Why this Supreme Court is Important as an Asexual American

It's important because our people have been socially ostracized for a long time and this case is a way for the Federal Judicial Branch to come down against LGBT discrimination. You got the President shit-talking LGBT, and congress not protecting LGBT, so it means a lot for the judicial branch to be pro-LGBT


fuck you fag

Shut up!

That's gay as fuck, man.

Fuck off faggot

If its your establishment you have the right to refuse service to anyone plain and simple

They can get another faggot to bake them a cake


why don't you go ask some muslims to bake you a cake and quit picking on Christians faggot. see how far you get

Colorado state law doesn't magically exempt Muslims from the same rules. As long as these laws are generally applicable and applied neutrally, they are 100% constitutional. Christians have been picking on gays for thousands of years and are finally getting called out on it.

Rommi Elsabagh on Youtube Live


these two fruits picked this bakery on purpose knowing that the owners were christian.
the owner should have smiled and made them the cake and laced it with something that causes necrotizing fasciitis.
just two troublemaking faggots.

The Civil Rights Act only protects you from discrimination based on traits such as color, ethnicity, race, gender, etc.
The business owner reserves the right to refuse service to anyone as long as he is not doing it based on discrimination of race, gender, etc.
You're not going to win this, now or ever. Remember : Gay flags, burn with the fags

This case isn't about the Civil Rights Act. Colorado law explicitly protects sexual orientation.

>Why this Supreme Court is Important as an Asexual American


>our people

Muslims throw gays off of roofs, and you queers are more concerned with christians hurting your feelies.

Yes, and the first amendment provides for freedom of speech and association. Go start a faggot bakery if you're so interested in the topic. I'm sure there's a big demand for dick cakes after you faggots flooded in from California.

>Muslims throw gays off of roofs,

So like do you reproduce via budding or fission?

sage faggot

My personal fave.

But these faggots are still crying over CAKE lol
Because not getting a cake baked for your fag wedding is WAAAAAY worse than getting thrown off of a roof.

In the U.S., there's an old gay slur 'cake boy'. It's now becoming hilariously relevant again.

Via anus looks like it. Lol


Rommi Elsabagh Youtube Live

>As an asexual American
Cool shit, what's your medical condition? Kleinfelter? Got testicles in your pussy? What's the haps

Don't say cis or cishet, say normal.

living in the past is a great way to show you have the IQ of a nigger, but I wouldn't expect someone who puts shit on their dick to be very intelligent.

>My personal fave.
I bet that fagg is hoping for a dick waiting for his ass on the ground, lol

>In the U.S., there's an old gay slur 'cake boy'. It's now becoming hilariously relevant again.
>'cake boy'

asexual is mentally ill

This, OP.

I hope you know, none of us believe that 'asexual' bullshit. We all know you fantasize about one or the other. Fuck what you claim.

I think asexual means that it doesn't identify as a boy or a girl. I don't think it has anything to do with attraction.

Asexual literally just means you gave up. You can't even fulfill your most basic function.

Q: Guess who has the highest number of suicides.
A: Members of the LGBTQ community.


lol that just shows how inconsistent they are with their own broken rhetoric.

I've been told by a supposed 'asexual' that they simply don't feel attraction.

Again, that would be classified under mental illness. The kind in which the capacity for human empathy and connection is absent. That's called autism.