the jet.
it is thought that the flames/heat ignited the rocket motor.

>So did mccain kill people with a jet by doing stupid shit or not?

One of the guys on the flight deck had a big website exposing all this shit back in 2008 when he ran for president. Some shit I recall:

He was an absolute fuckup of a pilot. Crashed 3 jets in training. Bottom of his class. Got shot down because he disobeyed orders and was hit by AA (NOT SAMs) flying too low for the mission.

He also failed to follow ejection protocol by "tucking in" and broke both legs and one arm. He was slapped around by villagers who pulled him out of a river.

He was treated like a king by the NVA and offered early release, but his higher up (also captured and imprisoned with him) threatened him with court marshall when they got home if he didn't serve his term in Hanoi like the rest of the boys.

>>Stop listening to bullshit people say on the internet.
>yea ok i'll start by not listening to your bullshit.

He will be remembered as a cuck who sold out to the deep state for some shekels.

Zogbots never did anything for anyone. Fuck 'em.

The Songbird of Saigon? I'm sure his fellow soldiers will be eager to see him get his day of judgement.

You can't lie to the dead.

so "it is thought" means I have no proof for it i read it on the internet 15 min ago?

Sage doesn't work on Sup Forums newfag

Something highly dubious in his visage even back then.

Military bases should not talk.


He sang like a bird in the Hanoi Hilton and got hundreds of men killed. I hope he enjoys his brain cancer.

i will remember as the loser he was

loser pow....loser against obongo



will go in history as a Traitor to American people and will die with ankle bracelet on his leg! FUCK THAT SCUMBAG!

He rolled over faster than I do after getting laid when the ho wanna cuddle. Fuck that brain damaged nigger.

Fuck that traitor and fuck you too pasta nigger

Wow, I didn't realize he used to be such a Chad. What happened? Was it all the torture?

Fuck, look at that neck.

How far he's fallen...

And a traitor.

if the figures coincide, he will die in terrible agony.

Time's Person of the Year

They forgot about McCain


Posting S too spit on his grave.
It can't come soon enough for this trash

John McCain? Are you talking about the John McCain that voted against healthcare? That John McCain?

I said "in a terrible agony"

Takes intentionally slow piss on grave

oh shit nigger

may be easy death and then endless torment in hell?

>He will be remembered
As a reverse-ace. He is the deadliest soldier the Vietcong ever had.

No communist killed more Americans than McCain did when he blew up the USS Forrestal.

surrender, it seems that Satan will personally take his soul.

>BREAKING NEWS: Russian agents found trying to manipulate meme magic on alternative right message board to murder U.S. senator John McCain. The message board has had deep ties to President Trump since the 2016 election ...

Stop getting my hopes up this globalist kike is still alive

Who became a selfish, egocentric old man. Jealous and petty believing his own myth. Bitter, lost his way blinded by greed, he became stupid. Needs to gain some respect and honor by stepping down and spending his last few (and I mean very few) months with his family.


his corruption and dishonor for the senate and prezidend in the political portion of his life is a travesty

it will come out, and he will be judged as such...

"He fought for me before he fought against me..."

so what is really going to happen to him?
where does he go after they remove his brain?
do they transplant it into another human?

Incurable death via diagnosis. Fast growing, lethal cancer. Notice daughter upped her wedding date. Son of bitch voted against my getting decent health care and my ticker has been bad since birth. Bastard voted to shorten my life span, his disgraceful behavior to our country, have a dose of the same John.